Rev George Browne

16 Harpur Street

18th December 1851

My Dear Friend,

I have the pleasure of transmitting to you a document I received yesterday from Madrid. It is an acknowledgment of receipt of the collection of Bibles sent by the Society to the University of Madrid some time ago, accompanied by many thanks for the boon.

I have often wondered that such a document should not have been received long ago. This is accounted for by a letter accompanying the document, in which it is stated that this is the third time in which it has been sent, but the two former it seems have somehow miscarried.

In acknowledging the arrival of this document to the Marquis of Morante I shall signify that we shall be glad to remit other copies of the Bibles forwarded at the low prices we charge for them. Perhaps in this way we may have some orders.

I have no hesitation in saying, from a full knowledge of this case, that this present from the Society of a set of their Bibles in various tongues to the University of Madrid has been very gratefully received, and that the Bibles are highly esteemed. They have had one of the best places in the Library assigned to them, and they are shown to visitors as an ornament and a treasure to the University. I would also mention all the Professors and all the students have full access to them daily.

I consider that the Society should gladly avail itself of making presents of this kind to the Roman Catholic Universities on the Continent in the full assurance that such generosity will greatly promote the objects of the Society.

            I remain,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.



I have learned to my great regret, that the document I addressed to you last year never came into your hands, in which I acknowledge the receipt of the Collection of Bibles that you had the goodness to remit to our Library, thanking you for your attentions to us. I now hasten therefore to tribute our thanks to you as is so justly due, and to beg you will forgive the long delay which has occurred.

I seize this opportunity of repeating to you my former offer of a copy of the Constitutions, Bulls and Reforms of the University of Alcalá for which you expressed a wish when you paid us a visit, and I will forward the same as soon as you shall inform me by what conveyance the same can be effected.

May God preserve you for many years.

            The Marquis of Morante

            Rector of the Central University of Madrid

            Madrid, 5th December 1851


Dr. Thomson.


AuthorBill Mitchell