Durham, 12th August 1846

My Dear Sir,

            I send you the note of the places in my present tour to guide you in the directions of letters, as I suppose you have not them marked down. I have got another list from Mr. Richardson, and have corrected the enclosed by it.

            Be so good as to let me have the items of issues, and the items of money entrances for each of the months of April, May, and June. It would be an additional favour if you could let me have the same for 1845.

            Yours Very Truly,

                        James Thomson.

P.S. I shall expect the Reporter issued the 16th as I mentioned to Mr. Skinner with the additions we talked of. It is needed here and hereabouts, as we are in sight or hearing of Scotland. I have no copies, and question whether any remain in Earl Street. If there are any, it would be a favour to receive two or more, addressed to the care of G. Richardson Esq. No 4 Union Street.

            Wishing you every blessing, I remain,

                        Yours Faithfully,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell