Newcastle under Lyme, 10th November 1846
My Dear Friend,
I duly received your letter of the 4th instant, accompanied by the one you received from Mr. Phillips. Agreeable to your request I have written to him, and of yesterday's date. I have a copy of my letter which you can see if you wish.
The announcement in the record about Mr. Browne is odd enough. I now think it may turn out a hoax. Your last letter from him I see is dated the 11th of August only nine days before said marriage is said to have been celebrated. If the affair had been in view he would probably have noticed it. I shall be glad to know what your next letter from him that brings.
I remain,
my dear friend,
Yours Truly,
James Thomson.
P.S. I forgot to say, we had a fine meeting in Stockport last night, I reckoned it at 1000, but other said 1200, and others 1500.