Mr William Hitchin Esq.

Northampton Square

2nd March 1946

My Dear Sir,

            In looking over the Account, a fresh copy of which you lately gave me, I perceive there is an item for £6:18:1, being charges paid on 7 cases on the 25th May 1844. As this sum was paid for carriage of my luggage from Mexico, it should of course enter my Travelling Account. Please therefore to transfer it now to my credit. Deduct however at the same time the sum of 20/ for articles of travel remaining in my hands, and formerly charged to the Society. The Account therefore will stand thus:‒

            Charges paid 25th of May on Dr. Thomson's luggage from Mexico,

            charged to him, and now transferred to his credit, as belonging to

            Travelling Account.                                                                                      £6:18:1

            Articles of Travel remaining in Dr. Thomson's hands.                                1: 0: 0


            Hoping that this will be found in due order,

                        I remain, Yours Truly,

                                    James Thomson.


AuthorBill Mitchell