Rev A Brandram No.18

Madrid 23rd May 1848

My Dear Friend,

I have been looking with more than common interest for a letter from you these some days past, and chiefly say to learn the mind of the Spanish Consul in our case. Yesterday or to day I made sure of a letter, but none has come. I delay therefore no longer in writing, as the time of my setting out on my journey is near, and some Books will need to be sent on to meet me.

I have now resolved to take the Eastern part of my journey first. But in going to Barcelona I shall go by way of Valencia. From Barcelona I intend making my way through Gerona and Perpignan to Toulouse, but I could wish to have a supply of Books ready on my arrival. Toulouse is the nearest town in France of a note bordering on Andorra, and for several reasons I conceive I could come with advantage on Andorra from Toulouse. From Andorra I descend into Spain, and go through the Basque Province to Yrun and Bayonne. Another, and say an equal supply of Books I could wish to meet with there. I have thought of the following kinds and quantities for each of these places. 50 Bibles in 8vo., 50 ditto in 12mo., 50 N.T. in 8vo., 100 in 12mo., 100 in 32mo., 100 of 4 Books and 100 Luke & Acts, making in each lot 450 copies, in all 900. You can diminish the quantities if you think better to do so. If you send these Books from England, Bordeaux will I suppose be the best port to ship them for. You can direct the cases for Bayonne to Mr. Pedezert the Protestant Minister there, and in Toulouse you have valuable friends to entrust them to, and for whom I should be glad of a note of introduction. It may be better perhaps to send the Books from Paris should there be all the kinds there. Of this you will judge. But as you say you have a large stock on hand at home, it may be better first to lessen that than send from Paris. Could you, without much trouble, let me have a note of all your Spanish stock?

I have got a printer here to print a new edition of the Basque St. Luke, which, as I mentioned in a former letter, had been carefully revised by the translator. The same individual has nearly finished a translation of the Acts. I hope you will not disapprove of these two little doings. I was anxious to have a supply of the Basque in going through these provinces, and glad too to obtain the services of the translator for the additional version. It will not be printed till you give your view on the subject, and what happens as to the circulation of the reprint may guide us.

I see the limitation of the Resolution in regard to printing, and it is a very proper one, but not applying to the Basque. In Andorra I may probably be strongly tempted to print, for all things manufactured there are free to enter Spain, and are even exempted from duty. Should Spain not open for our Books from England, and printing be still impracticable in it, we should probably avail ourselves of the advantage offered, which is a great one.

Mr. Bulwer you see is gone from this, and we shall have a new Envoy. I pray and beseech you to avail yourselves of his coming to get say ten cases sent by him.

I have been arranging to leave this on the first of June, or very soon after, unless our disturbances hinder, but times are delicate for Englishmen travelling here, or making any movements in our line, as trifling things may be made use of just now against the English. The Letter of Credit is not yet come. My address will remain as before, as arrangements will be made for forwarding letters. Afterwards I shall write on this subject.

Pray how were the 300 Testaments sent? And what others have these some years past made their way to this country as far as you know, for some half.

I have still my hopes of Spain, as you will see noted in Evangelical Christendom for April. Surely the present year will not go out as the last did, such at least are our hopes.[1]

I duly received the Record, and this morning the Reporter. The Atlas newspaper says your meeting "was, as regards numbers, rank and talent, the greatest religious union of the season." Is this perfectly correct as to the members? I shall be glad to learn this in the affirmative.

I now give you a quotation, and an advice, contained in a letter I had the other day from Mr. Mark our Consul in Malaga, though I fear you will not have the good sense to adopt the recommendation given. "A very useful object would be obtained by getting the Bible Society to procure a Bull from the Pope allowing the use of the Bible, or even enjoining the reading of it, as that would do away with the great barrier, and his liberal ministers might safely propose it to his Holiness."

I have meditated much, since the end of February, on the 93rd Psalm. Truly the floods have lifted up their voice, and continue, all around, to lift up their waves. All are setting to work to mend their Statutes, if not their ways. But the Code that occupies all our attention needs no alteration, and admits of no reform. "Thy testimonies are very sure." "The law of the Lord is perfect." What a consolation this is! And how ought we to be animated by it! Let us spread the perfect Code to reform the world, and nothing else will reform it. Also let us ourselves remember, that holiness becometh God's house, and work and servants forever.


            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Most Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

[1] "Spain is my present field, a country which the sun luxuriously shines upon, and blesses with his best gifts. But thick clouds intercept the rays of the Gospel, and it is a beclouded and dark country as to evangelical and moral fruits. We must not, however, despair of Spain. I do not. The dawn and the day may be nearer at hand than we are aware of , and so I trust in truth is the case. I indulge myself in this thought and hope, and endeavour to animate myself  thereby to the pouring forth of more earnest prayers, and to the use of wiser and more effectual means for its welfare." (“Spain. Death of Mrs. Thomson: And Difficulties of Protestant Sepulture”, Evangelical Christendom,  II:119.) BM


Mr. Hitchin.

16 Harpur Street

10th April 1850

My dear Sir,

            I now give directions respecting the 60 duodecimo, and the 40 octavo Spanish New Testaments of voted for me.

            I would beg that they may be made up into separate parcels of five in each, and addressed "W. P. Mark Esq., H. B. Consul, Malaga."

            On the left-hand corner below of each parcel please to write the word Scio.

            Thus arranged you can forward the books by any ship to Gibraltar addressed to our friend Mr. Bracebridge, desiring him to place them free of expense in the hands of Messrs. Francia Brothers. I enclose a letter for that house, which you will please to forward in your letter to Mr. Bracebridge

            I remain,

                        Yours Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell