Rev A Brandram - Private

Montreal 25th March 1840

My Very Dear Friend,

Your letter of the 27th ultimo is just come to hand immediately on my finishing the enclosed. I am, I assure you, grieved that I have grieved you. Forgive me, and put the best construction on all that you have seen wrong in me towards yourself, others, and the society. I take entirely in good part all you have said, shall ponder it all, and try to turn it to the best account before God, & before you. Yet allow me to say, that I fear you have taken too seriously some of my rallying on business, and again I say, and beg of you to put the best construction on my sayings, and forgive, and overlook all my rudeness, unkindness I will not say, because I am not conscious of any, nor did I feel, nor do I entertain any. There are some of my expressions however which I doubt are objectionable. I shall look over all, and weigh all, and then make such explanations as they will admit of, and with which perhaps, when you have seen them, you may be less dissatisfied.

In regards to the parts of the letter which you have withheld, I agree fully to all you have done, and give you leave at all times to withhold whatever you may think should be withheld. I say again, Forgive me, and ever believe me,

            Very Affectionately Yours,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell