Rev  A Brandram No.16

Madrid 10th April 1848

My Dear Friend,

My last letter give you a hint of our troubles here. Many were killed on the night of the 26th and a great number were wounded. Among the former was one Englishman of the Society of Friends lately come here, and among the latter Mrs. Colonel Stopford's waiting maid, who had one of her ankles shattered by three balls. Amputation had to take place, and she is not yet out of immediate danger. I was nearly being caught in the midst of this affray, as I generally go on the Sunday evening to read Prayers in the American Ambassador's house, which would both in going and coming have exposed me. But I was warned in time and did not go out. This is another of the many preservations God has vouchsafed me in the midst of dangers, and blessed be his name for all these mercies.

Did you write me between the 7th January and the 9th February? I have no letter between. I wish we could return again to our numbering, as it is always satisfactory to know with certainty whether all letters come to hand or not. I may here acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 6thMarch, and of Mr. Jackson's of the 27th.

You ask in your letter of the 22nd February whether I saw Mr. Brackenbury our Consul at Cadiz. I did see him, and thought him cold, especially considering the letters of introduction I sent him, and I thought the best thing I could say of him was, nothing. The Downing Street incubus no doubt was upon him, but yet he might have been as friendly as the Marks in Malaga who are officially under the same.

Pray did you get the parcel containing the two cushions from Barbary, and the Hebrew Pentateuch from Gibraltar? It was sent from Cadiz by the Packet of the 27th December, which carried a letter of the same date. I may here mention a curious little coincidence. Right opposite the door of my lodging is a "European Bookseller's," and lately there has been stuck up an advertisement banner in large letters "La Bible en Espagne, par George Borrow." It seems this work has been translated into French, and has come to travel here also, and over again, whether for good or evil I know not.

I cannot help congratulating you, and the country, on the elevation of the Bishop of Chester to the Archepiscopal See of Canterbury, as you have noticed to me. May God bless him there and make him a blessing.

In regard to a Summer extensive Tour. What I contemplate, and wish your opinion of, is the following. To go first to San Sebastian, where through friends in that place I should try to get the Gospel of Luke in the Basque language printed, the revision of which has just been completed by the Translator. There are four Basque provinces in Spain, beside what is in France, and in these the major part of the people speak only this tongue. San Sebastian is in one of them.

You will perhaps recollect that I wrote to you formerly about establishing a place of sale on the French side of the River Bidasoa which divides France and Spain. That object I would try to get arranged. Also in that place might be printed with security our Basque volume, should we fail of doing it in San Sebastian. The French call their side of the of the town Behovie, the Spaniards theirs and both Behovia. Now our Books would carry being printed in Behovia, which all the Basque people would consider their own Behovia. In the same manner there, and through the same happy use of the word, we might perhaps print, if judged desirable, the Spanish New Testament. Our printing and paper manufacturing friends in San Sebastian could probably manage these matters for us, for our advantage and their own.

From Behovia I would think of going to Bayonne to arrange about our Spanish Books which should be sent to that place, either from London or Paris. From that port I could sail to different ports on the northwest coast of Spain, and take on each occasion a supply of Bibles and Testaments, and have them landed as part of my luggage.

Further, on this tour, I should like to go Eastward from Bayonne, zig-zagging the Pyrenean Ridge, so as to avail myself of the opportunities that should offer for entering our Books from France into Spain, for which we would need to have supplies in Toulouse and some other French towns. On this course I would make a special point of paying a visit to a small independent republic which has long existed in the Pyrenean mountains. Its name is Andorra, and by a geographical work now before me published this same year, its inhabitants are stated to amount to 15,000, of which 2000 are in the capital of the same name. This little nation is under the protection, I had nearly said of the crown of France, but say in things civil, and ecclesiastically it is part of a diocese of Spain. Now there I should think we might print, and sell, and do what we liked. At all events the place should be visited to see what could be done there in all our work. Lastly, I would go into Catalonia which lies still further Eastward, and extends to the end of the Ridge, and then would visit Barcelona. I would have the Catalonian New Testament particularly under my attention in that quarter.

All this, and less, would make an ample summer tour. What I have given is a mere sketch and outline, and to be filled up more or less as things should appear when in the several places, and as time might permit. I may add, that all this plan is in full accordance with Mr. Usoz's views. We now therefore wait to learn what are yours, as to the whole, and the parts severally.

In regard to the Letter of Credit about which I wrote to Mr. Hitchin, I would observe, that hitherto I have not stood in need of such a document, as in all those parts where I travel there were remittances to be made to England, and I always found parties both ready to trust me, and glad of my Bills. I took out indeed a Letter of Credit to the West Indies for £200, but I never made any use of it, and tore it up at the end of my Seven Years Tour in that quarter. Here there are not remittances of the same sort, and business has to be done with Banks. My first Bill here was drawn in the Union Bank where the chief officer was my particular friend, and hence I found no difficulty. But that bank has broken up, or rather down, and I am obliged to go elsewhere. Mr. O'Shea's Bank is the only other place I can go to, and though I drew my last Bill there in my usual way, it was intimated to me, that through a Letter of Credit was the regular way of doing business. Hence my application for the same. You are aware that the having a Letter of Credit does not imply the immediate drawing f the sum mentioned in it, nor even the drawing of any part of it, for in the West Indies, as I have said, I did not drawn on it at all. Sums are drawn on it from time to time, and as they are drawn, they are advised in England to the house where the letter was procured, and then, and not till then, they will be charged to your account. There is an advantage in having such a letter, as it enables one to draw any small sums, say £10 or £20 at a time, instead of what has been usual with me in Bills of £50. When I wrote I had in view a little journey to see a friendly Priest, and as I am about out on my travelling score, I said I might have occasion to draw soon on it, and from thus noticing the subject I extended to more general and distant travelling. I have now however given up that little journey, owing to the peculiar state of things here at present. A month hence will be quite in time for me to receive this Letter of Credit; and I may observe that my needed of it is not dependent on my travelling, for I shall have to draw whether I travel or not. I have made inquiry since I wrote Mr. Hitchin, and find that any of the City Banks will do as well as Coutt's, though that is the one O'Shea's Bank here is more immediately connected with.

Mr. Jackson's letter of the 4th instant has come in whilst I was writing.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

16 Harpur Street

 19th Jan. 1850

Dear Sir,

            Shall a basket be offered for me from Southampton (the purport of the letter I have just recd. though you), please direct the party to deliver it here, or if this cannot be done send it by the parcel waggon.

            I now put in my petition for the 12 Spanish Bibles in 8vo for Dr. Gomez of Lisbon, and say also 6 ditto 12mo, further one in 8vo for Mr Roughton.

            This petition you will please present on Monday.

                                    Yours Truly,

                                                James Thomson.

P.S. Please to arrange soon as to the list I left with you, and set apart for me the additional Bibles or Test. that may have been published by the Society in Spanish, and not found on the list.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev A. Brandram

16 Harpur Street, Red Lion Square

18th March 1850

My Dear Friend,

I have the pleasure of sending you a translation of a very interesting communication which I have recently received her from Granada in Spain. It is as follows: –

"Granada, 11th February 1850.

On Sunday last, twelve persons of this place, met together, in the house of -----------, of whom ten of us where Católicos netos (say, unprejudiced Catholics), and two were disbelievers. We discussed the doctrines contained in numbers two and three of Catolicismo Neto (Purified Catholicism), which had been read by all of us, and it was proposed, that, seeing these doctrines were conformable throughout with the spirit of the gospel, and most conducive to the temporal and eternal happiness of mankind, as also to the good order of society, they be adopted, and in good faith, by all the individuals of the meeting, and it was so resolved unanimously, including the two who at the commencement of the meeting were unbelievers.

Also it was resolved, that the individuals forming this meeting should use strenuous efforts to diffuse the knowledge of these doctrines among their friends and neighbours through every means consistent with prudence, and also that they should recommend the reading of the Bible to all classes of our people.

In our meeting we discussed likewise, and severely reprobated, the Jesuitical, anti- evangelical, and inquisitorial conduct of our generally demoralized and ignorant clergy; and also, the repeated prohibitions of our Bishops in regard to the circulation among us of the Holy Scriptures, and the unjust persecution of those who diffuse them, and those who read them. Likewise, the Jesuitical policy of the Pope was reprobated in regard to the same matter.

Further, it was resolved, that Don José Vasquez should be specially requested to write to his friend and correspondent in London, Dr. Thomson, begging him, in the name of all the members of this meeting, to give their best thanks to the philanthropic Bible Society of England, for their efforts and sacrifices to diffuse the word of God in all the world, and especially for their endeavours on behalf of Spain. Also, that he should request Dr. Thomson to use his good offices with the Society to procure for us a supply of New Testaments of a common edition, but with a clear type, for distribution among the poor in Granada.

At the meeting various discourses were delivered on the above-mentioned subjects, that ought to be printed had we liberty to do so."

In conformity with request here conveyed to me, I would suggest, that a grant should be made for the purpose mentioned of 60 Spanish Testaments of Scío's translation, in 12mo, and 40 of the 8vo edition. They can be sent to Gibraltar, and I shall then use the best means I can devise for getting them into Malaga and to Granada.

We have in Granada a field and friends of an ample extent, so I believe, we have all over Spain. Would to God the restrictions to the entrance of the Scriptures into the country and the printing of them were removed! Let this be our constant prayer in regard to poor Spain.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Friend,

                                    Very Truly Yours,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Mr. Hitchin.

16 Harpur Street

10th April 1850

My dear Sir,

            I now give directions respecting the 60 duodecimo, and the 40 octavo Spanish New Testaments of voted for me.

            I would beg that they may be made up into separate parcels of five in each, and addressed "W. P. Mark Esq., H. B. Consul, Malaga."

            On the left-hand corner below of each parcel please to write the word Scio.

            Thus arranged you can forward the books by any ship to Gibraltar addressed to our friend Mr. Bracebridge, desiring him to place them free of expense in the hands of Messrs. Francia Brothers. I enclose a letter for that house, which you will please to forward in your letter to Mr. Bracebridge

            I remain,

                        Yours Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev G. Browne

16 Harpur Street

            18th Nov.1850

My Dear Friend,

            I beg leave to petition for 1,000 octavo Spanish New Testaments, to be placed at the disposal of my esteemed friend Mr. Saviñon, who wishes for them, and who will use, I doubt not, all due means for their useful circulation in his native country.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Friend,

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

16 Harpur Street, October 17th 1851

Dear Sir,

            Please to send me here, this evening, 5 Spanish Bibles 8vo and 10 Sp. Test.

                        Yours Truly

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev G. Brown

Earl Street, 5th January 1852

My Dear Friend,

            Please to let me have Five Spanish Bibles and Ten Testaments as a Grant in favour of my poor Spaniards.

            I think you have not sent yet a copy of your Modern Greek Bible to the Propagation Society. They will be glad to receive one.

            Yours Very Truly

                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

16 Harpur Street

29th April 1852

My Dear Mr Knolleke,

            I have only one Spanish Bible remaining and no Testaments. Please to plead for 5 of the former and 10 of the latter for me the first opportunity that offers, as I may need them early.

            Yours Truly,

                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

16 Harpur Street

7th February 1853

My Dear Friend,

            I have recently received a letter from Aranjuez in Spain, where zealous Bible friend resides, and who uses every means for putting the Scriptures into profitable use. He wishes a supply of small Bibles, and small Testaments, and also copies of the Acts and Isaiah. I would recommend the 20 copies of each should in the mean time be granted to him, with encouragement to ask more.

            I would seize this opportunity of suggesting the propriety of the Society printing a 32mo Spanish Testament, as it is the volume most in demand, but the high price of it hinders proper supplies being either granted or asked for.

            I remain,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev. G. Browne

P.S. It is wished that the parcel containing the boxes be sent to Mr. Adie's Optician Strand, to be sent by him as he can to W. Greene Esq., Aranjuez, Spain.

AuthorBill Mitchell

6 Red Lion Square

13th June 1853

My Dear Friend,

            I received the other day a letter from the South of Spain from a gentleman whom I well know personally, and who holds the situation of Professor in one of the Universities there. He is very zealous in circulating the Scriptures among his countrymen. At this period of the year he has four months of vacations, and all this time he is willing and anxious to employ in visiting all the larger towns in the South of Spain in order to circulate the Scriptures there, and other religious books. I have engaged him him in this service, and guarantee him the expenses of the journey from funds at my disposal. My request to you is for a supply of Books, and the following kinds and quantities are required: namely,

50 Small Bibles

300 New Testaments 12mo

300 Luke and Acts

300 Isaiah, &c.

            As these must be sent off on the 15th or 16th instant by the Peninsular Steamer you will much oblige me if you will at once order them, and direct that they may be shipped accordingly, and consigned to Messrs. Francia Brothers, Gibraltar. An invoice of course will be sent to that house, but I beg you to favour me with a copy of the same that I may send it to my friend, and that I may know what Books are sent.

As I am exceedingly anxious that the books may be sent off at the time mentioned, you will do me a particular favour  by an early note to say they will be so sent, and thus I will be enabled early to apprise my friend on the subject.           

                        Yours  Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev. George Browne

AuthorBill Mitchell