To the Committee of the

B. & F. Bible Society

London 6 February 1826


When you did me the honour, about two months ago, to express your wish, that I should become a permanent Agent of your Society, I signified, that my other arrangements in South America would not allow me to accept of the honour you wish to confer upon me. At the same time I mentioned that my plans were not been finally arranged, and I was in consequence requested to consider the matter until I had made up my mind as to my intended operations on returning to South America.

I have, during this interval, maturely considered your proposal, in connection with other plans of usefulness in that country. I have earnestly besought the Lord to guide me to what is his holy will, and to what might prove most advantageous to that continent. After this deliberate consideration and earnest supplication, it appears to be my duty to adhere to my first intentions, and thus to decline the honourable situation offered me by the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Whilst however I declined becoming the agent of the Bible Society as my main object, I shall ever deem it a sacred duty to forward in every possible way the circulation of the Holy Scriptures in South America; and I accordingly beg of the society to call upon me for this purpose as occasion may offer, and with all freedom. I have a person in view, who I think would suit the Society as an agent for that country. He is a pious man, speaks the Spanish language, and has been in South America. I beg leave to recommend this individual to your notice for this work; and if you wish it, I shall speak to him upon the subject.

Gentlemen, my warmest prayers are for the prosperity of your Society. May wisdom and strength be given to you, and may your path the altogether glorious.

            I remain,


                                    With Great Respect,

                                                Your Most Obedient Servant,

                                                            James Thomson.


AuthorBill Mitchell