Rev A Brandram No 126

Mexico 24th November 1842

My Dear Friend,

I understand that the mail sent from this city to Veracruz for the last packet was too late, and consequently it is lying there still, and will go with the present steamer. You will therefore get my last letter and this one at one time. You will not be much burdened however with an appendix in the shape of the present note, as I have little to say, being sorry to inform you that my business and prospects are apparently in statu quo, though I hope they have moved onward somewhat, yet not very visibly.

Three weeks ago I saw the Secretary of State to whom I gave in my Representation about the use of the New Testament of the Mexican version into the schools here, and of which I informed you. He said he would send me an official answer to morrow. After waiting a very reasonable time, or rather an unreasonable time, I inquired again, it being on a Saturday, and I was informed that without fail I should have a reply on the Monday following. However neither the to morrow nor the Monday has come, though they are both fully gone by, and I am still without an answer. I mention these things that you may see how we get on here, or rather are hindered from getting on, and to apprise you not to measure work done by time in this country, as the latter may be long enough, and the former little. – Notwithstanding however this delay, which is much the routine of things in Mexico, I still expect an answer to my representation, and before very long, and I have hopes of a somewhat favourable one. The Secretary told me that he had spoken with General Bravo the President, laying my Representation before him, and that he, as also himself, thought well of it. The only serious difficulty will be in Ecclesiastical one. I pray God that it may be surmounted.

I mentioned in my Letter 124 what had been done here in the way of Bible circulation through the versions of Torres Amat and Vence. I have since learned something additional on this score. In edition of Scio was also published in the city, and by subscription, the number of names on the list being about 1300. This edition was published in numbers, in all 77, at one dollar each. This Bible was printed about the same time with the Mexican version of Vence, and the one perhaps rather hindered the success of the other, whilst the Revolution that occurred during their publication injured them both, and considerably.

The issue of these three different Bibles here in the course of a few years, and the extent of sale they had, and that such high prices, all show what attention this Sacred Book has obtained in the country. Let us pray that it may obtain an increased attention in every way.

When I mentioned the French Bible of Vence in my Letter 124, and hoped some of your friends would make you a present of this valuable work, I had not the title at hand to give you. I now have it, and it is as follows: –"Sainte Bible en Latin et en Français, avec des Notes litterales, critiques, et historiques des prefaces, et des dissertaciones: Tirée du commentaire de dom. Augustin Calmet, Abbé de Senones, de l'Abbé de Vence, y des auteurs les plus celebres, pour faciliter l'intelligence de l'Ecriture Sainte: A Paris 1822." There are 25 vols in 8vo with a large folio volume of Plates.

Mr. Jackson's letter of the 31st of August came to hand on the 4th instant, and I thank him for his clear and full account of Dr. Mora's sales etc. here, about which I had inquired.

By the first of October Packet I have had no letter.

            I remain, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                            James Thomson.