Mr William Hitchin

Belize, 14th June 1844

My Dear Sir,

I beg leave to advise you that I have drawn a Bill this day, for Fifty Pounds, in favour of Messrs Johnston and Co. at 30 days: to be placed to my Private Account.

I seize this opportunity of notifying to you, that I have received some moneys from Don Vicente Calero of Merida, and also from Messrs Manning Mackintosh & Co. of Veracruz. This I mention to you in the way of a memorandum, and as such only you will please hold it for the present. When the accounts of the parties come formally into my hands, and the moneys are paid to them, then and then only can they come into your books.

Your two notes of the 30th Oct and the 29th Dec last were duly received by me in this place.

            I remain, Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell