Rev A Brandram No.10

Cadiz 22nd December 1847

My Dear Friend,

Two days ago, when forwarding my letter of the 15th hastily, by the Oriental Steamer which touched at Gibraltar on her way home, I wrote you a very brief note. I mentioned my regret at the non-arrival of the Books I had requested in my letter to Mr. Hitchin of the 10th November, and had begged that they might be sent early. My surprise at their not coming is increased by my receiving no word about them whatever, nor have I any other notification of the letter mentioned having arrived. My letter I judged, would be in London, in the usual course on the 24th or 25th of November and thus there was time, if not for the books to be sent by the Packet of the 27th at least that I might hear by that Packet something about them. At all events, the Packet of the 3rd or of the 7th December might have brought the books, or a letter. But neither books nor letter came, and to my great disappointment regarding the books, as I shall presently explain.

I cannot imagine that my letter to Mr.Hitchin did not reach in safety, but least any mishap has befallen it, I here copy it.

"Gibraltar 10th November 1847.

My Dear Sir,

   I write to advise a Bill drawn this day on my Travelling Account, for Fifty Pounds, in favour of Messrs. Robert Weir & Co. of this place, at Thirty days sight.

   The case of Arabic Bibles arrived here on the 4th instant, the same day on which I reached this. I am sorry to observe that there are no Spanish Jewish New Testaments.

   Mr. Brandram's letter of the 2nd came to hand yesterday, and this morning I wrote to Madrid respecting the notice to the Spanish consul in London.

   Please say to Mr. Brandram, that I could wish sent here, and as early as can be, 50 Spanish Bibles 8vo, 50 ditto 12mo, 100 Spanish New Testaments 12mo and 100 ditto 32mo in the usual bindings, all lettered. These to be put up in four cases, each having the same quantities of different kinds, as nearly as can be.

   I have learned here that you do not favour our Gibraltar friends with the Reporter. Please to send three copies, to Rev. Thomas Dove, Rev. William Strachan, and W. G. Bracebridge Esq.

   I am about to start for Tangier, and this letter I leave to be forwarded by the first packet.

   Letters will be in time for me here on my return, if sent by the next mail after this arrives.

   I should like much to know, and early, the exact cost to the Society of the Spanish N.T. 12mo and the printing,  paper, and binding separately if it can be given.

   Believe me, Yours Truly,

               James Thomson.

P.S. Please to send me, and to this place, two dozen penny P.O. heads, one dozen twopenny ones, and half a dozen 10d. ones, if there are such. 1/- ones will not suit."


The Books in question which I had wished to be sent to Gibraltar, I intended to bring from thence to Cadiz, as I have two friends here, through whom I confidently expected I should get them landed safely. One of these friends is a Chief Officer in the Custom House, and the other is a person of more power still to serve me, namely, the head political authority of the city and district. Having this expectation, and much needing the Books, and under all the difficulties we have of entering them into the country, I cannot tell you how much I am grieved at their not coming. My regret is, of course, increased by the impossibility now of remedying the misfortune. But I would say, let the Books still be sent, and to Gibraltar, as they are there needed, or soon will be so.

Perhaps you will be kind enough to let me hear from you early as to how this matter stands. Write to Madrid, as Mrs. Thomson will receive and forward your letter to the place in which I may be when it comes, and which she always knows. In this notice regarding the mode of sending letters, you will please keep in mind at all times during my travelling in Spain.

I turn now to a pleasanter subject. In Mr. Hitchin's letter you will see that I have said, – "This morning I wrote to Madrid respecting the notice to the Spanish Consul in London." In your letter of the 2nd November you mentioned the steps you have taken in regard to the Royal Licence obtained to send six cases of books direct to Madrid, and I admired the wisdom with which you managed all. I wondered at your disappointment, and could not well account for it, as I had been assured that all required in the case had been done, and that the way was plain for the books to come. I was given to understand that one of the measures necessary was that of advising the Spanish Consul in London regarding the matter, and I was told that this was to be done on the 12th. When about to do it however, I suppose, they found out that it was not necessary nor customary to do so, but only to apprise the authorities at the port of entrance.

On my arrival in this city I found a letter awaiting me at the post office from the Under Secretary of the Hacienda, or Finance, to whom I had written as above stated to Mr. Hitchin, informing him of what you had told me. I was longer in Africa than I had at all expected, God having opened a door there, which I trust will not shut, but open wider and wider, and become great and effectual. My delay there hindered my getting the letter in reply sent by the Secretary earlier, as I had requested it to be sent to Cadiz, where before long I expected to be.

I now forward that letter to you, that you may see how things stand. You can, it seems, obtain the proper certificate from the Spanish Consul without such communication, as we supposed, being sent to him. But should any hesitancy arise in the case, this letter being shown him will remove all obstacles. And please to keep the letter in your own possession, that it may serve on a future similar occasion, which may occur, and soon, and frequently.

In shipping the cases it will be necessary to desire the Broker specially to inform the Consignee in Santander, that the notice of the Royal Order is in the hands of the Intendente, as you will see by the letter enclosed.

The Set of Versions for Mr. La Serna and the University of Madrid, which have not been called for, as Mr. Jackson informs me by a note in your said letter of 2nd November, will suit nicely as a ground for requesting another Royal Order, and under cover of it we can get some more Bibles and Testaments into the country, and to the capital. I shall see about this when I reach Madrid.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram No.17

Madrid 24th April 1848

My Dear Friend,

In my letter of  the 27th March, I mentioned to you my application to Mr. Bulwer about our six cases, with the hopes at first excited, and the disappointment in which this, as previous efforts, had ended. I added, that I had another resource or two that I would try for the gaining of our object. One of these I immediately tried, but it failed. In succession I tried the other, and perhaps it will result favourably, but they must see such result before we can rejoice in it. The attempt I made first was, the requesting a letter from Mr. Bulwer to the Foreign Office here, that I might try to get an order from thence for the Spanish Consul in London, that he might give the proper certificate. Mr. Bulwer readily gave me this letter, and from my first reception, I had good hopes; but the Foreign Minister would needs first consult with his brother of the Exchequer, and as our matter had been there before, and was rejected, it was so again.

My next application was to the American Minister here, and with whom previously I had spoken on the subject generally, but there were reasons for my not specifically making a request to him then concerning it. But failing on all hands, I ventured formally to ask him for the favour in question. He has granted it, but the doubt in the matter as to success is this, that on a former occasion of said Minister getting books from London, the Spanish Consul refused this certificate until he should get an order from the government here, because some of the books as in our case, where prohibited articles, being bound or in Spanish. This order was applied for here and of course obtained. Now General Saunders, for that is the American Minister's name, said he could not well apply for a second order so soon after the previous one. But in this refusal of the Consul, he was demurring where he ought not, though he had right, I believe, on his side in our case. There is a specific statute, as he ought to know, of the government here, allowing Ambassadors to bring among other things important prohibited articles. I have applied for a copy of this and if it come before I seal my letter I shall enclose it. But in the meantime I forward you the printed instructions regarding the liberties granted to Foreign Ministers grounded on the statute mentioned. At the place of the top of the second page where I have made a pencil mark, you will see that such liberty in importing prohibited articles is clearly allowed, and the provision made for it, namely, that of charging duties on them, whereas other articles to them are duty free. This should be shown to the Consul if he hesitates, as well as the statute I have referred to if enclosed. – John Miller, 26 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden is General Saunders's agent for books and other things he gets from London. I do not know whether it would be better for you to act through him or not, but give you his name and address in case of need. Again, perhaps you had better employ another Broker than the one spoken to before, and that the shipment be made to Bilbao instead of Santander. The address should be "Al Sr. General Saunders, Ministro Plenipotentiario de los Estados Unidos, Madrid", and the letter should be sent to the American Consul at Bilbao, whose address is "Sr. D. Mariano de Aguirre". The last notice I have to make is, that it will suit better to send four cases instead of six. When these are done Providence will open another door for more. I would say, drop all the 8vo Testaments as they are bulky. Let there be an equal number of large and small Bibles, and equal numbers of the 12mo and 32mo new Testaments. If you have still the Four Books, send us a proper supply of them. Of course you will send all Usoz's books ordered.

I here notice (to conclude the year just before your annual meeting) some things which might or should have been noticed earlier. – I duly received Mr. Jackson's letter of the 17th January, with Invoice of the four cases I had expected when it Gibraltar. By letter from Mr. Dove of the 11th March, I learned, that these had arrived a few days before he wrote. I also received Mr. Jackson's letter of the 12th February, with Invoice of the Books voted for Tangier and Tetuan on the 24th December. The Hebrew Bibles in that Invoice are marked in 12mo I suppose my mistake, for it is Duncan's Bible in 8vo that is mentioned in the Resolution.

Soon after receiving the Invoice of the Books for Barbary, I wrote a letter to my Jew friends there, and enclosed it to Mr. Dove, with directions as to forwarding the Books when they came, and also the letter. On the 11th March they had not arrived, nor could they have arrived so late as the 18th instant, as Mr. Dove promised to write me as soon as they came, and his letter of that date would have been here this morning.

Have you heard from Mr. Tiddy in reply to your inquiries about the 12mo Hebrew Pentateuch? In your letter of the 4th January you inquire if I know to what extent the Jews in Barbary understand the Hebrew. To a considerable extent, I should think, judging from the readiness I observed in reading and translating passages from the Hebrew Bible, and Coriat is translating direct from it. – As to the services of the Jews, about which you dealt, after my leaving them, I would say, that, added to some degree of friendship, I took the measure most likely to secure interest in Jews, if common report speaks correctly, namely, the money one. They are to have a commission on what they sell.

With regard to the Arabic dialects spoken in Marocco, I think the judgment pronounced on it by your young friend has some correctness in it, as it corresponds a good deal with the view given me by Mr. Drummond Hay, the British chargé d'affaires in Tangier to whom I wrote on the subject. But this view hardly accords with what he said to me in conversation, namely, that the language and the dialect were as different as Latin and Italian, or as Ancient and Modern Greek. We must therefore leave the subject till further light can be obtained. Your work in Barbary at present must be with the Jews, and when the result of the attempt made for them is seen, you will be able to judge whether further measures should be adopted, and in connexion with working for them, some lights may arise as to what can be done for the Moors.

Bearing on this subject, I would observe, that in Cadiz I met with a Frenchman, a kind of half Jew, that is, a Jew in reality, but not caring to show it, and rather wishing to conceal such a connexion. He was then lately come from Marocco, and had traveled extensively over it. I told him of my arrangements in sending the Hebrew Scriptures to the Jews there. He said, it was likely they would have an extensive circulation over the country; and he particularly recommended the sending of a supply to Mogador, as the Books were all destroyed there, he said, during the French bombardments and robberies in consequence within the place. I should think you might venture to send there, with safety and good hopes, 100 copies of the Bible, and bound in four volumes like those sent to Gibraltar. Mr. Willshire, the British Consul in Mogador, of whom everybody speaks well, would be the person to whose care you might entrust them. If you should agree to send this supply, as I hope you will, be so good as to send it as early as you may find an opportunity, and these two experiments will guide for the future better than one of them, as the places are situated in opposite quarters of the country.

To conclude this letter, and year, allow me to say that this is a noted day with me. On this day, 30 years ago, I left home for abroad. I left alone, and I am again alone.

            Believe me, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                                        James Thomson.

P.S. I have seen the Royal Orders on the subject above noticed. There are six of them, and it is not easy to give just what is wanted. But no doubt the Spanish Consul has them in his house. They are noted in the first page of the paper enclosed opposite the mark.

Rev A Brandram No.18

Madrid 23rd May 1848

My Dear Friend,

I have been looking with more than common interest for a letter from you these some days past, and chiefly say to learn the mind of the Spanish Consul in our case. Yesterday or to day I made sure of a letter, but none has come. I delay therefore no longer in writing, as the time of my setting out on my journey is near, and some Books will need to be sent on to meet me.

I have now resolved to take the Eastern part of my journey first. But in going to Barcelona I shall go by way of Valencia. From Barcelona I intend making my way through Gerona and Perpignan to Toulouse, but I could wish to have a supply of Books ready on my arrival. Toulouse is the nearest town in France of a note bordering on Andorra, and for several reasons I conceive I could come with advantage on Andorra from Toulouse. From Andorra I descend into Spain, and go through the Basque Province to Yrun and Bayonne. Another, and say an equal supply of Books I could wish to meet with there. I have thought of the following kinds and quantities for each of these places. 50 Bibles in 8vo., 50 ditto in 12mo., 50 N.T. in 8vo., 100 in 12mo., 100 in 32mo., 100 of 4 Books and 100 Luke & Acts, making in each lot 450 copies, in all 900. You can diminish the quantities if you think better to do so. If you send these Books from England, Bordeaux will I suppose be the best port to ship them for. You can direct the cases for Bayonne to Mr. Pedezert the Protestant Minister there, and in Toulouse you have valuable friends to entrust them to, and for whom I should be glad of a note of introduction. It may be better perhaps to send the Books from Paris should there be all the kinds there. Of this you will judge. But as you say you have a large stock on hand at home, it may be better first to lessen that than send from Paris. Could you, without much trouble, let me have a note of all your Spanish stock?

I have got a printer here to print a new edition of the Basque St. Luke, which, as I mentioned in a former letter, had been carefully revised by the translator. The same individual has nearly finished a translation of the Acts. I hope you will not disapprove of these two little doings. I was anxious to have a supply of the Basque in going through these provinces, and glad too to obtain the services of the translator for the additional version. It will not be printed till you give your view on the subject, and what happens as to the circulation of the reprint may guide us.

I see the limitation of the Resolution in regard to printing, and it is a very proper one, but not applying to the Basque. In Andorra I may probably be strongly tempted to print, for all things manufactured there are free to enter Spain, and are even exempted from duty. Should Spain not open for our Books from England, and printing be still impracticable in it, we should probably avail ourselves of the advantage offered, which is a great one.

Mr. Bulwer you see is gone from this, and we shall have a new Envoy. I pray and beseech you to avail yourselves of his coming to get say ten cases sent by him.

I have been arranging to leave this on the first of June, or very soon after, unless our disturbances hinder, but times are delicate for Englishmen travelling here, or making any movements in our line, as trifling things may be made use of just now against the English. The Letter of Credit is not yet come. My address will remain as before, as arrangements will be made for forwarding letters. Afterwards I shall write on this subject.

Pray how were the 300 Testaments sent? And what others have these some years past made their way to this country as far as you know, for some half.

I have still my hopes of Spain, as you will see noted in Evangelical Christendom for April. Surely the present year will not go out as the last did, such at least are our hopes.[1]

I duly received the Record, and this morning the Reporter. The Atlas newspaper says your meeting "was, as regards numbers, rank and talent, the greatest religious union of the season." Is this perfectly correct as to the members? I shall be glad to learn this in the affirmative.

I now give you a quotation, and an advice, contained in a letter I had the other day from Mr. Mark our Consul in Malaga, though I fear you will not have the good sense to adopt the recommendation given. "A very useful object would be obtained by getting the Bible Society to procure a Bull from the Pope allowing the use of the Bible, or even enjoining the reading of it, as that would do away with the great barrier, and his liberal ministers might safely propose it to his Holiness."

I have meditated much, since the end of February, on the 93rd Psalm. Truly the floods have lifted up their voice, and continue, all around, to lift up their waves. All are setting to work to mend their Statutes, if not their ways. But the Code that occupies all our attention needs no alteration, and admits of no reform. "Thy testimonies are very sure." "The law of the Lord is perfect." What a consolation this is! And how ought we to be animated by it! Let us spread the perfect Code to reform the world, and nothing else will reform it. Also let us ourselves remember, that holiness becometh God's house, and work and servants forever.


            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Most Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

[1] "Spain is my present field, a country which the sun luxuriously shines upon, and blesses with his best gifts. But thick clouds intercept the rays of the Gospel, and it is a beclouded and dark country as to evangelical and moral fruits. We must not, however, despair of Spain. I do not. The dawn and the day may be nearer at hand than we are aware of , and so I trust in truth is the case. I indulge myself in this thought and hope, and endeavour to animate myself  thereby to the pouring forth of more earnest prayers, and to the use of wiser and more effectual means for its welfare." (“Spain. Death of Mrs. Thomson: And Difficulties of Protestant Sepulture”, Evangelical Christendom,  II:119.) BM