16 Harpur Street

7th February 1853

My Dear Friend,

            I have recently received a letter from Aranjuez in Spain, where zealous Bible friend resides, and who uses every means for putting the Scriptures into profitable use. He wishes a supply of small Bibles, and small Testaments, and also copies of the Acts and Isaiah. I would recommend the 20 copies of each should in the mean time be granted to him, with encouragement to ask more.

            I would seize this opportunity of suggesting the propriety of the Society printing a 32mo Spanish Testament, as it is the volume most in demand, but the high price of it hinders proper supplies being either granted or asked for.

            I remain,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev. G. Browne

P.S. It is wished that the parcel containing the boxes be sent to Mr. Adie's Optician Strand, to be sent by him as he can to W. Greene Esq., Aranjuez, Spain.

AuthorBill Mitchell