Rev A Brandram -- No 127

Mexico 24th December 1842

My Dear Friend.

In my last I told you of the statu-quo in which we were here in regard to the Representation I made to the Government of your readiness to aid in preparing an edition and a supply of the Mexican version of Vence's New Testament for the general use of the public schools. I am sorry to say that this statu-quo still remains, and that up to this date I have no official reply to my Representation. But there is, in one sense, a better reason or cause for the delay this time than during the former months. In my letter of the 28th October I signified that it was not at all improbable but that we might have, another added to our many Revolutions before that letter should reach you. If that letter by this date, the 24th December, is not yet in your hands, my prophecy has turned out true, for our Revolution has taken place: it occurred on the 19th instant. It is pretty general over the country, and done by the Military, all of whom, fortunately for peace and safety, are on one side, so that we have had this time no fighting, nor, I suppose, are likely to have. A military government, we are now to be under for some time, with Santa Anna at its head. A sort of Assembly or Convention will be got up by the same parties who have wrought this change, and such as will make some sort of Constitution as will suit themselves; and so we shall be till some other Revolution shall follow. The Congress has been sitting for several months making the Constitution. But on the 19th the soldiers closed their doors, and sent all the members about their business, their Constitution and all. Thus then we are: and this is the cause, I may say, at present, of our statu-quo; for the members of government have had, as you may well suppose, other work to do than attend to the petition and representation of an individual, and a foreigner into the bargain, and upon the subject of schools and the New Testament, when they were so busily engaged in patriotic efforts for the good of the country; for the whole of this affair has, nobody doubts, being manoeuvred by the Government, through their more immediate subjects, the military.

But your question and mine is, How is this fresh revolution likely to affect our concerns in this country? I would say in reply, that the change bodes to be in our favour. All the parties in the government are friendly to education, and well disposed, I believe, to the substance of my Representation. Time will show results and we must have a little or a long patience, considering the materials and the country in question. Prayer will hasten our movements, and I hope prosper and succeed them. There are certain rules of etiquette and propriety that prevent me from calling at the Palace and on the Government here every day, or very frequently, in order to urge my object. But, blessed be God, the Palace of Heaven is ever open, and no rules and regulations bar or hinder our continued and incessant application to that Court, and the Throne of Grace within it, there to urge our object with every importunity and fervour. Whilst therefore we cannot always press our claims with earthly governments, we can press them always with the Heavenly Government, even with the King of Kings: and to Him then let us continually apply: and in due time, I trust, our urgings and importunities will be turned into thanksgiving and praise.

The next subject is that of the Indian languages in this country, and translations of the Scriptures into them. Here we have got beyond the statu-quo, and have made some advance. I wrote to the Bishop of Michoacán some weeks ago, availing myself of the introduction of a friend whom I have long known, and who when one of the Secretaries of State here in former years, had no small part in the election of this and some other of the Bishops. I represented to the Bishop of Michoacán my desire to procure a version of the Gospel by St. Luke into the Tarasco tongue, which is very extensively spoken over his diocese. I have had a very friendly letter from him in reply to mine, in which he shows his willingness to procure this version, and he says he has some Parish Priests under his care who could manage it, being well acquainted with that language. I have written to him, the second time, begging him at once to proceed and stating some rules necessary to be attended to in making the version. In my first letter I intimated to the Bishop, that in the event of his procuring for me this version, I wished to print it, along with the Spanish on parallel pages or columns; and I signified that I would count on his giving the due ecclesiastical license for this impression. His reply, and his entering on the work intimated his readiness to grant the license and this is no small matter, for the greatest fear and difficulty in the case was in regard to such a license. Dr. Mora could not obtain it for the Mexican Gospel and therefore he sent it to you to print; but still its open circulation is doubtful because of the want of this ecclesiastical license. By one Bishop acting favourably in this matter, the way will be opened for others to act in the same manner.

Further, on the same concern, regarding the Indian languages and versions. Availing myself of the same friend to introduce me by letter, I have written to the Bishop of Oaxaca regarding the two chief languages spoken in his diocese and a version into each of them of the same Gospel, that of St. Luke. I wait in prayer, with hope and fears, the result of this application.

Thirdly, and not least on the subject. Some steps had been taken in regard to the language spoken in Yucatán, called the Mayo. The late Governor of that place is now in this city, in consequence of the secession of that state from the general Mexican Republic. I have had a good deal of conversation with him in regard to the language, and a version of one of the Gospels into it. He has given me much interesting and useful information as to the language, and the extent to which it is spoken, as also regarding the character of the people, and the general circumstances of the place. The population of the Peninsula of Yucatán is, he says, about 600,000, and the whole of these speak this language, and no other with the single exception of the town of Campeche, containing some 7,000 inhabitants. To the great body in Yucatán speaking this language are to be added the principal portion also of the inhabitants of Tabasco: the whole number of people therefore in daily use of this, and of no other, approaches well on towards one million. This subject and people and tongue are rendered the more interesting on account of the independence declared in Yucatán, and the religious liberty which is provided for in the new Constitution. From the information I have had from the Governor, I have no doubt but the people will be able to maintain their independence against all the power of Mexico. The feelings and interests of the Indians themselves are all personally and deeply involved in the matter, and they have fully entered into the struggle on their own account and advantages, and not in obedience to a few military rulers. It was an army of Indians that first broke the Spanish power. The Bishop of Yucatán as a brother of this ex-governor of whom I speak, and I have availed myself of an introduction from him to the Bishop, together with the aid of my formerly mentioned friend, and have addressed myself to him after a similar manner as to the Bishops of  Michoacán and Oaxaca. But a longish time will be required for an answer, partly owing to the distance, but chiefly from the close warfare now waged from this place against Yucatán. In the meantime I am getting information and further notices regarding the language and people of that Peninsula, from the ex-governor and other natives of the place now residing in this city.

Lastly, as respects the Indian languages. I have at length found a person able and willing to translate one of the Gospels into the Otomí, a tongue very extensively spoken in the two large dioceses of Mexico and Puebla, and which is very peculiar in its structure, resembling, as some suppose, the Chinese.

These three languages especially named, the Otomí, Tarasco, and Mayo, together with the Mexican as chief, are the four languages most extensively spoken in this country. The next to them, I believe, are the two principal languages of Oaxaca, called the Zapoteco and Mizteco. In one of these we have a translation of one of the Gospels, namely the Mexican, and steps have been taken, you will observe, for accomplishing the same in regard to the other five. By the way, if you have an opportunity, and as soon as you can, I could wish you to send me one copy of the Mexican version at least, and more, if you have plenty. I notice this, lest I should not early hear from Dr. Mora in regard to those sent him. Fuller and more particular information of the Mexican languages I hope to give you on a future occasion, as I intend to inquire especially into the subject, and to make a language map of the whole country.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Very Truly Yours

                                    James Thomson.


P.S. A Mexican gentleman has requested me to inquire whether Michaelis's Introduction to the New Testament can be got in London in Latin. Please inquire and inform me.

Please notify to Mr. Hitchin that I have drawn a Bill on my Private  Account for £50, in favour of Dickson, Gordon & Co. at 60 days, dated the 19th instant.

I said in my last that I had no letter by that packet: but afterwards I got one.

Rev A Brandram  No 134

Mexico 29th July 1843

My Dear Friend,

As my movements are greatly affected at this time by the state of things in Yucatán, I speak of that quarter first in the present letter. Since my last Yucatán has improved in its actual state and position. The war there, if not over, is completely lulled, and all the hostile troops have left it. Add to this Three Commissioners have already arrived in this city to treat with this government about peace, unity and future good understanding, based on certain privileges in favour of Yucatán distinctly acknowledged and clearly worded to prevent future misunderstandings and evils.

To these Three Commissioners I have been very formally introduced by one of my Yucatán friends who was partially residing here before their arrival. I have had with these gentlemen a very pleasing interview, and have received much encouragement from them to proceed to that place. One of them is the chief Secretary of the government, and father of the gentleman I accidentally met with in this Steam Boat from Albany to New York in May 1841. But these Three Commissioners, as well as my former Yucatán friends as noticed in my last letter, all advise me to delay going there until the unhealthy season is over.

Though the way therefore to that Peninsula is nearly open I scarcely feel that it would be right, or justice either to you or to myself, to hasten thither in the face of the united friendly advice which I have received. Had I not had this advice so fully stated and repeated, and by individuals my personal friends and favourable to my objects, I would have felt less difficulty in moving forward. But to act directly counter to all these friendly admonitions would seem to be a rash. I shall therefore make the delay they advise.

In my ruminations since my last letter was sent off, and in the prospect more or less of this delay, I was thinking of, or planning a journey of some length into the parts of this country to the West and North. But on taking everything into consideration I have given up my thoughts of that movement: first, because there would most probably be a considerable delay caused by it beyond the waiting for the proper season for going to Yucatán; and second, because, I have some fears that my active and open operations in the sale of the Scriptures through these parts at the present intolerant time would shut more Custom Houses against us, and thus more harm than good would accrue through the means of the movement in question.

I hope the 5000 copies of the Scriptures requested in my last for this country will be duly and early forwarded. If more convenient for you, they may be divided into two sendings, with an interval between, each kind being properly halved or nearly so. On the whole perhaps this would be the best arrangement. The cases say to be of 200 pounds weight. – To hasten matters, and to provide a supply for the N. West of this country I have ordered 1000 New Testaments from the American Bible Society, to be sent direct and immediately to Tampico. These will of course be charged to your account.

Your two very interesting New Zealand letters that appear in the Bible Society Reporter No19, I have got published in the same newspaper which has prated maliciously against us in an article inserted from a periodical published in Spain. I send you a copy.

I have not received by last packet any Reporter, nor letter from Earl Street, nor the fully expected, and usually sent, yearly newspaper, giving an account of your Annual Meeting.

I have lately met with two persons who interest themselves much in your Mexican version of St. Luke, and wish to see the whole New Testament translated into that ancient and modern tongue. There are some slips in the mode of printing your Mexican St. Luke, but whether the oversights are in the manuscript, or in the Editors I cannot say. It is now undergoing revision. I am paying some attention to the study of the Mexican or Nahuatl language, and as far as I have yet made progress I am inclined to receive Clavigero's high testimony of it as to its copiousness and admirable structure. I have been studying also the Otomi language, which is likewise rich, but entirely different from the Nahuatl which on every side surrounds it. I have looked at some others of the tongues of this land, and have no doubt of their fitness for expressing the sense and substance of the Scriptures.

In the prospect of going to Yucatán, I would call your attention anew to what I have said on Indian versions in my letter No 131, and I do humbly and earnestly beg that you would give me ample scope in regard to the rendering portions of the Scriptures into the tongue spoken all over that Peninsula, and also partly in Tabasco and Guatemala. The Yucatán Commissioners assured me of there being a very earnest desire in the government of giving education to the Indians. They are gratified with proposals I made here for the instruction of the natives generally in their own tongues, instead of Spanish as heretofore. As a member of the Lancasterian Society of this city I made these proposals, and a very friendly reception was given to them; and measures are now being taken for extending this plan over the whole country. I send you a newspaper in which you will see the notice of my proposal and its reception.

I remain, yours very truly,

James Thomson.

P.S. Please say to Mr. Farmer that I have sent him a copy of the newspaper containing the two New Zealand letters, that he may present it to the Wesleyan Missionary Society.

Rev A Brandram 

Edinburgh, 7th May 1845

 My Dear Friend,

            I now sit down to write you my first official letter from this new field of my travels, and in doing it I am reminded, that on your annual day last year I wrote you from a far foreign land, from Peto in Yucatán; & again I am reminded of God's merciful goodness to me in my then very poor state of health, his conducting me safely through that country to the coast borne for 300 miles on the shoulders of strangers, thence to Belize which is British ground, and thence again to New York, to Dover and London: again and further, for his restoring me to health, and in employing me in Bible work in my native country, and now in this very city from whence I started 27 years ago to visit and wander in foreign lands.

            Pray forgive this reminiscence, or rather the mentioning of it to you in an official letter. But I have an impression on my mind, and the same has often comforted me at great distances and in difficulties, namely, that yourself with the Committee have a kindly sympathy with your out labourers, that you rejoice and weep with them, and pray for them: and well it becomes us as diffusers of the Bible among our fellow creatures, to promote, extend and deepen all those blessed feelings of Christian charity and affection which the holy book we circulate recommends as the highest and best of gospel virtues.

            And now to business. It is about a month since I arrived in this city. The greater part of that time I have spent here, but have also during it paid two visits to Glasgow. I regret, I may say, my detention here, but yet believe that it has not been longer than necessary, and further believe that some more time might yet be spent here with profit to our general object. And with this understanding, though I leave this place tomorrow for Glasgow, I purpose afterwards to return to it, and to remain a few days in order to fully to complete the visitation. By way of strengthening my views in regard to the time occupied here, I may state that our good and worthy friend Dr. Paterson more than accords with me on the subject, and even thinks the time given to Edinburgh should be longer than I propose.

            My time has been occupied in a good measure in making private calls on former and present friends of our Society, and in explaining to them our present position and operations, and the present position of the world as to the want and need of the Bible. These representations have been coupled with kindly solicitations made to all for sympathy with us in our work, for their prayers, and their cooperation, and aid.

            Again, we have had several small meetings in the shape of Bible Society evening parties, and otherwise, and in these the same or similar representations and solicitations have been made.

            Finally, we held, two days ago a public meeting called by advertisements. The attendance was not numerous, partly because there were other public meetings held at the same time in this busy season, and partly because it was held during the day when the great many are entangled in their necessary occupations. We had with us one of the Ministers of the Established Church, and two of the Free Church body. These latter were our old and steady friend the Rev. Henry Grey, and the well known and valued Bombay Missionary the Rev. Dr. Wilson. Our old and worthy friends the Rev. Dr. John Brown and the Rev. William Innes were likewise with us. Also we had in our company Ministers representing the Episcopal Church, the Secession, and the Independents.

             We have hopes that good has been done, and have tried to avoid evil. We think that a good supply of your forthcoming Report would be of service, that we might distribute them among those who are friendly for their own use, and to show to those half friendly or less so, in order that they might see the quantity of seed sown, and also the sheaves that are already come in. 200 copies are wished for, and we beg you will be kind enough to arrange for us accordingly. But to this number I would add what may be required for Glasgow, and other places I may visit, say 300 more, in all 500 copies. Your note of the 5th has just come to hand. I observed the demur of the Committee on the subject I noticed to you; and probably your view of the matter is better than mine.

I hope to hear that you have had a very gratifying meeting today.

             I remain, My Dear Friend,

                         Yours Very Truly,

                                     James Thomson.

Goswell House, 7 Goswell Road

23rd December 1846

My Dear Sir,

            As you are now of course busy settling your accounts for the Christmas quarter, and the close of the year near at hand, I beg leave to notice a little item connected with my accounts, and because my official connexion with the Society is about to terminate.

            On leaving Yucatan there was a small sum, the balance of accounts, left owing to Don Vicente Calero of Mérida, which some he was to pay himself out of the proceeds of the Books sent him by the Society, and which would appear in his first account which we have been long expecting. This little sum was left in his hands partly as an inducement for him to do our work, whilst on his part the leaving it so was a testament he of his disposition to serve us. It was left also because it was inconvenient at the time to draw. This money, I may say, is in my hands, held ready to be paid whenever Mr. Calero's account should arrive. But on now retiring from the Society, I wish you to charge it to my Private Account, and hold it over for the purpose mentioned, namely, to meet the item in Mr. Calero's account on its arrival.

            The sum in question is 81 dollars 5 rials, which at the then great of exchange, of 4 shillings to the dollar, makes £16:6:6.

            In sending you this my last account, I seize the opportunity of thanking you, and most sincerely, for all the correct and kind attention you have all along paid to my accounts both public and private.

            With best and kindest wishes for yourself, and all our Associates in Earl Street, believe me,

            My Dear Mr Hitchin,

                        Sincerely and Affectionately Yours

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell