Rev A Brandram 

Edinburgh, 7th May 1845

 My Dear Friend,

            I now sit down to write you my first official letter from this new field of my travels, and in doing it I am reminded, that on your annual day last year I wrote you from a far foreign land, from Peto in Yucatán; & again I am reminded of God's merciful goodness to me in my then very poor state of health, his conducting me safely through that country to the coast borne for 300 miles on the shoulders of strangers, thence to Belize which is British ground, and thence again to New York, to Dover and London: again and further, for his restoring me to health, and in employing me in Bible work in my native country, and now in this very city from whence I started 27 years ago to visit and wander in foreign lands.

            Pray forgive this reminiscence, or rather the mentioning of it to you in an official letter. But I have an impression on my mind, and the same has often comforted me at great distances and in difficulties, namely, that yourself with the Committee have a kindly sympathy with your out labourers, that you rejoice and weep with them, and pray for them: and well it becomes us as diffusers of the Bible among our fellow creatures, to promote, extend and deepen all those blessed feelings of Christian charity and affection which the holy book we circulate recommends as the highest and best of gospel virtues.

            And now to business. It is about a month since I arrived in this city. The greater part of that time I have spent here, but have also during it paid two visits to Glasgow. I regret, I may say, my detention here, but yet believe that it has not been longer than necessary, and further believe that some more time might yet be spent here with profit to our general object. And with this understanding, though I leave this place tomorrow for Glasgow, I purpose afterwards to return to it, and to remain a few days in order to fully to complete the visitation. By way of strengthening my views in regard to the time occupied here, I may state that our good and worthy friend Dr. Paterson more than accords with me on the subject, and even thinks the time given to Edinburgh should be longer than I propose.

            My time has been occupied in a good measure in making private calls on former and present friends of our Society, and in explaining to them our present position and operations, and the present position of the world as to the want and need of the Bible. These representations have been coupled with kindly solicitations made to all for sympathy with us in our work, for their prayers, and their cooperation, and aid.

            Again, we have had several small meetings in the shape of Bible Society evening parties, and otherwise, and in these the same or similar representations and solicitations have been made.

            Finally, we held, two days ago a public meeting called by advertisements. The attendance was not numerous, partly because there were other public meetings held at the same time in this busy season, and partly because it was held during the day when the great many are entangled in their necessary occupations. We had with us one of the Ministers of the Established Church, and two of the Free Church body. These latter were our old and steady friend the Rev. Henry Grey, and the well known and valued Bombay Missionary the Rev. Dr. Wilson. Our old and worthy friends the Rev. Dr. John Brown and the Rev. William Innes were likewise with us. Also we had in our company Ministers representing the Episcopal Church, the Secession, and the Independents.

             We have hopes that good has been done, and have tried to avoid evil. We think that a good supply of your forthcoming Report would be of service, that we might distribute them among those who are friendly for their own use, and to show to those half friendly or less so, in order that they might see the quantity of seed sown, and also the sheaves that are already come in. 200 copies are wished for, and we beg you will be kind enough to arrange for us accordingly. But to this number I would add what may be required for Glasgow, and other places I may visit, say 300 more, in all 500 copies. Your note of the 5th has just come to hand. I observed the demur of the Committee on the subject I noticed to you; and probably your view of the matter is better than mine.

I hope to hear that you have had a very gratifying meeting today.

             I remain, My Dear Friend,

                         Yours Very Truly,

                                     James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram

Stirling, 11th June 1845

My Dear Friend,

I have the pleasure of communicating to you, on the present occasion, better news than heretofore since my arrival in Scotland. You will probably your having at times sallied forth out of London when the dense fog lay on it, and that in getting into the country all was clear. Something of this nature I have experienced since I last wrote you. "Auld Reekie"[1] is still, as you have seen, reekie, but I rejoice to say, that I have found comparatively little of this smoke in the country. Things look greatly better, and Scotland may yet be expected to return to us. I have been now just one fortnight in the country parts, and it is from what I have thus seen that I speak, and in the hope that onwards as I move I may meet with such reception and encouragement as thus far I have experienced. And now I come to details that you may see on what ground my hopes are founded.

On Tuesday the 27th ultimo I left Edinburgh, and came to Dunfermline. I had previously written, half at a venture, to a minister of the United Secession Church, saying that I was coming, and what was my office, and my business. Whom should my letter have lighted upon, but an active member of Committee of a branch of the Edinburgh B.S. This gentleman received me courteously, and kindly lodged me during my stay in that place. I found him very friendly to us, and he regretted both the past and present feelings of the capital, and stated to me his intention Committee meeting to propose a vote of this approbation of  The Warning, which should be remitted to the Edinburgh B.S. Others I called upon there spoke in a like friendly manner. Nevertheless, they thought it more prudent for the present not to have a public meeting, nor to make special attempts to form a society auxiliary to ours. At the same time some individuals will gather subscriptions for us, and thus the way will be prepared for our making future and more formal efforts. The society there which stand still on our list, has long ago been extinct, and should have its name erased from the Annual Report.

Linlithgow was the next place I visited. The society standing there on our list, should also be erased, for it ceased in 1826 to be connected with us, and has been extinct altogether as a Bible Society ever since 1829. That town and county I thus found quite unoccupied by the Edinburgh B.S. and several individuals were found desirous of having a new society formed and in connection with you. Arrangements where accordingly made for carrying this into effect at a public meeting on the Tuesday following

from Linlithgow I proceeded to Falkirk. The Minister of this Parish is a member of the Committee of a branch of the Edinburgh B.S. but nevertheless he received me in a very friendly manner, and spoke highly of our Institution, and disapproved much of the Edinburgh break out. He offered me his church for the Sunday evening following, that I might give an address and make a collection for you.

The Minister of the Relief Church I found unconnected with the Edinburgh B.S. and most desirous of seeing something done in the place in connection with you. So also I found the United Secession Ministers. For that arrangements were made that I should deliver a discourse, and make a collection in the forenoon of the Sunday above referred to in the First U.S.C and  in the afternoon in the Relief Church. With these preparations made I left Falkirk on the Friday for Stirling to return for the three Sunday services above indicated.

In Stirling we have many friends, and our Auxiliary there has never cease to exist. You have put in, in the Report, in parenthesis, under the Society "Instituted 1827." Please to drop this in future, as it has no suitable application. In that year the great body of our Auxiliary broke off, and with some nefariousness, but still our friends stood firm, and continued as our Auxiliary and would not therefore be instituted in 1827. Our friend Dr. Paterson, on a visit to this place when I was in Edinburgh gave intimation of my coming; and accordingly it was arranged that they would hold their Annual Meeting when I came. A Committee meeting was held on the Saturday forenoon with this view, and necessary preparations were accorded for a public meeting on the Thursday following, and also for an assemblage of Ladies on the succeeding day, to form a Ladies Bible Association.

Things being thus prepared for operations on the following week in Stirling, I returned on the Saturday afternoon to Falkirk, to fulfill the previous arrangements entered into for the Sunday. Our audiences were fair at the three services, and our collections amounted to £9:4:6. This is the first immediate fruit of my visit here, but having got into this mode of gathering a little fruit, I intend to pursue the opening thus presented. These meetings produced some fruit also in another way, as they give me opportunities [to state] the mode, and the purity, and the extent of our operations. The Ministers of the three churches referred to, intimated to me beforehand, that owing to previous collections, etc., I should not expect large amounts. I said in reply, that the testimony of a good feeling towards us in any sum however small would be very acceptable.

On the Monday some friends met to make arrangements for the formation of the Bible Society, and it was agreed that a public meeting should be held for this object on the succeeding Monday, at which I promised to attend.

On the Tuesday I went to Linlithgow, agreeable to my engagement. The weather proved very unfavourable, and our meeting was rather a failure. But to make amends for this, I promised to return on the following Tuesday, which I could easily do, having to be in Falkirk on the day preceding.

On the Wednesday I went again to Stirling, and on the Thursday we had our annual meeting, which considering the very unfavourable weather, was well attended, and proved satisfactory to all. On the Friday we held our Ladies meeting under still more unfavourable weather, and so the number present was not great, yet our object was considered as fully gained in the formation of a Ladies Association.

On the afternoon of the same day (Friday) I went to Alloa. Here, on a second occasion, I was kindly received and lodged by a member of the Committee of the Edinburgh Branch B.S.  This gentleman is a Minister of the U.S. Church, and though he would not subscribe it to all you have done in your 41 years' career, he has towards you a kind and generous feeling, and wishes you God speed in his heart. He allowed me on Sunday evening to deliver a discourse in his church, and to make a collection for you. This I accordingly did, and got a little tribute of goodwill amounting to 30/-.  We should probably have had more but for a public sermon and collection being made at Clackmannan, one and a half miles off, by Mr. Winslow of Leamington, which had been announced before I came, and to which several had compromised themselves to go.

The parish Minister of Alloa, though a member of the Committee of the Edinburgh Branch B.S. gave me a favourable reception, and expressed cordiality of feeling with your Society. He offered me his church when I should return: and in the afternoon when I attended his service, he not only gave out our notice, but also prayed for your Society, and your agent; and in the evening he attended our meetings, held in a dissenting place of worship.

On the Monday I went to Falkirk, and our meeting for forming a Bible Society as before noticed, was held in the evening. The Society was accordingly formed, and the approbation and encouragement of all the Ministers of the place, except one.

Next day I went according to agreement to Linlithgow. In the evening our meeting was held, and was much better attended than on the former occasion. Our Society was duly formed, and for the town and country of Linlithgow. Not all the Ministers are with us, but none of them act against us, while those friendly are warm in our favour.

Today I returned once more Stirling, taking it on my way to Perth, in which place I purpose to be tomorrow, and from thence to visit Dunkeld, where we have a little society still in connection with us, for though a small place, I would not leave unvisited any of our old and permanent friends. Afterwards, I go to Dundee where our best friend Dr. Paterson now is, and ready to use all his exertions and influence on our behalf. Montrose and Aberdeen will come next in succession.

After what I have now detailed to you of my fortnight's operations, I need hardly say, that the despondency as to Scotland, etc., and our work on it, which was upon me in and on leaving Edinburgh is now removed, and I go on my way rejoicing. I meet with official and personal kindness, and have been boarded and lodged free, with the exception of one night, since I left Edinburgh. Besides, as you see I am beginning to gather some figs from our Thistles here, and the first fruits I now send to Mr. Hitchin, in the shape of £10:14:6.

I may say besides and further, that I do not feel under any obligation or disposition now to follow your counsels and my own views agreeing thereto, as noticed in your and in my last communication, namely, that of visiting only where we know before hand that we had friends who wish to see me. I shall on the contrary go freely to any place, hoping and believing that we have friends in them though not already known to us, for thus it has proved in this tour in the country thus far. – Also in regard to forming new societies, I feel unshackled, contrary to my feeling on leaving Edinburgh. Already, you see, we have formed three new societies.

I have only one thing more to add. The Free Church Ministers, I am sorry to say, are not favourable to us generally. Two of the names appended to the Warning (Candlish & Clason) are such, and the layman's name at the top (Spiers) who is the Sheriff of Edinburgh is of the same body. All the three are strong against us, and others not a few connected with them take the same view of things. The Established Church Ministers are much better disposed towards us. A pleasing circumstance occurred in our favour in it recently. At the General Assembly of the Free Church, the distinguished Continental men, d'Aubigne, Monot, and Muntze, appeared, and were received as Associates. In the course of their addresses to this Assembly they spoke in glowing terms of the praiseworthy labours of the British and Foreign Bible Society in favour of their respective countries. This was just hitting the nail on the head, and most timeously; and I trust these statements will have a good effect in correcting misunderstandings, and in inducing better feelings towards us.

Hoping for a continuation of the same favourable circumstances thus far experienced in my country movements, I go on, as I have said, rejoicing, and believing that you will rejoice with me, and give thanks to the God of peace who only can make men to be of one mind and of his own mind, and to whom be glory in this matter, and in all things, through Jesus Christ our Lord and our Saviour.

            I am, as always,

                        Very Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

[1] A popular name for Edinburgh--"reekie" means "smoky". (BM)

Northn Square,

Wednesday Evening

Nov 12/45

My Dear Sir,

            I wrote to Mr Dalton by yesterday's post, on receiving your note.

            Be so good as let me know at what hour the meeting is to be.

                        Yours Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

P.S. I understand the meeting is on Monday next.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Holbeach, 6th June 1846

My Dear Sir,

            On arriving yesterday at Spalding, I found that no preparations had been made for a meeting, and on inquiring of several persons I learned that no communication whatever on the subject had been sent to them from Earl Street. I notice this now lest perhaps the same it may be the case with some places ahead. Here all is right, so also, as I learned, is it in respect to Boston and Spilsby. Be so good as to revise your correspondence to see how things stand. The only way in which I can account for the oversight is, that you may have written to Boston begging our friends there to arrange for Spalding, as it is an Association connected with that place.

            In regard to Spalding be so good as take out Mr. Smith's name as your future correspondent there, and put instead the Rev. Percy Strutt who is the Independent Minister. I have spoken with him on the subject.

            I received a letter from you here to day on my arrival.

            Mrs. Smith is still friendly to us, but resigned, because she could not get her own church people to act, and she thought it would be more for the interests of the Society, that some dissenter should take the lead.

            I remain, My Dear Sir,

                        Yours Faithfully,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Wainfleet, 12th June 1846

My Dear Sir,

            I have just received your note with its enclosure, intimating the change of the hour of meeting to 3 o'clock at the Gainsboro', and you add that you hope the same will prove convenient to me. To which I reply, by saying it certainly will not be very convenient. But that is not the worst of it, as if I have, as I hinted, to hire a private conveyance for 40 miles a considerable expense will be incurred. This inconvenience and expense do not I may say arise from the change of the hour at Gainsboro', but from the change made in regard to Lincoln and Grantham as found in the list given me. It was a great pity that that change was made, because it the best it involved the loss of time and expense of some 50 miles additional travelling; and now, with this change of the hour at the Gainsboro', the expense will be greatly increased.

            I shall however do my best to meet the wishes of our friends despite these awkwardnesses. Nevertheless they should if possible be avoided. You will recollect that I noticed the subject particularly to you regarding the contiguity of places previous to arranging for Lincolnshire. I was sorry therefore to find when I came here, the awkwardness of the change in Lincoln and Grantham, as these to be as they are printed on the list.

            I am quite aware that you are next to forced into these changes against your will. Nevertheless it is better I think to put up with some hinderances, to a meeting in a given place than to change after arrangements have been made. I beg you to excuse these observations, and do take care if you please as to your Dorsetshire arrangements. You will oblige me by sending the Dorset list early, that I may see my field distinctly in good time.

            Last night our meeting at Burgh was on the Market day, and so I understand it has been for some years. We have now arranged to prevent this in future. Please therefore to put Friday for Burgh in future and Thursday for Wainfleet.

            Believe me, My Dear Sir,

                        Very Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Louth, 17th June 1846

My Dear Sir,

            I duly received your note of the 13th on my arrival here yesterday. You must not consider me as preferring complaints against your honourable house, or your own corner of it, whilst expressing a concern about meeting an engagement, and a heavy expense to be incurred, through changes made in arrangements. I am aware, as I have said, that you are as it were forced into these awkward circumstances from time to time against your better judgment and previous preferable arrangement. I may say too, that I carefully sympathize with you in the troubles you are often put to to make things quadrate agreeable to the wishes of all our friends. Be assured that, in my movements, I shall do my utmost to meet every engagement entered into, but see no harm in expressing a little difficulty when it arises.

            You will be glad to learn that the difficulty in question has been nicely got over. I have written to the parties, and all is so arranged as to avoid the heavy expense of a private conveyance for a long distance, the matter which was the burthen of my complaint.

            I suppose you are nearly melted, some of you, in that there Earl Street House, by this hot hot weather in addition to the heat of your overburdened minds and bodies with business. We have plenty of heat here, and one gets a good broil in driving over the hot and dusty roads in the hottest hours of the day, the time generally when one is obliged to travel. But O how blessed it is to be engaged in the holy Bible work which God has given us to do. May God gave unto us all richly of his Spirit for his own glory, and for our usefulness and comfort.

            Believe me, My Dear Sir,

                        Very Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Poole, 11th July 1846

My Dear Sir,

            On arriving here yesterday I received your note of the 8th sent on from Blandford. I would remark that I never call at the post office except when I have ordered letters to be left for me there, therefore please always to put the name of a friend in the address, as you have done on the present occasion. The note should have been delivered to me in Blandford, but was not. Mr. Homer was not at the meeting. We had seven Clergymen there, the best meeting, Mr. Glyn said, that he had ever seen in Blandford, and our collection was double that of last year.

            I can very easily excuse you, My Dear Friend, in not answering my little inquiry about Investment on Monday last, with your 72 letters on hand. I gathered however enough from yourself and Mr. Brandram as to your position in such matters as to see it would not do, and in consequence I applied at the Government office near Northumberland Square, and found the money, being a charity, could be there received, and the regular interest of £3 paid. I have apprised our friends at Barrow of the same.

            The little difference about investment is, I am happy to say, very little, as I gather from different communications, whilst all our thankful that the matter is settled. From the circumstances I learned in Barrow it appeared clear that the ..... part of the money could properly be sent to Earl Street, and the Secretary in Barrow writes me that he believes the business could not have been settled at all had it been arranged that some part should have been sent to you.

            I received the two enclosed notes you sent and both opened. This same was the case, as to the opening, in the two notes I got when in Lincolnshire. Pray does Sir James Graham visit you from time to time in Earl Street to open letters, or have you a Sir James Graham among yourselves? Most of my letters addressed to Earl Street are Private Letters, and one likes always to open such oneself.

            I am aware that those opened are opened in the understanding that they are Bible Society letters. Some of them are so and when they are such, they will regularly be returned to Earl Street, but I should like as it is natural, to open all my letters myself. I know you will excuse this little frankness.

            Believe me, My Dear Sir,

                        Yours Very Sincerely,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Weymouth 17th July 1846

My Dear Sir,

Allow me to notice to you for your memorandum of meeting that in Dorchester we held a meeting at Noon besides the one at 7 in the evening, and this has been so for three years as I learned. Be so good therefore as to note it so in your book that it be put into the list for another year, as it is not in my list, and it was by mere accident that I found there was such a meeting at 12, and on learning it had to hasten from Swanage in the dead of the night to Wareham, so as to be in Dorchester in good time next morning. Mr. Glyn says he sent special notice to Earl Street about this 12 o'clock meeting at a former.

Would you be kind enough to send me the Visitor's Book of Lincolnshire which I gave you Monday week, as I needed to make out a little report of these meetings.

Have you printed no slips of intelligence as you usually do, since I saw you? These I understand you generally forward to Agents & Visitors. Please therefore in your charity to remember your present Dorsetshire Visitor, who has not received any since he entered on this tour.

You took a memorandum on Monday week to send the stamped Reporter. It was published yesterday, and may be here this morning. I write this before breakfast, the only time I have, but shall not send until after post time, that I may add a P.S. saying whether the Reporter comes with this post or not.

If you post for me the Visitor's book tomorrow evening, send it to Cerne Abbas.

Wishing you, My Dear Sir, every blessing, and same to all in your house, I remain,

            Yours Truly,

                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Lyme Regis 21st July 1846

My Dear Sir,

            I have just received your note enclosing one from Mr. Susan. Fortunately I have with me the items of his Society that he wishes for, and I shall send them to him with this day's post direct as you suggest.

            We had an excellent meeting at Bridport last night.

            I have just learned from Mr. Wayland that the meetings of this place and Seaton have been interchanged, owing to a great Wesleyan meeting held here to day and to night. It was desirable that such a change should be made, and little inconvenience will arise from the same.

            Please say to your Brother that I duly received at Cerne the communications he sent to me, and thank him for them. His promised slips, say to him, will be very acceptable. I hope his health has benefited by his absence from Earl Street. May you all enjoy good health, and every other blessing. Believe me

            Yours Very Truly,

                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Durham, 12th August 1846

My Dear Sir,

            I send you the note of the places in my present tour to guide you in the directions of letters, as I suppose you have not them marked down. I have got another list from Mr. Richardson, and have corrected the enclosed by it.

            Be so good as to let me have the items of issues, and the items of money entrances for each of the months of April, May, and June. It would be an additional favour if you could let me have the same for 1845.

            Yours Very Truly,

                        James Thomson.

P.S. I shall expect the Reporter issued the 16th as I mentioned to Mr. Skinner with the additions we talked of. It is needed here and hereabouts, as we are in sight or hearing of Scotland. I have no copies, and question whether any remain in Earl Street. If there are any, it would be a favour to receive two or more, addressed to the care of G. Richardson Esq. No 4 Union Street.

            Wishing you every blessing, I remain,

                        Yours Faithfully,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Newcastle 24th August 1846

My Dear Sir,

            Many thanks for your communications of forwarded to Houghton-le-Spring. Pray have you received Mr. Dawson's letter, about which we were speaking when I saw you? I should like much to have a copy of it, though I feel sorry to trouble you.

            I take it for granted that you will advertise me of any new routes traced for me after the 7th proximo, as soon as you know them.

            Yours Truly,

                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Stoke on Trent 3rd November 1846

My Dear Sir,

            On arriving here last night, I found your letter of the 30th ultimo, with the Bank Post Bill for £20 all safe.

            We had a meeting last night at Penkhull. By Mr. Wright's letter I see the impossibility of having a meeting at Shelton on Friday the 13th. I think the Rev. Mr. Jones from Alton would attend their meeting when they can hold one. Wednesday, that is tomorrow, must be blank also.

            You never told me of the marriage at the Cape, of course you have notice of it from the surest quarter. If not inconvenient I should like to know something about it. I learned it here last night, and as in the Record of the 29th.

            Believe me, Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Mr. Hitchin

16 Harpur Street

21st June 1850

My dear Sir,

            I have been desirous of meeting your wishes in regard to Cambridgeshire, and so have delayed a negative to see if I could give you an affirmative, but now I find that the negative prevails.

            Yours Very Truly,

                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Mr. Hitchin

16 Harpur Street

Thursday evening 25th July 1850

My dear Sir,

            I received a very friendly note from Mr Ramsden with a kind invitation to pass the meeting week at his house. As soon as I see my way a little in Edinburgh (for which I start on Monday) I shall write him, and will make every endeavour to meet his and your wish respecting these meetings.

            I have written too by a friend a Clergyman in the...


(letter incomplete)

AuthorBill Mitchell