Rev A Brandram No.59

Kingston, Jamaica, 27th February 1837

My Dear Friend,

Your letter of the 16th January came to hand the day before yesterday. I am glad you have sent me a copy of  Mr Ketley's letter, and that you have suppressed nothing. The compact that Mr Ketley alludes to, I have no recollection nor consciousness of whatever; neither do i think it was possible, (so to speak), that the two parties in question could have entered into any such compact of unrighteousness, as to say one thing, and mean another. Now the rules of the Demarara Bible Society declare a union and co-operation with the British and Foreign Bible Society. And such a connexion, a bona fide one, had all the Societies formed by your Agent, except the Danish Society in the Island of Santa Cruz, and that exception was, as you know, distinctly mentioned to you. That Mr Strong had feelings against your Society, and in favour of another, is well known. These I knew to be existing in his mind, not only before I saw him, but before I left London for the West Indies, as they were mentioned to me by Mr Coates of the Church Missionary Society. When I arrived in Demarara I was warmly pressed by Mr Strong to take up my lodgings at his house, and which I accordingly did. here at leisure we had ample opportunities of conversing upon this subject, and we did converse upon it amply and freely; and the result of these conversations I considered to be the removal of his difficulties in the case, and hence that he fully joined in our purpose of forming a Society in Demarara, as a bona fide auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society.  Mrs Thomson was with me when your letter came into my hands, and previous to her reading it, I asked her what was her impression as to Mr Strong in regard to his union with the Demarara Bible Society. Her reply was, "Why that he joined it frankly and freely." But do you recollect, I said, the objections he stated, and our conversations on the subject. She said she recollected that there was much said on the matter, and one conversation in particular she well remembered, and the very place where we were at the time, namely, walking on the road towards Georgetown from St Matthews Rectory where we resided. She recollects Mr Strong saying at the close of what I related to him, "Is it so?" and upon that agreeing cordially to join with us in the establishment of our society. What that conversation was, and what I particularly said to Mr Strong, I do not recollect. But I think it highly probable that I then mentioned to him the actual state of the Committee in Earl Street, in regard to socinianism. Mr Strong had the impression that a majority, or at least many of the said Committee were Socinians; and this impression everybody must have had who read the things at that time recorded by those of the opposite side. False witnesses, truly, rose up against you, and that their  mode of witnessing was false, is manifest from the false and erroneous understanding of the subject given to all who listened to them. I stated to Mr Strong, that this view of the Committee was totally at variance with fact, for that there was not one member of that Committee who was a Socinian, nor had there ever been a Socinian in the Committee, as far as was known, from the beginning of the Society. This statement, I believe, led Mr Strong, to say, as above noticed, "Is it so?", and as a consequence to join in a Bible Society frankly and fully. ―I shall write to Mr Ketley and to Mr Strong upon the subject. In the mean time allow me to thank you for your frank communication to me of the whole of this matter, and let me beg you always to act on this plan of full openness, as you have heretofore done. I am glad that Mr Wheeler arrived in Demarara in time to prevent a chasm of any extension in the Demarara Bible Society. Its past operations have been good, and I trust its further ones will be still better.

At the public meeting held in December last to form the St Mary's Bible Society one of the speakers made especial reference to the suitableness of the Book of Proverbs for the negroes here. It was the Rev Mr Simpson who mentioned this, but the suggestion was from the Rev Mr Cowan. I was asked then and there to request this additional boon from you, and which I now do according to desire. I afterwards conversed with these gentlemen upon this subject, and learned that this book printed by itself on a good type would probably prove very acceptable and very useful to the people of this place. The best size perhaps would  be 18mo  and the type pica or english.

By your last report you had £967:7:6 standing unapplied of the Negro Fund. Would not the printing of the Proverbs be a proper use of part of this fund? I mention this, as I suppose you are somewhat at a loss how to dispose of your accumulated stock on this head. I give you some further help in the same way. The one fourth reduction given us here for two years may well be charged to that account.

I thank you for the Resolution in favour of the general depot in Kingston. Every hour I am looking for the Books. They are greatly wanted. I have a request for Manchester Parish for 300 Bibles, and cannot meet iteven in the least degree. I may here mention, and more particularly in reference to one of Mr Jackson's late letters, that the depot of Kingston does not suppose the giving up the plans of shipping to outports also; and this will be abundantly manifest by a subsequent request for 4000 Bibles to be sent to the outports.  Indeed, the preference in every case where practicable is to be given to sending the Books direct to the place where they are wanted; and the general depot is for supplying immediate needs in any and every place as they may occur, in order to prevent retardations of our work through long wants, as have happened heretofore  in several instances. The expense of sending Books from Kingston to the outports must be saved as possible; and when it does occur, as occur it will, the items might I think very properly be charged to the Negro Fund.

Mr Tinson was I understood to have sent you £50 by the last packet, but I find he did not. He has now about £100, and I have advised him to hurry it off, that it may have a chance of being placed to account for the 31st March. I am glad to be able to say, that our good friend will continue to act in the Bible Society as heretofore.

The name of  T J Bernard, President of St Catherine's Bible Society, I gave you in my last without the prefix "Hon.". I dropped it because he is no longer Custos, but I have since learned that he has a claim to "the Honourable" on another score, as an Assistant Judge. Please then print the name as in your last report.

I have long had my eye on Cuba, and have made many enquiries about it. Probably I may be in that Island on the day of your annual meeting. Peru, and the vast continent of South America, is in course of being opened up to your operations with more facility than it has hitherto been. I have lately heard of a proposal to establish a regular monthly communication by steam vessels from Chile to Panamá, including intermediate parts. I shall anxiously look for the realization of this scheme. I have some requests to prefer to you respecting the Spanish Scriptures, their versions and editions, by way of facilitating the circulations of the Sacred Book in the parts referred to. But my notices I must defer till another opportunity, and so that my letter may come into your hands after your anniversary when you will have more leisure to consider them than you can now be expected to have. In the meantime I should like to know whether you have received a copy of Torres Amat's second edition of his Spanish version of the whole Bible. Also whether you possess an entire copy of the First edition, for you did not when I left London.

I lament with you the loss of our late valuable and dear Friend Mr Tarn. God, in his infinite wisdom, has taken two names out of the tablet of my daily prayers by this packet. Mr. Tarn is one, the other is my only brother.

My Dear Friend, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you evermore.

                                                                                                                James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram - No 124

Mexico 7th September 1842

My dear Friend,

I left Veracruz on the 22nd ultimo as I mentioned to you in my last which was written on that day. In Jalapa I stopped a day, and one day also in Puebla, in both of which places I made arrangements with Booksellers for the sale of our books when they arrive.

On the 29th of August I arrived in this large and fine city in the midst of many thoughts of things past and present. I feel thankful for my safe arrival here; and there is more than common-place in this expres­sion, for dangers of different kinds have been passed through. The city of Veracruz, never very healthy, is in the summer season very bad, owing to the disease called the Black Vomit,[1] which then prevails, and cuts off great numbers, and most frequently with very little warning. Those arriving there from the sea, or from the high lands here, are most subject to it. I was kept in safety there in the midst of the pestilence, as I had been on two former occasions in the summers of 1827 and 1830. Escaping Veracruz, on the way to this city, one gets immediately into another peril, of a different kind, but probably worse. The whole road is infested more or less with robbers and murderers. The evil to be encountered in this case may best be seen perhaps by stating that not less than 19 of these banditti have been caught, tried, and executed, within the last three months. Nor has this severity, though so recent, rendered the road safe, as we were obliged to have an escort of soldiers on several parts, where the danger is greatest. You see, then, that I have good reason to say that I feel thankful for my safe arrival in this city; and I mention these things the more, that any among you who feel an interest in your poor traveller, and pray for him, may give thanks likewise with me to the Great Preserver; and, further, that they may be reminded afresh of the need I have of their continual prayers, considering the nature of the country I am in, and of the other similar countries I have to travel through in your service.

In my letter to you of the 30th June last, when ordering Books for this place, I said that I would take some with me from New York, to meet immediate demands. These, however, were not brought, owing to an oversight that was made in their not being entered at the Customs House in time. This is of no great consequence perhaps, but it makes me look the more anxiously for the supply you are sending me from London. In Puebla I saw in a Bookseller's five of your Bibles of those printed in Barcelona, which came there in the normal course of business from that city along with other Spanish books. These were the first I have seen of your Barcelona edition. They look well, and the binding is good, but I could not help observing the blankness of the backs, they are so very plain.  If you could at least letter the backs, it would be a great improvement, and would give them an advantage here. A little more than lettering would be still better.

I can find no trace of the 250 copies of the Gospel by Luke in the Mexican dialect which you printed in London. The only thing I can learn is, that Dr Mora showed one of the books to a friend here. Pray, to whom, when, and by what conveyance did you send them? I write to Dr Mora in Paris by this mail, to inquire of him concerning this and other Bible concerns in which we laboured together. I do not wish however this to supercede the notice which I now request from you, nor from the one requested from Mr Jackson in my letter No 120.

You will recollect the edict that was issued in this metropolitan diocese, in 1829, against the buying, selling, reading, or retaining in possession any of your Bibles, and of the difficulties at the Custom House, which arose out of this. Our bookseller informs me, that in consequence of this edict, and some urgency in carrying it into effect, several of our Books were demanded and given up at the confessional. He also, however, gives me the pleasing information, that since the appointment of the present Arch­bishop no urgency has been used on the subject in the confessional; our Books, therefore, have now freer course than they had when I left, and for some time after. This is a gratifying change in advance. The Bibles and Testaments have been on open public sale uninterruptedly all along. How many have been sold since the last arrangement of accounts, I have not yet ascertained, but expect to do so soon. I am sorry to say that our Bookseller, who is a very worthy man, failed from misfortunes some months ago, a circumstance which will of course cause some loss.

The several thousands of copies of your Bibles and Testaments, which were brought into circulation here during your agency in 1827—1830, have produced, we may well say, both a direct good, and an indirect one. The direct one, of course, was these thousands of copies of the word of God coming into many hands, in a country destitute of it, and we may well suppose not without good effects, though we may not know them. The indirect one was a stir created about the Bible, both among those who were friendly to our books, and those who were not. Those against the circulation of the Scriptures without notes, were anxious to bring in a Bible containing the notes; and those friendly to us cheerfully joined them, glad thus to see the Scriptures come into more general use. The consequence was, that a Bookseller ordered an edition of Torres Amat's Bible, which was printed in 17 small volumes, in 18mo, and was sold here at 25 dollars. About 1000 copies of this have been sold. The work is still selling well, and the price is now somewhat reduced.

But this is not all of the effects of your former sales here; there is something better, something that manifests a considerable interest in the Scriptures, and does real honour to this country. A new and improved version of the entire Bible has been published here since I left in 1830. This is accompanied by the Latin of the Vulgate, together with a Harmony of the Four Gospels, prefaces to all the books, analyses, expositions, plates, maps, and dissertations. The whole amounts to 25 volumes in Spanish quarto, (which is about equal to our royal octavo), and a folio volume of maps and plates. This is altogether, as you see, an extensive work, and its publication certainly does great credit to Mexico. It is the first Bible printed here, or in any part of Spanish America, and therefore truly forms an era of a most important kind in regard to these countries. It was published by subscription in 1831, 32, and 33, at 132 dollars each copy, in boards, and there were upwards of 700 subscribers, thus involving a capital in this Bible work of about 100,000 dollars. This was certainly an unex­pected and great undertaking in this country, and under all its circum­stances. The enterprising publisher has much of the merit of the case, and his name deserves to be recorded, which is Mariano Galvan Ribera.

But there is another party which has also great merit in this work, namely, the priests of Mexico, by whom the translation was made: there were about eight of them engaged in it. This whole work is taken from the French of Vence, of which it is a translation. If you have not this French work of Vence in your library, it would be well to have it, and I hope some one of your Committee, or many friends, will present you with a copy of it.

Of this new Spanish version of the Scriptures, I have read through the Gospel  by St. Matthew, and consider it a greatly improved version, and much superior to Scio or Torres Amat. The text is in many parts interlarded with expositions, but they are printed so as to be quite distinct from the text, which is rendered with about the same freedom as our authorized version. The style of the Spanish in this work is modern, easy, and dignified, and more acceptable to general readers than the two versions above named.

One thing particularly distinguishes this translation over the other two, namely, that though it is, in one sense, formally a translation of the Vul­gate, yet there is a constant reference in it to the originals in Hebrew and Greek, and all the variations of these from the Vulgate are noticed, and also frequently adopted.

Among the many valuable dissertations contained in this work, amount­ing in all to upwards of 300, there are two on the Vulgate. In these its inferiority to the originals is distinctly set forth. The object of the Council of Trent, it is stated, was to declare its authenticity among Latin versions on the one hand, and as containing nothing contrary to the faith and sound morals on the other, and not to say that it was free from errors, or preferable to the Hebrew and Greek, with which it was not compared at all, in the decree on the subject. In these two dissertations, errors in the Vulgate are not only admitted, but shown forth freely.

I have thus dwelt at some length on this subject, because of the pre­sent and prospective bearings it has on the general circulation of the Scrip­tures, both in Mexico and Spanish America generally, and also in Spain itself. Already the Bible stands on vantage ground through it in the eyes of this people, and this same advantage will, I doubt not, increase. This Bible, from its size and price, can of course come into the hands of but a few, whilst a desire will be stirred up in many to possess it, and these will avail themselves of your cheaper book. It was your labours here, unquestionably, that led to the publication of this extensive, interesting, and useful work, and in return the greater circulation of your Bibles will be much increased by it. Had you not sent the Scriptures here, and dis­tributed them so fully, this work would not have appeared, and neither would Torres Amat's version have been so much circulated in this country; and as you have brought in these, so will they increase your circulation, and leave you in possession of the main field; just as with us in England, the Bibles without note or comment vastly surpass, in numbers, those with them; and all work together for the general knowledge of the word of God.

I am making inquiries whether it is possible to get an edition of the New Testament printed here, of this version; I mean, of course, the text only. If this could be done with ecclesiastical sanction, formal or tacit, it would at once authorize, I may say, the general circulation of the Scriptures in the country, without notes, which would be a step gained of very great importance. Such a book, from its better language than the other two, would probably become an acceptable school-book. If the govern­ment here should interest itself in the matter in favour of the schools, it would be of much consequence. Would you authorize me to make arrange­ments for such an edition? And would you give a reduction in price for the schools, should the government be friendly and anxious on the subject, in such a way as you favoured the French government and schools? And further, would you aid in putting this New Testament into the hands of the military of this country, should it be desired, as you aided the Prussians? Be kind enough to let me know your resolves on these points as early as convenient.

            I remain, Yours Truly,

                        James Thomson.

P.S.  Have the goodness to let me know what Books in Spanish American Indian languages I put in the Library in 1825, or what others beside you may have in it of these tongues, and otherwise obtained.

Also please say how many copies of the New Testament altogether were bought from your stock by the French Minister of Public Instruction, at what dates, and at what price. Likewise how many Bibles and Testaments were distributed among the Prussian soldiers, when, and how much of the cost you bore. I recollect something of these matters, but wish to have these exact before me, and official.

Address your letters for me: "Messrs Dickson, Gordon & Co., Mexico" - and put in the left hand corner, - "For the Rev. &c"


[1] Note--yellow fever. (BM)

Rev A Brandram No 126

Mexico 24th November 1842

My Dear Friend,

I understand that the mail sent from this city to Veracruz for the last packet was too late, and consequently it is lying there still, and will go with the present steamer. You will therefore get my last letter and this one at one time. You will not be much burdened however with an appendix in the shape of the present note, as I have little to say, being sorry to inform you that my business and prospects are apparently in statu quo, though I hope they have moved onward somewhat, yet not very visibly.

Three weeks ago I saw the Secretary of State to whom I gave in my Representation about the use of the New Testament of the Mexican version into the schools here, and of which I informed you. He said he would send me an official answer to morrow. After waiting a very reasonable time, or rather an unreasonable time, I inquired again, it being on a Saturday, and I was informed that without fail I should have a reply on the Monday following. However neither the to morrow nor the Monday has come, though they are both fully gone by, and I am still without an answer. I mention these things that you may see how we get on here, or rather are hindered from getting on, and to apprise you not to measure work done by time in this country, as the latter may be long enough, and the former little. – Notwithstanding however this delay, which is much the routine of things in Mexico, I still expect an answer to my representation, and before very long, and I have hopes of a somewhat favourable one. The Secretary told me that he had spoken with General Bravo the President, laying my Representation before him, and that he, as also himself, thought well of it. The only serious difficulty will be in Ecclesiastical one. I pray God that it may be surmounted.

I mentioned in my Letter 124 what had been done here in the way of Bible circulation through the versions of Torres Amat and Vence. I have since learned something additional on this score. In edition of Scio was also published in the city, and by subscription, the number of names on the list being about 1300. This edition was published in numbers, in all 77, at one dollar each. This Bible was printed about the same time with the Mexican version of Vence, and the one perhaps rather hindered the success of the other, whilst the Revolution that occurred during their publication injured them both, and considerably.

The issue of these three different Bibles here in the course of a few years, and the extent of sale they had, and that such high prices, all show what attention this Sacred Book has obtained in the country. Let us pray that it may obtain an increased attention in every way.

When I mentioned the French Bible of Vence in my Letter 124, and hoped some of your friends would make you a present of this valuable work, I had not the title at hand to give you. I now have it, and it is as follows: –"Sainte Bible en Latin et en Français, avec des Notes litterales, critiques, et historiques des prefaces, et des dissertaciones: Tirée du commentaire de dom. Augustin Calmet, Abbé de Senones, de l'Abbé de Vence, y des auteurs les plus celebres, pour faciliter l'intelligence de l'Ecriture Sainte: A Paris 1822." There are 25 vols in 8vo with a large folio volume of Plates.

Mr. Jackson's letter of the 31st of August came to hand on the 4th instant, and I thank him for his clear and full account of Dr. Mora's sales etc. here, about which I had inquired.

By the first of October Packet I have had no letter.

            I remain, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                            James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram  No.128

Mexico 24th January 1843

My Dear Friend,

Since my last to you I have received Mr. Jackson's note and Invoice of Books dated the 24th September. This sheet came into my hands on the 4th instant, and by next post I wrote to Veracruz regarding the disposal of the books, directing that one case should be put into a Bookseller's hands in that place, with whom I spoke on the subject when there. Two cases are to be sent here, and two to lie till further advice.

Our Packet of this month has brought no English letters, and consequently I have none from you, or others in your quarter. She waited at St. Thomas's two days, we understand, for the Packet from England, and then judging it improper to wait longer, came off though without the English mail.

I am not yet able to write you of success in regard to one branch of our operations here, and that certainly not the least, I mean the getting the New Testament into the schools. Still I have hopes of success, and still also I have fears. Our Government here is, you may be sure, busily enough engaged in political affairs, and so as to have a good enough excuse in one sense for neglecting private matters, and such mine I suppose is counted. However I have taken a new tack now, and him sailing on a new course, and have hopes of gaining our port sooner and better than by the former one. Not many days after I sent my Representation to the Government an Ordinance was published on the subject of General Elementary Education over the country, and the whole management of this important concern was entrusted to the Lancasterian Society of this city. The Society mentioned is very much like that of the B & F School Society, or the National School Society with you. This institution is established on a very good footing here, and all the warm friends of general instruction are connected with it, and their measures are very active, and their progress is considerable. The Government lends the Society all its aid, and most cordially. This Body has the arrangements in its hands as to all books to be used in the schools. Through acquaintances connected with this Establishment, I have been made a member of the same, and have a seat and a vote at all their meetings. I have presented my Representation to the body, and it has been very favourably received. We have however still to run the Ecclesiastical Gauntlet, as the law has established that all books on religion to be printed and used in the country must have a previous Ecclesiastical Permit. The Members of the Education Society mentioned intend to use their wisest and best efforts in order to get the necessary license for the use of the New Testament in their schools. In case of success they will gladly avail themselves of your friendly aid, under orders will be thousands upon thousands when once the door is open: – and Oh may God open this door, and widely and effectually, that his own word of truth and life may come as a flood of light into all the schools of this populous country, and then also in directly, and in due time effectually, into every house and family. I feel, as you may be sure, deeply anxious on the subject, and pray without ceasing concerning it. And further, as an object of increased interest in this matter, and as formerly noticed to you, – our success here will be success to us likewise, I may say, over all Spanish America. I do hope that you and all with you have been helping us, and constantly both in your closets and families, and in your hearts if not with your lips elsewhere also. Our hand work is mechanical, our prayers are spiritual, and mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.

I have had a favourable reply to my letter to the Bishop of Oaxaca. By next post I write to the Bishop of Sonora, having obtained an introduction to him from one of the active members of our Lancasterian Society who is a particular friend of the Bishop's. The same individual kindly helped me by an additional recommendation to the Bishop of Yucatán.

I have in two or three of my letters since I arrived here on the present occasion given you some favourable statements as to a general interest in this country in regard to the holy Scriptures, and an increased diffusion of them in different forms, versions, and editions. I close this letter with an additional note on this subject. The late Archbishop of this city when he left this on return to Spain bought some 200 copies of Torres Amat's version (in nine volumes), and sent them as presents to his late clergy all over this diocese. All this will bring the Scriptures into more notice, and eventually lead to the more general use of your unnoted and cheap Bibles.

Let us hope then and pray, and pray and hope, trusting in God who reigneth and ruleth all, and everywhere, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Very Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram:  No.132

Mexico, 25th May 1843

My Dear Friend,

Towards the close of my last letter I said I was preparing to leave this city for Veracruz and the Havannah. I had accordingly my things packed up a few days after sending off my letter in order to go before me by the muleteers to Veracruz. But about the time for sending them off we received accounts from Yucatán of such a nature as to lead me to delay sending on my luggage, believing that the changes going on there would enable me to go direct from Veracruz to that place instead of going by way of the Havannah. I therefore delayed in this city till another packet in order to hear for the accounts from Yucatán. Things that are not yet quite clear, but we are daily in expectation of something of a decided nature. If some favourable adjustment of matters do not take place in Yucatán, I will have to go from the Havannah to Belize, and from thence to Guatemala. Could I have liberty of disposing of books by the way, I would go by land, although it is a very long horseback journey of some 1200 miles. But my chief obstacle in this case is the fear, or rather perhaps the certainty of having my Books detained in the Customs Houses on the way as they have been in this city. I am in some perplexity as to what is best to be done, but hope I may be guided to what is most advantageous.

I shall write to the Havannah to have my letters that may arrive there the beginning of next month sent on here. It will be best I think for you to continue sending my letters to the Havannah, under cover to the British Consul there, until I otherwise direct. From thence they can be forwarded to me either here, or to Belize and Guatemala as my movements may require, and I will accordingly so arrange with the British Consul in the note I am about to write him.

I am glad, under other circumstances of darkness and discourage­ment, to have once more something to say about the general circulation and use of the Scriptures here, though not directly through our hands. There is a supply daily expected in this city, of 1,500 copies of Torres Amat's second edition; and these will be sold at a considerable reduc­tion in price—a circumstance which will carry them more rapidly into circulation. They are the remnant of a large edition published in Paris. I have no doubt but you will all personally, if not officially, rejoice in this additional diffusion of the Scriptures in this place. And you may do this, too, officially, as you have been the means of bringing on here the desire for the Holy Scriptures; and, furthermore, you may do it officially, inasmuch as all this circulation of these larger and annotated Bibles will, as formerly hinted, most assuredly bring round a greater diffusion of your more simple and cheaper volumes. The booksellers gladdened my heart the other day, by telling me that there is a decided favour in the public mind in regard to the Scriptures, which was not formerly the case. Irreligious books were then in favour; but now the scale is turned—and, I may say, you have turned it.

Another favourable circumstance I may mention, and one of no small account: it respects the instruction of the Indians. Measures are now being taken by the Government Education Board here, for setting up schools among the Indians generally, for teaching them to read in their own native tongues, similar to the plan adopted in the Gaelic schools in the north of Scotland. Those produced happy effects, and so I trust will these native schools in this land. Thus extensively, you see, is the way preparing for versions of the Scriptures into the Indian tongues.

I hope you had a noble day at Exeter Hall in your annual congregation. I shall anxiously look for a confirmation of this hope, through your communications. I, I suppose your utmost post on the West, prayed for you on that occasion, and many did so no doubt far in the East, and many and more between. May the Lord other direct and prosper you, for his own glory, the good of his church, and the good of the world.

We have again been disappointed in the arrival of our packet, and her bringing no English mail.

            I am ever, My Dear friend,

                        Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson


Rev A Brandram No.2 (?)

Madrid 4th October 1847

My Dear Friend,

Your letter of the 8th ultimo reached me in its due time on the 15th. Your notices of Birmingham, Tamworth, and other places, and happy things among you, makes one see and feel very strongly the desertness and barrenness of this land, where not even an oasis is to be seen. Oases however may spring up, and as is customary with them, quickly. I am glad to hear you say you do not forget us in prayer. Do remember us much and often. – I am happy to hear of the safe return of Mr. Bourne, and rejoice in the great satisfaction which that mission has afforded you all. Perhaps you may have an agent again in Africa sooner than you are aware. – I fully agree in your hesitancy about Books to Libraries, and I shall be cautious and staring in the use of the privilege you do not deny me in the matter.

In regard to Bible affairs here, I would notice, that I have observed in several Old Book Stands, a single copy of your Bible and one copy of your New Testament. The farmer they will ask two dollars for, but will take half a dollar less, and the Testament can be had for half a dollar. I have been given to understand, that when a single volume of the Bible or testament is bought, the places sure to be supplied with a single copy respectively immediately after. This indicates that that are more copies than are seen, but how they come or came by them we have not yet ascertained.

Not long after I came here, I observed one day a large placard on the front of one of the churches, on which the word Bible was seen in very large letters, and as the prominent word in the advertisement. This was the announcement of a new edition of Scio's Bible now in course of publication in Barcelona, and of course with the usual notes. The New Testament is finished and four small duodecimo volumes, on superior paper, and with a good sized type. The price is 14 rials vellon the volume, stitched, or say 12 shillings for the whole New Testament. This is a step towards bringing the Bible nearer to the inhabitants of this country. But there is a second under longer one also in its progress towards this desirable end. Another edition is being published in the same place by another company, and in a much cheaper form. The New Testament of this edition is contained in two volumes, small duodecimo like the other, but on inferior though good paper, and with the latin text, which the former is without. The whole Bible will form 10 volumes, and will be sold in a stitched form for six dollars, while the New Testament will be only say Five shillings. This step therefore brings the Scriptures, as you will see, more than one half neater than the one previously mentioned.

Besides these two editions of Scio's Bible now issuing from the press in single volumes, there was a splendid edition of the same version published in Barcelona in 1843, in small folio, in it volumes, with plates, price stitched, about four pounds, and now selling bound in morocco at 34 dollars. – Further, another edition still of Scio is on sale here, which is Scio's own third edition and published by Escuelas Pias to which he belonged. It is in 15 volumes Spanish or small quarto, at 16 rials vellon each, stitched, or say12 dollars for the whole, the latin and Spanish text and notes, but without the plates.

Finally, that is the second edition of Torres Amat's Bible on sale here, in six volumes, Spanish quarto, at 150 rials, stitched, or 7½ dollars.

Thus we have at present in full open undisturbed sale in this city, and over all the country, five different versions of the Bible in the Spanish language, with notes, at prices, unbound, in English shillings, as follows, 80, 58, 50, 31, and 25. The 31 is Torres Amat's, and you see it is much lower than any of Scio's till this last cheap one came out.

I do not know whether you are Roman Catholic enough to rejoice in these versions and editions, and the issues of Scriptures in and over this country; but for myself, I confess I am. I do rejoice in this measure of freedom and extension of the Scriptures here, not withstanding their accompaniment with notes, all of which we would not approve of. I say all of them, for I might perhaps venture to say, that nine tenths of them we would agree with, as indeed we might gather from the acceptable and extensive use of Calmet among us Protestants in England.[1]

The printer of Torres Amat's second edition has informed me, that that edition consisted of 3000 copies, and he said that this was generally about the number printed of such works. Taking the four editions of Scio and two of Torres Amat at this calculation, we have 18,000 copies. The two editions now in course of publication in Barcelona, are I believe stereotype, and we may perhaps set them down both at 5000 each. The whole thus makes 28,000 copies of the Scriptures published or publishing. But as these two last editions are not yet finished and allowing for stock on hand, we must limit the past and present circulation, say to 16,000. Alas how little!

In these Barcelona editions, the efforts of your Society are specially noticed, which they say, are worthy of a better cause. The enemy and the foreigner have been very active, they state, in sowing tares in this field, in the shape of altered, mutilated, corrupt, and adulterated editions of the Scriptures, in their own style, in order to propagate Protestantism. To meet these sore evils, and to suffocate them, these Publishers have been induced, they say, to make their efforts, and to contend with the enemy even in cheapness. There is a remarkable word, and a happy one, used in the addresses and prefaces in question. They say they wish to popularize the reading of the Scriptures in this country, and this word occurs three distinct times. You see therefore how their object and yours agree; and that is no doubt but their efforts will contribute to popularize the reading of the Scriptures here, in two ways, in the reading of their own volumes, and secondly, in leading many to procure your cheaper volumes, who cannot reach their cheapness. In every way therefore, I conceive, we have reason to rejoice in these issues of the Scriptures. You have manifestly sent them to work by what you previously did here, and that efforts will no doubt give us an additional demand for our Bibles, when we can freely present them to them; and which time may God bring about early.

We see no fair and clear way as yet for printing the Bible here, but movements are hastening on in this country, and our way may be made plain in a brief space of time, in the removement of all our difficulties. – By the way, you are printing the Bible in Lisbon. How is it you can do so? Is there for liberty of the press there? And is there also toleration? I shall be glad to obtain your answers to these inquiries, as Portugal may aid us here in the way of example; and further, being part of this Peninsula, it may be considered as a portion of my Bible field.

I mentioned in my last that I had written to Cadiz, Malaga, Barcelona, Bayonne, and Paris. From all these places I have had answers, except from Barcelona. Your anticipations about certain official parties, in the two former places, are but too correct. The blame however, I believe, must be placed to the account of others nearer yourselves, rather than to them, for they are persons under authority. Unofficially Mr. Mark of Malaga offers me any aid he can afford, and he has furnished me with the papers and letters that may be of service to me. Mr Pedezert of Bayonne is not very sanguine as to the finding of a fit person for a depot in Behovie, or as to a person to colport from thence into Spain. Mr de Pressensé is however more hopeful. I am to hear from him again on the subject.

In consequence of letters that I've had from Malaga and Cadiz, and other circumstances combined, my friend and brother here thinks it desirable that I should pay a visit to these parts, and others in that quarter. I have therefore resolved to make such a tour, and purpose leaving Madrid about a week hence, going first to Granada and Malaga, thence to Gibraltar and Cadiz, and returning through Seville and Córdova. A month at least will, I suppose, be taken up in this journey, and it may be to. When it Gibraltar, I intend to pass over to the Spanish colony of Ceuta, on the south side of the Straits, in Africa, and I may also visit the place or two more on that Continent. If our friends at Gibraltar are not likely to have on hand any Arabic Bibles and Hebrew Bibles and Testaments, will you be so good as forward some by the first Steamer after this letter reaches you, and also some Jewish Spanish New Testaments. That is a steamer for Gibraltar every Thursday from Southampton, besides other steamers on fixed days of the month, as you will see by the Peninsula and Oriental Steam Company List, which you can get at No 51 St Mary Ave. You can write me to Gibraltar to the care of Mr. Hull.

The case you referred to of the 200 Spanish Testaments ordered by Mr. Griffin, and which no shipper would take charge of, did occur before I left you. Mr. Griffin was here not long ago, as I learned by the newspapers, as he made some little noise in and about our Museum of Paintings. He was gone however before I could see him. I should be glad to receive a copy of his letter, as I might correspond with, or see, sometime hence, the parties he has named. If Mr. Griffin has not called on you since his return, you should, I think, see him before you send a copy, as he may give you further particulars which you could append to his letter. He can be heard of at Lloyd's.

                        I remain,

                                    My Dear Friend,

                                                James Thomson.


[1] Fr. Antoine Augustin Calmet's Bible dictionary and commentary were widely used. (BM)