6 Red Lion Square

13th June 1853

My Dear Friend,

            I received the other day a letter from the South of Spain from a gentleman whom I well know personally, and who holds the situation of Professor in one of the Universities there. He is very zealous in circulating the Scriptures among his countrymen. At this period of the year he has four months of vacations, and all this time he is willing and anxious to employ in visiting all the larger towns in the South of Spain in order to circulate the Scriptures there, and other religious books. I have engaged him him in this service, and guarantee him the expenses of the journey from funds at my disposal. My request to you is for a supply of Books, and the following kinds and quantities are required: namely,

50 Small Bibles

300 New Testaments 12mo

300 Luke and Acts

300 Isaiah, &c.

            As these must be sent off on the 15th or 16th instant by the Peninsular Steamer you will much oblige me if you will at once order them, and direct that they may be shipped accordingly, and consigned to Messrs. Francia Brothers, Gibraltar. An invoice of course will be sent to that house, but I beg you to favour me with a copy of the same that I may send it to my friend, and that I may know what Books are sent.

As I am exceedingly anxious that the books may be sent off at the time mentioned, you will do me a particular favour  by an early note to say they will be so sent, and thus I will be enabled early to apprise my friend on the subject.           

                        Yours  Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev. George Browne

AuthorBill Mitchell