Rev A Brandram - No 114

Montreal, 22nd January 1842

My Dear Friend,

Time is running on, the winter advances, and by and by Spring will be at hand. Permit me then to trespass a little on your attention in regard to my prospective movements.

My medical studies will close at the end of April. But the proper certificate of my attendance on these, with the necessary authority to act on them, if attainable by me at all, cannot be had till the 24th of May, that being the day fixed by the statutes of the College for the same. I would humbly propose therefore that I should leave this city for Toronto in the end of April, so as to be present at the Annual Meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society which is held on the first Wednesday of  May, the day on which you yourselves meet. I would therefore propose the visiting of several societies between Toronto and this on my way back so as to occupy the first three weeks of May, returning here, as above hinted, by the 24th. Please to say if this meets with your approbation.

After the 24th of May I would be in entire readiness to leave this quarter, and to proceed direct to whatever place you may wish. Be so good therefore as say, whether I should go home on a visit to England, go forthwith to Mexico, or go previously to some part or parts of the West Indies. I express no wishes of my own, I know not which of these three is the best, though perhaps going direct to Mexico would be so; I wait in prayer to learn the course of Providence by your Resolution and Letter.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Friend,

                                    Truly and Affectionately Yours,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell