Rev A. Brandram
Bogota, 7th April 1825
My dear Sir,
It was my intention to leave this city yesterday for Carthagena, but some circumstances having induced me to put off my journey till tomorrow. This delay enables me to send you a translation of the rules and regulations of the Bible Society of Colombia, and which want of time prevented me from doing on the 5th. current when I last wrote you.
Rules and Regulations of the Bible Society of Colombia
1st. This Society shall be called the Bible Society of Colombia.
2nd. Its sole object shall be to print the text of the Holy Scriptures and to promote its circulation; in the first place in Colombia, in the second place in South America, and in the third place throughout the world, so far as it means may reach.
3rd. The editions of the Scriptures published by the Society shall all be from approved versions, and sanctioned by the Ordinance of the Diocese.
4th. Every person who subscribes one dollar a quarter, or four dollars a year, shall be a member of the Society.
5th. Every person who makes a donation to the Society of 50 dollars shall be a member for life.
6th. Every person who subscribes five dollars a quarter, or twenty dollars a year, shall be a director of the Society
7th. Every person making a donation to the Society of two hundred dollars shall be a director.
8th. An executor paying a bequest of two hundred dollars, shall be a member for life, and if the sum is five hundred dollars, he shall be a director.
9th. The directors may attend and vote at all meetings of the Committee.
10th. Subscriptions and donations however small will be thankfully received. The names of those who subscribe will be registered in the books of the Society, with the respective sums they contribute, and will be published in the annual reports.
11th. All the affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee of twenty persons, residing in Bogota, or its neighborhood, the half of whom shall be clergymen and the other half laymen.
12th. The Society shall have a President, three Vice-presidents, a Treasurer, and two Secretaries; and these also shall be considered as members of the Committee ex officio. Five members of the Committee shall go out annually, and these five shall be those who have attended the monthly meetings with least frequency.
13th. The Society will hold the general public meeting on Ash Wednesday of each year, at which the President, Vice-presidents, Treasurer, Secretaries, and Committee shall be elected. The accounts of the Society shall be presented at this meeting, a compendium of its labours in the year preceding shall be read, and some of the members of the Society will address the meeting, upon the object, progress, and success of the Institution.
14th. There shall be printed each year immediately after the general meeting a report of all the matters of the Society, with the list of subscribers and benefactors, and a copy of this shall be delivered the gratis to each of the members.
15th Besides the annual general meeting of the Society, there shall be an extraordinary general meeting, whenever three-fourths of the Committee shall judge it necessary, and of this extraordinary meeting notice shall be given in all the newspapers of Bogota at least a fortnight before the day of the meeting.
16th. The Committee shall have a meeting on the first Monday of every month, in order to treat of general concerns of the Society. In absence of the President and Vice-presidents, a chairman shall be elected for the time. In order to form a quorum five members must be present, including one of the Secretaries.
17th. All matters at monthly and general meetings shall be determined by a simple majority. The minutes shall be taken by the Secretary, and signed by the President of the meeting, and by himself.
18th. The Committee is authorized to nominate for honorary members, those persons who render important services to the cause of the Bible Society. It may also name life members and directors.
19th. The Society shall keep a store well supplied with Bibles and Testaments, which shall be sold at the cost prices.
20th. The Committee may reduce the price of the Scriptures to the poor, or give them gratis, when they perceive their circumstances require it.
21st. It is strongly recommended to the Committee to form Bible Societies auxiliar to this, in all the departments, and principal cities of Colombia, in order that these societies may contribute of their funds in support of this central and national Society, and in order to promote the circulation of the Holy Scriptures in their respective districts.
22nd. None of these rules shall be rescinded nor altered except at a general meeting, and at the recommendation of the Committee.
I have just room to add that
I remain,
Very Sincerely Yours,
James Thomson.