Rev. Wm Morton

16 Harpur Street

16th  July 1851

My dear Sir,

I have read with much interest your report as drawn up for the Calcutta Bible Society in respect of the Bengali New Testament.

It appears from this Report that neither the version of Dr. Carey, nor that of Mr. Yates, up to be considered as fit for forming a standard version and that such a work was thus wanting.

I should like to know whether anything has been done since your Report was drawn up, to meet the desideratum. Secondly I should like to know, in case of nothing having been done in this, whether you could and if you would be disposed to take up this matter, and prepare a version? And thirdly, I should like to know whether or not absence from India, and the lack of native help would not be a serious obstacle towards you finishing and also printing such a version as is contemplated?

I shall feel obliged if you will take into full consideration all these items, and give me early your judgment upon them.

                        I remain,

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev G Browne

16 Harpur Street

4th August 1851

My Dear Friend,

Some three months ago I got acquainted with the Rev. William Morton, formerly missionary in India, and I have had a good deal of communication with him since. In speaking with him about the translations of the Scriptures in India, and more particularly respecting the versions of the Bengali, he referred me to a Report drawn up by himself on the subject at the request of the Committee of the Calcutta B.S.. I procured a volume of the Calcutta Reports from your Library. In the 25th Report, Appendix No.3 I found with Mr. Martin had written on the subject of the version before mentioned. From this it would appear that neither Dr. Carey's nor Mr. Yates's version was satisfactory to the Calcutta Committee as a standard version for general use. On finding this I wrote to Mr. Morton to inquire whether an improved and satisfactory version had been made since the date of his Report (1836). I also inquired whether, in the case of no such version having been made, he could himself undertake to prepare an improved version, and further whether his absence from India would not be a serious obstacle to his properly finishing and printing such a version in this country.

I send you his reply, together with a copy of my letter,[1] that you may see the whole subject in order.

From these communications and several personal ones I should think it would be very desirable that Mr. Morton should be engaged to prepare the Bengali version of the New Testament so as to meet the present want in the case. From the circumstance of Mr. Morton's having been chosen to draw up the Report in question it clearly appears that he was judged the most competent person to judge as to existing defects and the improvements required.

It would be a pity I think to lose such an opportunity as is now within the reach of the Society in respect to a version so extensively spoken in India.

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

[1] See letter of 16th July to Morton.

AuthorBill Mitchell