Mr William Hitchin

St John, New Brunswick, 9th June 1841

My Dear Sir,

I beg leave to advise a Bill drawn this day for Fifty Pounds, at Thirty days, in favour of  L.H. Deveben of this place; the amount to be charged to my Travelling Account.

Your letter of the 29th April, with my accounts balanced up to the 31st March was received by me in this city on the 2nd instant. All is, as usual, very correct. I would just notice that you have overlooked a little thing I mentioned in Note 4 of Letter 34, last sentence. Please to keep it in mind next time, as it will enable me more readily to identify all sums drawn when looking over your Accounts.

                        I remain,

                                    My Dear Sir,

                                                Very Sincerely Yours,

                                                                        James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell