Rev A Brandram

Edinburgh ,

9th Sep. 1844

 My Dear Friend,

             On  Wednesday last Mrs. Thomson and myself left London, and on the following day we arrived in this city. I found my sister low, unable to converse readily, but able to recognize me and to understand what was said. I feel thankful that I saw her thus early, for some 24 hours later she was unable to take notice of any communication made to her, and last night at a little before nine o'clock she breathed her last.

             I feel myself under a new and fresh obligation to you for the very kind readiness you showed in allowing at once to leave London for this place, notwithstanding the engagements made concerning me in Kent.

             In regard to the meetings in Yorkshire I shall hold myself in readiness, God willing, to attend them. I have a list of them with which Mr. Hitchin furnished me, but the names are not mentioned on it of those persons I should call on.

             It would be profitable for me to have these, and perhaps Mr. Hitchin will be kind enough to furnish me with them in a note to this place at No. 15 Elder Street.

                         Ever Truly Yours,

                                    My Dear Friend,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell