Rev A Brandram No 126

Mexico 24th November 1842

My Dear Friend,

I understand that the mail sent from this city to Veracruz for the last packet was too late, and consequently it is lying there still, and will go with the present steamer. You will therefore get my last letter and this one at one time. You will not be much burdened however with an appendix in the shape of the present note, as I have little to say, being sorry to inform you that my business and prospects are apparently in statu quo, though I hope they have moved onward somewhat, yet not very visibly.

Three weeks ago I saw the Secretary of State to whom I gave in my Representation about the use of the New Testament of the Mexican version into the schools here, and of which I informed you. He said he would send me an official answer to morrow. After waiting a very reasonable time, or rather an unreasonable time, I inquired again, it being on a Saturday, and I was informed that without fail I should have a reply on the Monday following. However neither the to morrow nor the Monday has come, though they are both fully gone by, and I am still without an answer. I mention these things that you may see how we get on here, or rather are hindered from getting on, and to apprise you not to measure work done by time in this country, as the latter may be long enough, and the former little. – Notwithstanding however this delay, which is much the routine of things in Mexico, I still expect an answer to my representation, and before very long, and I have hopes of a somewhat favourable one. The Secretary told me that he had spoken with General Bravo the President, laying my Representation before him, and that he, as also himself, thought well of it. The only serious difficulty will be in Ecclesiastical one. I pray God that it may be surmounted.

I mentioned in my Letter 124 what had been done here in the way of Bible circulation through the versions of Torres Amat and Vence. I have since learned something additional on this score. In edition of Scio was also published in the city, and by subscription, the number of names on the list being about 1300. This edition was published in numbers, in all 77, at one dollar each. This Bible was printed about the same time with the Mexican version of Vence, and the one perhaps rather hindered the success of the other, whilst the Revolution that occurred during their publication injured them both, and considerably.

The issue of these three different Bibles here in the course of a few years, and the extent of sale they had, and that such high prices, all show what attention this Sacred Book has obtained in the country. Let us pray that it may obtain an increased attention in every way.

When I mentioned the French Bible of Vence in my Letter 124, and hoped some of your friends would make you a present of this valuable work, I had not the title at hand to give you. I now have it, and it is as follows: –"Sainte Bible en Latin et en Français, avec des Notes litterales, critiques, et historiques des prefaces, et des dissertaciones: Tirée du commentaire de dom. Augustin Calmet, Abbé de Senones, de l'Abbé de Vence, y des auteurs les plus celebres, pour faciliter l'intelligence de l'Ecriture Sainte: A Paris 1822." There are 25 vols in 8vo with a large folio volume of Plates.

Mr. Jackson's letter of the 31st of August came to hand on the 4th instant, and I thank him for his clear and full account of Dr. Mora's sales etc. here, about which I had inquired.

By the first of October Packet I have had no letter.

            I remain, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                            James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram No 140

Mérida, 19 February 1844

My Dear Friend,

Another portion of time has elapsed, and rather more than usual, since I last wrote you; and during the same, some good and some evil has occurred as to our cause: but do good is most, and the evil too we expect will prove a good.

I announced to you peace between Mexico and Yucatan, and in doing so little dreamed that this was a signal for war against us. Yucatán, by this peace, has lost its religious liberty, which it had established in its new constitution; and the Bishop took occasion from this to oppose the general use of our books. This opposition has been met in a spirited manner by some persons of standing here, and the subject has been freely discussed through the press, by which we expect that much light will be diffused regarding the Scriptures, and that an interest will be awakened for reading them. Both these were necessary in this place of slumbering and sleeping; and thus we believe that the evil which has arisen will really prove a good, and an extensive one. Of this sleeping and deadness in regard to the Holy Scriptures, I may give you a striking instance, and which only came to my knowledge to-day. A parochial priest in this city, attached to the cathedral, had never seen a Bible in Spanish till the other day, and did not even know that there ever had been a Spanish translation of it published. He now has one of your Bibles in his possession, and is much pleased with it. My informant also stated, that this priest was about as ignorant regarding the Latin Bible as the Spanish one, and that all he had or knew as the Bible was his missal. Through this controversy, and the press, what the Bible is, that it has come to this land, and that it is a high duty to read it, will be very generally diffused.

I felt anxious to get the New Testament introduced into the schools here, and a providential circumstance afforded an opening for the attempt. You will recollect, perhaps, that in the month of May, 1841, I met with a Yucatán gentleman, in the steam-boat from Albany to New York. Who should be elected first Alcalde, alias mayor, of this city, in the end of December last, but this very gentleman? Through him I made the proposal, and he introduced the subject into the city council, advocated it, and carried it. An order has, in consequence, been communicated to me for 200 Testaments.

This was the subject which awakened the Bishop. As soon as he learned the matter, he spoke against it, and indicated his purpose of frustrating it. He sent a message to the Alcalde to this effect, and he intimated to the Secretary of State, in conversation, that he would or might have to apply to the Government to sustain his object and enforce it. I spoke to the Governor, to know what were his intentions in regard to the matter, and he gave a most decided negative as to any aid being afforded to the Bishop in his purposes by the Government. On succeeding opportunities, I renewed the subject, and found him firm in his intention. The Governor's disposition on this point may be seen, and pretty clearly, by the fact, that the gentleman who has started up as our chief defender is the Governor's son-in-law, and living in the same house with him. This gentleman has rendered us a willing and an effectual service, and for which I pray that God may bless him and all his house. He is a member of the Government (or, as we should say, Privy Council), and has a high literary standing in the country.

A law was made by Congress here lately in favour of general ele­mentary instruction, and the carrying of it into effect was committed to a Board of Education. One of the members of this Board died since I came, and our friend, as I may well style him, Mr. Calero, was elected in his place. Through him I made application to the Board as to our New Testaments, and 1,000 copies have been ordered.

When the Bishop began his opposition, and some of its immediate effects were perceived, we were struck with a sort of panic, and it was judged necessary to counter-order one-half of the supply we had requested from you for general sale. This was the reason of the note in Mr. Jackson's letter of the 27th ultimo. Our affairs now look better, and will be bettered, I am sure, by all that has taken place. Still, however, it will be more judicious to send only half the quantity ordered, until you have a communication as to sending the rest.

These 200 Testaments to the City Council, and the 1,000 to the Board of Education, are the duodecimo brevier size, and of Scio's version, bound in sheep. The price at which they are sold is a quarter of a dollar each copy; but I have intimated that a further supply to the same amount will be sent to the two parties free of charge, after you shall hear from them of the arrival of the books, the payment, and their being put to the intended use. The number of copies thus purchased is therefore, in effect, 2,400, and the price is one rial; this is about a third of the value at which they are priced in your list, and they are therefore afforded by you to this country on terms similar to those at which you supplied, many years ago, the French Government with 40,000 copies. I consider our bargain good in the view of our general object, and I shall be very glad to make many such contracts in my movements, and believe you also will be so.

You will be pleased to forward these two orders separately, with distinct invoices to Mr. Calero. The case with the 200 to be marked R.A.M., and the other R.J.E.

Since my last letter was written I have got acquainted with a black­smith here, who promises to be of essential service to us, and you your­selves have prepared him for the same. This man travels through the country very extensively, selling blacksmith's implements, through which occupation he creditably supports a numerous family. In his travellings he purchased one of your Bibles for six dollars, of the first edition with the Apocrypha and all in one of the towns towards Belize, from whence the Bible intermediately came. This was several years ago. He has read this Bible carefully, and has a very extensive knowledge of its contents, and quotes it, and long passages too, very readily. He is all alive to the object proposed to him of circu­lating our books as he moves along in his general employment, and the opposition shown to the Bible has inspired him with new fire in favour of diffusing it widely over all the country. When your books arrive, this man will be supplied with portions, from time to time, by Mr. Calero, and will account to him for the sales. This useful coadjutor and colporteur was introduced to me by a Friar, who is a warm friend to our objects, and has taken a decided stand on our side. Another Friar, who lives in the interior of the country, but whose acquaintance I made in this city, will take charge of sales of our books in the place where he resides.

I send you a copy of the newspaper issued the other day, and which is almost entirely devoted to our cause. The first article is my little tract which our friends judged suitable to be published on the location. The second is entitled "Lectura de la Sagrada Biblia", and is by the gentleman referred to. The editorial, which enters largely into the subject, is by our friend Calero, who is the editor of the paper, the paper of our opponents is enclosed. I send you also the newspaper which contains the initiation of the controversy; and also one containing an article in part on our general subject, and which was first published in Mexico, but of which I did not, I believe, send you a copy. In this is contained a copy of my offer of New Testaments for the schools. You will see the subject favourably noticed in the Editorial.

I would have left this for Belize before now, but the opposition raised, and the controversy begun detained me. I do not write myself, but I furnish materials and arguments to help others the best way I can.

I am still without any letters from England.

                        I am ever, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                                        James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram No 142

Belize 5th June 1844

My dear Friend,

I have the pleasure of informing you of my safe arrival in this place, two weeks ago, and of my improved strength by my short residence here. I mentioned in my last, that I had had no letters from you, nor from England, from the time I entered Yucatán. I am happy now in stating, that all your letters wanting I have received in this place, namely, Nos. 28, 29, 30, and 31. My other expected letters from England, and elsewhere, I have also found all safe, and I believe complete.

In regard to my movements, I gather, from your letters here received, particularly  No. 29, coupled with antecedent letters, that the judgment of the Committee and your own, founded on the past and expected discouragements, is that it would be better that I should return home, than continue my journeyings through these countries. At the same time you left me at liberty, either to pursue the tract proposed, or to return home; and for this confidence, and for the very kindly manner in which it is expressed, I feel truly grateful to you all, and thank God who gives us such a good understanding in our combination in his service.

I shall therefore, if the Lord will, return to England from this place, and before long. I wait here in the meantime, partly to recover  my full strength, which, blessed be God is nearly returned, partly to be present at a public meeting of the Honduras Bible Society, which is appointed for the 10th instant; and partly also I wait for the packet, which is due on the 13th.

The route by New York is, I am informed, the best and the cheapest way of going from this to England. I shall therefore most probably seize the first opportunity after the arrival of the Packet of sailing for New York.

I have been the more induced to come to the conclusion at once of returning home, from the circumstance that Mr. Crowe, (of whom Mr. Henderson has written you, and to whom you have allowed £50 for one year) is at present in the City of Guatemala, and with whom arrangements can be made to visit those places I had intended to visit. I have accordingly arranged with Mr. Henderson to that effect: but not that he should visit all the places in Guatemala to which I had intended to go, but simply in the first place to visit San Salvador, and to be guided as to the rest by Mr. Henderson's judgment, with that of the Committee of the Bible Society here, and by the instructions they communicate to him from time to time as to his moving onwards or returning; and this of course will depend in a great degree on the successes or discouragements he may meet with. As the term for which you gave the £50 is nearly run, I have ventured to say that you will give the same for another year, for the purposes of the visitation I have noticed, its being understood, that should he be only a quarter, half a year, or three quarters of a year in this service, your allowance is to correspond with the same. I have sent him the two documents which I had from the authorities of Merida as to the purchase of New Testaments for the schools, and have authorized him to make similar contracts as he may be able. The documents I have mentioned are to be shown to the authorities you may visit to indicate to them what has been done in Merida, and hence to encourage them to do the same.

Among the lot of letters which I found waiting me in this place, where two from the Rev. Dr. McAuley of New York. In writing to him from Mexico requesting the 1000 Spanish Testaments, I had very especially stated, that they should all be of the version of Scio, and that on no account whatever should even the single copy of their Glasgow version be put in among the Testaments of Scio, for I had found them printing this in July 1842, and feared they might add perhaps as a gift, some copies of this version. On this subject, and on another connected with it, Dr. McAuley writes, "As to the Protestant version in Spanish, you need be under no apprehension, for we have printed none of that version as yet; and by the course of obstinacy which I pursued, when you were here, I think, or soon after, I saved the other Plates from Ruin. There is sometimes even among very good men a plentiful scarcity of good sense."

There is something curious, (or perhaps it is worthy of a better name), in the combination of circumstances in this matter. When an Upper Canada in 1841, I saw in an American newspaper which I accidentally picked up, and account of the Anniversary of the American Bible Society, and thereby saw the resolution, never to print again anymore copies of Scio's, or of any other version made from the Vulgate; and further, that this stereotype plates of Scio should be destroyed, and for which, as I feared afterwards, they had been offered $1500. Also that a revised Protestant Version of the Spanish New Testament should be printed. I was much grieved with these accounts, and in my next letter to you I mentioned them. You were grieved also; and in your next letter to me, you stated your concern upon the subject. This letter came into my hands when I was lodged in Dr. McAuley's house. I showed him the letter. He could hardly believe that I was correct in what I wrote to you. I showed him the documents and he saw others at the American Bible Society House which fully convinced him that I was right, and he felt much at the steps which had been taken, for it seems he had been absent at the time these meetings occurred. He forthwith resolved to oppose them with all his might, and which, as you see by the above extract, that he did, and successfully. I am truly glad at this success on several accounts, and which need not be here stated: and you, I think will feel after the same manner and for the same reasons.

I found in this place, and have read, your 39th report, which I had not before seen. I have been greatly delighted with it, in seeing the manifest and increasing fruits of the Bible itself preaching, and from its other spiritual fruits in the hands of the servants of God in various parts of the world.

Belize 15th June 1844

The Packet arrived yesterday, and brought me the B.S. Reports from Earl Street and that only. Nos 27, 28, 29, and 30 are missing.

We have had our Bible Meeting, and had a very favourable report of the Honduras Bible Society, the particulars of which will be laid before you in due time. Much of its prosperity is owing to the activity of Mr. Henderson, and the liberality of his Congregation. The Packet came in at the very hour of our assembling, and hindered several persons of the upper classes from attending; and by some misunderstanding, the Wesleyans held a Prayer Meeting at the time we were met. Further, the Parish clergyman, and most of his people are as yet unconnected with our Bible Society. The meeting therefore was principally composed of Baptists, and though the greater part of them are poor, they nobly distinguished themselves by a collection of money more than twenty pounds sterling. Mr. Henderson has also entertained and entertains your agent here with bed and board, which is another donation.

This settlement is destined, I should think, to become a very im­portant Bible Society field, from the consideration of the Spanish countries with which it is surrounded. Many individuals from these parts come here, from time to time, in the way of commerce, and the Bible is thus, and otherwise, edging itself in among them, and the pro­vidence of God will, I doubt not, urge the wedge onwards in furtherance of a happy issue. Our Bible Society here will be on the watch, and, when all parties are cordial and active in it, which we hope will be soon, its means will be ample, and will meet both home and foreign purposes.

Besides the Spaniards around this settlement, there are some thou­sands of Caribs within it, and the Mosquito shore people also are closely allied to it. Mr. Henderson is labouring to get a portion of the Scrip­tures rendered into the tongues of these two classes of people. He has many difficulties to contend with in this undertaking, but Providence is facilitating his way, and in due time something may be accomplished which shall add two more to your many tongues.

I expect to leave this for New York on the 21st instant, in the Brig I R Gardner, Captain Pederson.

            I subscribe myself again, Very Truly Yours,

                        James Thomson.

P.S. After our Bible Meeting, Mr. Henderson and I spent two morn­ings, before breakfast, in visiting some persons of the better classes of society who had not been present at our meeting. We were well received, and obtained more than 20 pounds sterling. The first money we got was from a Spanish merchant, a Roman Catholic, and it was to the amount of eight dollars.

These two sums of £20 each & upwards will relieve you of the compromise I entered into for the £50, as noticed in the body of this letter.

Rev A Brandram No.4

Madrid 12th October 1847

My Dear Friend,

I have the pleasure of informing you, that I have obtained an order from the Government here for bringing in six cases of Books from London direct to this city without there being opened or examined in the port at which they enter this country. When they arrive here we have a friend in the Custom House who will take care of them for us. Please therefore to ship two cases of large Bibles, two cases of small Bibles, and two cases of New Testaments, say equal quantities of your three sizes 8vo, 12mo, 32mo all Scio's. The order I sent you before for my friend here you will include as part of these. Of the large Bibles some 5 or 10 to be in superior binding, and so of the smaller ones independent of my friend's order: and please let two or three of the small Bibles be in morocco, with gilt edges and having besides black leather covers.

These cases you will please send to Messrs. Charles Hackett & Co. Ship brokers, Savage Gardens, Tower Hill, desiring them to consign them to D. Joaquin del Castillo, del Comercio, en Santander. The Spanish Consul in London whose sanction will have to be obtained, will receive of this day's date in order from the Government here to allow them to be shipped.

The Broker should communicate with the Consul, and not one from your house, and he should say nothing about the kind of Books in the cases, nor whether bound or not, and you had better keep him quite ignorant on the subject, and of your house also. I do not think the Consul can refuse his assent, but it would be well to be wise in the matter.

The cases to be addressed to Don Diego Thomson, Madrid. The size may be from 200 to 300 lb.

I have requested Mr Knolleke to get some 20 volumes for my friend here who has been so serviceable to me. Please have these put at the top as a layer over as many cases as they will cover, and let the Invoice say particularly in what cases they are put. I shall be glad that the Invoice be forwarded early to this city.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

P.S. Tomorrow morning early I start for Granada.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev A Brandram No.13

Madrid, 14th January 1848[1]

My Dear Friend,

The painful circumstances in which I found myself on my arrival here, and various things connected with the same, have hindered me from giving you so early as I had wished and general view of my tour in the South Western parts of this country. I now proceed with that account.

Some notices regarding the general state of our cause here will form a proper introduction, and will lead me also to state what was the immediate inducement for me to undertake the journey.

Among the various letters of introduction which I brought with me, to were for the Mr. Marks, father and son, late and present British Consul at Malaga. These letters I forwarded from this, with some intimation of my objects in this country, and begging any suggestions and help they could afford me in carrying my purposes into effect. Mr. Mark the younger, the present Consul, wrote me, and gave me a private copy of some documents that appeared in consequence of Mr. Graydon's movements in Malaga. After perusing these I submitted them to our worthy and valuable friend Mr. Usoz. On reading them he wrote me thus: – "The difficulties in circulating the Scriptures here, we see, are various, but I would only here remark the singular circumstances, which you may perhaps yourself have observed, that Lord Clarendon, and his Secretary Mr. Southern, have been in this matter excellent servants of the papacy, which is more astute than they. I say this because I think, if Lord Clarendon a year or two before the occurrences at Malaga had favoured the Bible cause as he might have done, it is probable the Scriptures might have been printed without any difficulty. From all the documents taken together, it would appear, that Mr. Graydon, the friend of the Bible, increased the difficulties in the introduction and circulation of the Divine Word in poor unfortunate Spain, and that Lord Palmerston, Lord Clarendon, Mr. Graydon, etc., all Englishmen, and Protestants, have contributed, perhaps unwittingly, along with Count Ofália,  Ostigosa, Velasco de Castro, and other Spaniards, all Catholics, to favour the adversary, and have contributed in no degree towards the introduction of the true light into Spain."

By these observations you will see the awkward and disadvantageous position of things here concerning our cause on my arrival. The ground was not in a neutral but an hostile state. Had Mr. Borrow and Mr. Graydon hastened slowly rather than rapidly, and perhaps rudely, it is probable our real progress at this day would have been much greater, and we might still have had a sort of tolerance to go on slowly with our work. I say not these things to blame the parties, because it is probable I might have done (unwittingly as they) the same or worse myself. But I make the statements that you may understand our real position.

At the close of his remarks Mr. Usoz observes, "Would it not be desirable that Dr. Thomson should go and see with his own eyes Granada, Malaga, Gibraltar, and Cadiz, and communicate personally with the gentlemen mentioned as living in those parts? To me it appears he should." The thorough knowledge of the country possessed by our friend, and his deep interest in our cause, led me to see that it was my duty to act as he had suggested, and hence I resolved to undertake the journey in question.

I set out from this city on Wednesday the 13th day of October. I took a place in the Stage at once for Granada, and there was no town of any note after leaving this till arriving there.

In the front part of the carriage in which I was, which holds three, I had an Englishman on my right, and the Spanish military gentleman on the left. My countryman, when we began to talk of the Bible in Spain, thought it was a rather rash, a hazardous, and hardly fair thing, to disturb a country with these matters. But I showed him the weighty concerns of eternity, and the commandment of God as connected with the case, and said, that common humanity for the best interests of our fellow creatures ought to induce us to do them the greatest good within our power, and to these remarks he yielded at least a half consent. My Spanish friend was communicative, after we had got fairly begun in conversation, and the low state of Spain in its political standing, and its equally low or lower moral and religious state were subjects discussed by us. How to raise the country followed, and I ventured to state that nothing could in my opinion raise the country in Religion and true Morals but the extended use of the Holy Scriptures. He agreed with this, and in a readiness of manner that rather surprised me. I followed up my statement with what the Bible had done for us in raising and exalting us as a nation, religiously, morally, and politically, and that being convinced of these advantages we were labouring from year to year to extend the Scriptures more widely among us. This led my friend to say he had some knowledge of our movements in these matters, for that he had, under a period of political banishment from his own country, spent some years in London, and then he went on to relate as follows: – "I lodged in Somers Town, and one day a gentleman called, and talked with me some time in a very friendly manner, and then asked whether I should like to have a Bible. I thanked him for his friendly attentions, and his kind offer, and said I should be obliged to him for one. On another day he called, and brought me a Spanish Bible, which I read, and was much pleased with it. A short time before I left London the same friendly gentleman called again, and knowing that I was about to return to Spain, he asked whether I would have any objections to take a few Bibles and Testaments with me, and to give them to my countrymen as I might see occasion. I said to him that I should readily do so, and I was convinced of the great value of the Scriptures, and knew that my countrymen were destitute of them, and hence within a very low condition as to the religious knowledge and models. Soon after, this friendly gentleman called once more and brought me some Bibles and Testaments which I packed up with my things and brought them into Spain with me, and which on my arrival, I gave to various friends, with recommendations to read them carefully. In a family where I was in the habit of visiting, I left one day a New Testament, with commendations as to its value and usefulness, and begging they would not fail to read it. On returning their some time after, I learned from the parties that the Cura (Parish Priest) had been there in the interval, and had seen the New Testament, but advised them not to read it, as it was not suited for their use, and might lead them astray. In a subsequent visit to the family I met the Priest there and conversed with him upon the subject, showing the value of the Book, and pointing out his mistaken judgment against the use of it. Is this Book, (the New Testament) I said to him, the Book of Jesus Christ? Or is it not? It is, said the priest, the Book of Jesus Christ, – but, and he was going on, I saw, to state, how that notwithstanding this, it was not safe for people in general to read it. Hold, said I. There must be no buts in this matter. Either the Book is Jesus Christ's, or it is not. If it is his, and you admit that it is, then he who speaks against the Book, speaks against Jesus Christ, and, facing the priest full, I said, you have spoken against Jesus Christ, in forbidding these good people to read his Book. I then, rated him closely and strongly on the evil he had done. The reason why you Priests dislike the Book, I added, and speak against its use, is because it condemns your own evil practices, and I mentioned some of these practices reprobating them, and showing how contrary they were to what was taught in this Book. All the family were present on the occasion, and some other friends, and I was glad of the opportunity thus afforded me of exposing the errors and practices of the Priests, and of pointing out the inJury they had done, and were doing to the country, by evil deeds on the one hand, and by discouraging on the other as in this instance, what was good. All the party present agreed with me, and the Priest was totally put to shame, and never returned more to the house."

From all I could gather by inquiries respecting the appearance and manners of the person who called on the Spanish gentleman, and gave him the Books, I think it must have been our Mr. Wather (senior of course). The present instance is a specimen of what has no doubt occurred on many occasions of the good done through friendly visits to foreigners among us, and getting to them the Holy Scriptures, which we so happily and liberally possess. On the great subject of Religious Liberty for Spain, I found this gentleman more clear in his views regarding it, and more anxious for its verification than any Spaniard I had previously met with, and he gave me much valuable information on the matter as to the parties most favourable to it, and what might be the best means for bringing it about. You may be sure I was greatly pleased, and felt thankful for these communications from my fellow traveller: and I hope in future good will arise from the same, as this gentleman lives in Madrid, and gave me his address that we might see each other there, and he was to return soon, after attending to some business connected with property he had in Granada, for though a military man, he is not at present in commission, but attending only to his own private concerns.

I reached Granada, a large city, say of 60,000 inhabitants, and the capital of the province of the same name. Through my correspondence with Mr. Mark I had learned that there was in that place a Spaniard of a liberal and enlightened mind, who though a Catholic, was much grieved with the very low state of religion in his own country, and felt very desirous of raising it from its degradation, and was anxious to use means for that effect, and among these means he considered the circulation and use of the Scriptures to be of great value. I found out this person and had much conversation with him, and found fully justified all that had been said of him by Mr. Mark. He says he has it quite in his power to circulate the Scriptures to a considerable extent, and in many cases by sale at a low price. His services might be rendered, I conceive most valuable for our purposes. The desideration is to get the Scriptures into his hands, and if possible of editions printed in this country. Could we find such a person in each province of Spain, and be able to supply them with the Scriptures under the favourable circumstances above noticed, our work would then be in a most desirable and prosperous train. Let us hope that God will give us, in answer to our prayers, and in connexion with our endeavours, such assistance in regard to persons, and such facilities as to his Book.

I do not know whether you exactly know our position in this country in regard to the printing of the Scriptures. There is no law against printing them. But it is enacted that no work on religion or the Holy Scriptures shall be printed without having previously for that effect a licence from the Ordinary of the Diocese. Now any Bishop might grant such a licence, but the fact or the fear is that none will. One of my objects in visiting these outside provinces was to ascertain whether such a licence could possibly be obtained by a formal application to that effect. Our friend, as I shall call him, namely, the gentleman before mentioned, entered into the subject fully, and a friend of his, a printer and bookseller, was most ready to print and sell for us, and on very reasonable terms; and from his extensive connexions, he conceived, he could dispose of several thousands of copies. We resolved to make the attempt for the licence in this Archdiocese. I worded the petition, and the bookseller presented it, in his own name, and as a matter in his line of business. The first interview he had with the parties was favourable, and the parties are the Governor of the Archdiocese (sede vacante) and his assessor or law advisor. A subsequent visit paid was equally encouraging, and we began to enjoy hopes of fairly succeeding in our object, and consequently began to make estimates of what an edition of the New Testament would cost of 5000, 10,000, etc. After some days of anxious suspense however, of our hopes were blasted in the non-accedence to the petition made. I really believe there was a disposition to grant the licence, but on examination and inquiry it was found, that there was no precedent for such a licence, and the parties feared in granting a new and doubtful thing. Thus began and terminated our work in Granada, at least for the time, but the acquaintance there formed may be made extensively available in our cause at a future time.

Málaga was my next station. Here I met with the two Mr. Marks, and I may add Mrs. Marks senior (albeit there is no junior), for she, as well as they, is anxious to employ means for the good of these quarters, in the circulation of the Scriptures, and useful books. The Consul is hampered from his official position from doing what he could wish in our immediate object and others bearing on the religious improvement of the country. Many thanks to the Lord Palmerston for all this disservice. By the way, have you none of your Vice- Presidents, all Great Men who would speak a word for us at the Foreign Office? And not indeed for us, but for God, and his cause, and Spain. Why should our British light and influence be put under a bushel coopered in Downing Street? But, you are very delicate I know in such matters, and I think over much so. Our government influence might and should be made greatly available for the moral and spiritual good of Spain, without, as I conceive, any infraction of political duties.

In Málaga I informed myself more fully of Mr. Graydon's case, where the affair happened, in addition to what I had learned from the documents sent me to Madrid by Mr. Mark, as before mentioned. After good deal of searching I found a file of the newspaper in which his famous advertisement appeared, which brought down upon him the thunderstorm. It was at the Police Office I found it, and I copied it there. To say the least of that document, it was, I conceive, an effort to enter the wedge by the blunt end, and with a drive given as to make it enter, or wound, and which latter it did. The Bishop of Malaga is one of the most liberal priests in Spain, but as he said on the subject, it was impossible for him to decline taking up the matter officially from the manner in which the attack had been made. The first Jury that sat on the case condemned Mr. Graydon. But afterwards Judge and Jury and their friends thought it would be a sort of awkward matter to imprison an Englishman for such a concern. As to Mr. Graydon himself he seemed to court, like some other 'Bible in Spain' men, a jail residence, a taste for which I confess I have none. He exhibited quite an enthusiastic feeling on the occasion, I understand, which led the Judge to say afterwards to some Englishman: Why you talk of our fanaticism and friars, but there's a man, that had you monks among you, would be one, for he has all the fire of a friar. Mr. Graydon was advised by the Judge and other friends, and even by his very condemners individually, who wished to prevent what they had done, to petition for a new trial; which he did, and by the new Jury he was absolved. I saw the speech his Advocate made for him. It was both friendly and clever, and showed as much of a disposition to get an Englishman freed as Lord Palmerston had done to leave him entangled. His client was charged, he said, of having used the expression, "The abominable system of superstition and fanaticism of this country, voracious only of money." In reference to this, he would only state (he said) the thing was unfortunately too true, and he quoted some expressions used by their own writers of a kindred nature. Besides, (he continued) any little irregularity of expression might be easily overlooked in a foreigner, not being well acquainted with the language of the country. The hardest point he had to manage was to clear Mr. Graydon of calling our Bible the entire Bible, which he did in his advertisement, and in capitals, and so doubly excited the opposition about the Apocryphal Books, and which mainly led, I believe, to this Bishop's taking up the subject. The lawyer however managed this business adroitly. It was a theological point that, he said, and as the court was composed only of laymen, it was not competent to take up the matter at all, and so this charge which could not be met was passed over; and the Court was well pleased with the loopholes for it meant to absolve not to condemn.

I found in Málaga the young gentleman, and native of this country, and a Catholic, possessing very much of the same views as the friend I met with in Granada, and I perceived he was equally desirous of freeing his country from its degradations. His anxious desire is to do this by means of a periodical which he proposed establishing and in which he was encouraged by the two Marks who knew his character and talents well, as he had spent his youth in the British Consulate. He would advocate in his journal the reading of the Scriptures as the grand means of reforming the religion of the country, and would print in the same whole chapters and Books. Useful works on religion, morals, etc. he would translate from our language, Such a vehicle and advocacy would, I conceive, be a very great service to Spain, and to all Institutions seeking its welfare.

Gibraltar, to which I next went, though a part of this Peninsula, is yet not a part of Spain, but has floated over it, as you know, our own great banner. From this spot much might be done for the good of Spain. The main body of the inhabitants are Spanish, or should I say, speak the Spanish language. The Wesleyans there, in Mr. Rule's time, and by his own efforts, began a good work in addressing the Spanish inhabitants in their own tongue. This is being kept up in a good degree since Mr. Rule left the place, and whilst I was there an additional missionary came out to the station, with chiefly to give his attention to this branch of the mission. From this we may expect much good directly upon the people themselves, and then upon Spain, through various intercourse with it. As to the state of our affairs there in respect to the Society, or rather Corresponding Committee, I have already written you. From this part an attempt was made to colport in Spain by a young pious man of the Wesleyan church, and whose mother tongue is Spanish. I cannot enter more fully into this matter at present, for want of proper documents, but will inform you of it at a future time.

When I wrote you from Madrid a short time before I started, I said, when in Gibraltar, I might possibly pass over into Africa, and begged you to send me there some Hebrew and Arabic Bibles. I had understood that there was Steam boat regularly plying there, and that it would be easy to make the visit. Had I known how much otherwise things where as to voyaging, etc. I do not think I should have gone, especially in the middle of winter as it was. But having written to you on the subject, and asked for Books for such a visit, and which Books arrived in Gibraltar on the very day I reached it, I could not well refuse to go across, little as I relished it from its difficulties and the season of the year of my visit to Barbary. I wrote you fully from thence, and shall not now enter upon it, but would only say, I do not regret my going.

On returning from Africa to Gibraltar, I took the first opportunity of moving onwards to Cadiz. I had arranged to have on my return to Gibraltar a good supply of Bibles and Testaments in Spanish, which I hoped to get landed gratis as luggage, and with the help of friends I had there. These Books had not reached Gibraltar when I left, and I was much grieved on that account. I felt, as a matter of course, you would send them by the Packet, as you sent the other Books by it, especially as you knew my time there could be but short. I regret I did not mention the Packet as the conveyance when I wrote for the Books.

In Cadiz there are a few disciples of Christ, natives of the country, who form the remnant of Mr. Rule's little church there, from which he was driven by Spanish intolerance. These are disposed to circulate the Scriptures, particularly one elderly married woman, named, Margarita, but alas! I had no copies to give them, through the want of those I expected to have with me.

The two friends I had there whom I noticed in one of my letters from that place, showed me every attention, and which made me regret the more that I would not turn their kindness to your account, in getting a good supply of the Scriptures into the country. One of these, as formerly mentioned, is the Political Chief or Governor. I made his acquaintance in the Stage between Granada and Malaga. I presented him with one of the small New Testaments which I had, in return for his courtesies. It was very favourably received, as was testified by a note I soon after received from him. I send you this note, as an encouragement in regard to the circulation of the Scriptures in this country, and as a good specimen of Spanish courtesy.

My other friend in Cadiz was alike attentive. He is at the head of one of the departments of the Custom House, and though I could not avail myself as I had wished of his services, they may yet be turned to account on some future occasion. I received however from him at the same time some information about Custom House things that may be of essential use in our Concerns. I presented to them also one of the small new Testaments, which was well received. I formed a very friendly feeling towards this gentleman and his family, and with good reason, for on calling on me one day when I happened to be rather poorly with a cold I had caught, he said, If you do not feel yourself quite comfortable here, come to my house, when you will have every care and attention bestowed on you by my wife and myself. This was not a Spanish compliment, but a real act of kindly feeling.

Cadiz is the head of the diocese, and here, for the second time, I resolved to try what could, or could not be done, in the way of procuring a licence from the ordinary to print the New Testament. I acted in this instance, as in Granada, not in my own person, but in the person of an extensive publisher there. When his party was first spoken to on the subject, he seemed to think there would be no difficulty in the case. The head of one of the Colleges, a priest, is his friend, and whose valued works he publishes, and this person is especially intimate with the Governor of the Diocese. Good hopes were entertained by the publisher on the subject. However, after delays, it finally turned out as on the former occasion, that without the notes nothing could be done.

Seville, or as we say here Sevilla, was my next station, passing through the Jerez on the way, the famous place where the Sherry wine is made. An attempt for the third time was made here to obtain a licence required for printing. I acted through a medium similar to that employed on the two former occasions. Delays are common in all these matters, as well as characteristic of this country. After waiting there beyond the time I wished, I resolved to go, leaving the subject pending, but as I feared, the wrong way. However after I had taken my place in the Stage for Cordova, on calling on the publisher through whom I was making the attempt, he was quite in high spirits as to succeeding. He had seen, he said, the Ordinary that same day, who said to him he did not see anything in the way of his printing the New Testament, as it was Scio's version. I said, Has he read the representation? And is he aware the notes are not be printed? He said, yes. I also then began to hope, that at length our object was gained. We arranged, that he should write me to Cordova as to the result.

This publisher informed me, that a Priest of his acquaintance to whom he had mentioned what he was trying to do, namely, to print a large edition of the New Testament with the text only, spoke to him in the following terms: – "You know that it is commonly said among us, that the Testaments printed in London are falsified in alterations and mutilations different from the true text. I wished to ascertain this, and I made a petition for leave to read one of these books. I was refused this licence. However, a good while after, I made a new representation to obtain leave to read one of these London Testaments, and I succeeded the second time. I read it through carefully, and I find it perfectly correct, not a letter or a point was wanting. I am glad you are about to print an edition of the New Testament in the text only without notes, as are the London ones. I think you do very well in this and believe you may sell many. I myself shall be your first purchaser." – This is a little insight into the minds of probably many Priests, and is calculated to give us a good hope when we shall succeed as I still hope we shall, in getting the Scriptures printed here in the country.

In Cordova I expected the letter referred to, and with considerable interest. I went to the Post Office accordingly at the time the letter should arrive in case the reply from the Ordinary in Sevilla had been received. I found a letter, and as I expected no other letters there, I made sure the reply had been given, and that I had now the result of it in my hands. I went straight to the Inn with my letter and into my room, and there with hope and fear as to the decision in this important matter, I opened my letter. On opening it, my emotions, strong as they were, in the line of this subject, where instantly changed into another channel. The letter was not from Sevilla, but from Madrid, from an English gentleman here, informing me that Mrs. Thomson had been seized with the disease prevailing in the city and urging my hasty return home. In an hour after I started in the mail, and travelled night and day. I arrived on Saturday, the 29th ultimo, but, alas! Too late to see my Dear Wife alive. A few hours before I reached, she had breathed her last![2] Concerning the sad events, I wrote you a brief note on the following day. – The mail following that in which I came, brought me the expected letter from Seville. It was negative.

I might, My Dear Friend, have said much more in the course of this letter as to various circumstances tending and bearing on our great subject, and now at the close might follow the whole with observations. But already the letter is too long for your use, I fear. I must therefore keep all these things in my own mind, and turn them to profit as I can. Suffice it to say, that I do not regret the journey, nor think it useless in our cause.

A licence to print in the provinces, is I think now hopeless, after the full trial made. There is still some hope in Madrid under certain favourable turns of politics. Our main hopes however are in the alteration of the law, removing all censorship previous to the printing of religious works, as it now is regarding others. The subject is at present in hands. May God direct and rule all into the right channel! On the 8th instant a Bill was read in Congress by the Minister of the Home Department, on the Law of the Press. The evil still remains in this project of law. Our pamphlet (not yours) is just out to meet the case, and if possible to remove this sort evil and hinderance. I send you a copy of it. My friend La Serna and his Brother have done everything possible in the matter. I trust the prayers of their Grandmother, who was a Protestant, will light on them for their salvation, and for every good to them, in return for all that attention to this business, and in otherwise befriending me. – Pray all of you, and earnestly, for the favourable issue of this matter, that so the word of God may forth with be printed freely in this country. Forget us not. Remember us frequently. Procure us this blessing.

I have used means for putting things to rights in regard to the Spanish Consul in London, and our Books, and daily expect an answer, which shall, as soon as received, be forwarded to you.

            I now conclude, and remain, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                                                                James Thomson.

            Sr D. Diego Thomson

            Muy Sr mío y apreciado amigo: tributo á V. un millón de gracias por su precioso librito que conservare siempre entre las alhajas de mi singular aprecio como memoria de V. y prueba de su amabilidad.

            Tengo la satisfacción de remitir á V. tres cartas para amigos de Sevilla, que considero suficientes para que pueda ver todas las notabilidades de aquella hermosa ciudad.

            También me permito acompañarle algunos de los trabajos hechos en esta provincia, de que hablé á V. y tuvo la bondad de pedirme.

            Si mis ocupaciones me lo permiten tendré el gusto de pasar á repitir á V. mi gratitud personalmente y reiterarle el homenaje de respeto con que es de V. afmo. amigo y Sego. Serv.,


                                                Melchor Ordonez.


[1] Thomson seems to have written 'January' instead of 'February' in the date, since the letter was written after his wife's death on 29th January. (BM)

[2] See James Thomson. “Spain. Death of Mrs. Thomson: And Difficulties of  Protestant Sepulture”, Evangelical Christendom, vol. II (March 1848): 117-119.

Rev A Brandram No.21

Barcelona 1st July 1848

My Dear Friend,

Your letter of the 20th ultimo came into my hands yesterday, and Mr. Jackson's of the 3rd and 8th are also with me, the former containing the Letter of Credit. I can well understand how Mr. Hitchin might overlook a little affair of mine in the midst of the many money and other heavy duties which lie upon him. My quarter's account goes with this, and though I have but little on hand on Travelling Account, yet having brought some money of my own in case of necessity, I shall do very well till I get to Toulouse, where, in the Bank, I shall of course lack for nothing either of money or credit.

I observed in your Resolution of the 19th your purpose of abstaining from sending books to the South of Marocco till you see how the North works, and I bow to your better judgment.

You observe the attentions of our friend who furnished me with 29 letters of introduction, and inquire if there is any way in which you could express your sense of obligation for his kindness. During the hot summer months he and his family live on the sea coast close by San Sebastian, and he has given me a very kind and earnest invitation to pass a few days with him at his house when I am in that quarter. If you would send the Spanish octavo Bible, rather superiorly bound, like the one I gave to Esportero say, I would present it to him for the reading of his family, as a remembrancer and a token of gratitude. This Bible could be sent with the Books to Bayonne. Please add also a Spanish Testament in 8vo bound in the same manner.

The arrangements noticed in Mr. Jackson's two letters regarding the Books for Toulouse and Bayonne will do very well. I would observe that as far as Bayonne is concerned, if there are vessels direct from England to that Port, the cases you may send for that place should be so sent instead of to Bordeaux. I think I noticed this before in a note to Mr. Knolleke desiring him to mention it to you.

A word now in regard to my journey thus far. I started on the 7th June, as indicated to you in my letter of the 5th. One of my two objects in going to Valencia on my way to this place was, that on the whole it was the easiest and safest way, and as cheap, the land journey being much shorter, and there being a Steamer from Valencia to Barcelona. The other reason I had was, that the more places I can visit the more knowledge of persons and things of the country I obtain, all of which may, and I hope will, be turned to account in times coming. With this same view I made a station of two days at Albacete, somewhat more than halfway from Madrid to Valencia. This is a central point where many roads meet, and the passing and re-passing in all directions is very great. It is reckoned that about 120 wagons, carts, and carriages of all descriptions pass the night there on their routes, and some 800 horses. This would be a fine place for a colport who might visit the various Inns where the parties lodge connected with these vehicles and horses. Also there is an immense eight day fair in September, second only to Seville in all Spain. This fair should also be visited if times are propitious, just as I visited San Juan de los Lagos in Mexico and sold there several hundred copies of our Books.

Valencia is a large city with a densely peopled neighbourhood. It is situated in the best watered, best cultivated, and most fertile plain in all this country, perhaps its equal is not in Europe, or the world. It is like the Valley of Damascus, and is a copy of it in its irrigation arrangements, and made by the same parties, the men of the East, who for centuries held in dominion this quarter and all Spain.[1]

I found in some of the Booksellers in Valencia a Bible or two of our publication. The smaller one they were selling at 2½ dollars, and the larger at 5. None of them however would venture to take a supply at low prices, on account of the want of sales. Many, they said, were sold formerly, but latterly very few and chiefly because of the stir raised against them by the Priests.

The language universally spoken in Valencia by all classes, the highest as well as the lowest, is a dialect called lemosin, which seems to differ as much from the Spanish as the Portuguese dose. I enclose you a specimen of it. Though all speak this dialect, it is very little read, and there are only a few books in it. Most understand Spanish. The Priests never preach in this dialect, except once a year, when two sermons are of necessity delivered in it, according to a statute on the subject. It might become an object some day to have one of the Gospels at least put into this dialect, to be used by a Bible Reader say, when such a person can be employed in this country. He would be more listened to in reading this than Spanish. The whole Bible was translated into this dialect in Spanish Bible days of past times, but all has been lost except one solitary leaf.

To each of two gentlemen who showed me particular attentions, I presented one of the little New Testaments, with special recommendations for their individual and family use. I follow these little distributions with prayer.

In Barcelona I have seen our friend Mr. Prat, the translator of the Catalan version and Mr. Bergnes, the printer of that and the other Scriptures published here. Mr. Bergnes has some copies of the Testament, and I am arranging with him about getting them into use. Both our friends are very willing to serve us. But the present time is one of extreme delicacy for any movements, on this spot especially, for Englishmen. This is owing partly to the diplomatic circumstances of the two countries. Added to this there is always a suspicion of Englishmen in this city, for it would seem they think every Englishman visiting this place comes with no other view, and has no other business here but to destroy their manufacturing establishments. These two things, together with the general and constant ones all over this country, discourage our hopes. Let us pray the more that God would hasten his kingdom here. There is a considerable number of French Protestants in the city, but they do not assemble together in any way to worship.

The Catalan dialect is spoken here, and over the whole Principality as it is called, by all classes high and low, and the most are unable to speak Spanish. Sermons are very generally delivered in it, and not long ago this was universal. I have seen a Latin and Catalan grammar, as the Latin was formerly studied in the colleges through this dialect. It is harsh, and displeases the untutored ear much more than the limosin of Valencia. There is some difference between the languages spoken on the sea coast and in the interior parts of the country. The latter is considered the purer. Your version is in the former, but those who speak it are the more numerous body.

Please to address me at Toulouse, till further notice.

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

[1] Thomson also visited the grave of Scío en Valencia: "It gave the writer of this article no little satisfaction to stand beside the tomb of Scio, in Valencia, in 1848, and to contemplate the good done in his life-time by the dead there lying, in having given to his countrymen the Holy Word of God in their own tongue." Spain, Its Position and Evangeliza­tion, also Protestant Religious Liberty Abroad, the Conduct of British Envoys, Interesting Mission in Portugal and its Dangers, with Notices of the Empire of Morocco. London: Partridge and Oakey, 1853: 15.




Rev A Brandram  No.25

Madrid 13th March 1849

My Dear Friend,

An unusual space of time has elapsed between my last letter and this, and not intentionally, but from circumstances. These circumstances had been two in number; and first, because I had not much to write about, and secondly, because I delayed, waiting one occurrence after another, in order to combine the more at once, and our delays and hinderances have been quite in Spanish style. I am glad of your rallying letter of the 26th ultimo, in which you kindly say, that it appears an age since I wrote you. I am glad also that I have just anticipated this by a letter on the way, in which I say to Mr Hitchin, and desire him to inform you of the same, that I would write you this day. I am further glad to have erred for once on the right side, having erred so often on the left, in writing too much.

Now then for what I have to say about this wilderness. But please first to remember that it is a wilderness, and one of the characteristics of such a place is, that there is no way nor road in it. Your wilderness traveller therefore, as might be expected, is often at a loss which way to move or turn so as to get onwards. He thinks he sees opening enough to get along in one direction, and on attempting it, finds he cannot get through; and after losing much time has to turn back, and try to press on in another direction. This attempt perhaps turns out no better than the other, and so on and etcetera. This is really a true description rather than a figure of my operations here. Nevertheless, I sow, as I can, a few seeds in these various scramblings, and somebody may perhaps gather the fruit when the wilderness is more passable than it is at present.

The few books I dared to keep and hide away at Urgel, were to be sent after me to Lerida, but they did not arrive before my leaving that place. On reaching Madrid I corresponded about them, and after many delays, I received them in a case addressed to a friendly Bookseller in the city. Just then, a sort of colporteur came before me, in the shape of a poor Italian, wanting work and means. The books were all sold, and you will see an item of debit upon the subject, and one of credit, in my last Account to Mr. Hitchin.

After the loss of letters through the Carlists, and other long delays, I got a few Bibles from Barcelona. These also have been sold. I have had likewise a letter from the same place, from one of the French Protestants whom I engaged to circulate some books for us, saying he had been able to do a little in the way. I tried to get the Paris case at Bayonne brought here through General Saunders, but he was rather loth to enter on the business, owing to some unpleasant hinderances he had met with in bringing some books of his own, and also from new and stricter regulations as to Ambassadors' privileges.

In the mean time, I got leave to bring a case from Bayonne to the address of the French Ambassador, M. Lesseps, with whom I have got acquainted. This case consisted of the miscellaneous books sent from London, and a few Bibles.

The receiving of this through M. Lesseps, led the way to a fresh application to General Saunders, and the case was ordered, and has arrived here. But, as I mentioned in a former letter, Satan meets us at every turn, and the books are still in the Custom House, the authorities demurring and delaying in delivering them, because they are Bibles and Testaments. I doubt not however but we shall finally obtain them. There are in the case 50 Bibles, and 100 Testaments. I have an offer for all the 50 Bibles at once from a Bookseller.

In the case through M. Lesseps, came your present, the beautifully bound Bible and Testament, for the man of 29 letters. They were very gratefully received, and he has encouraged me to expect, that he will be able to aid me in getting books from Bayonne to San Sebastian, in the neighbourhood of which latter place he resides in the summer season, and where I am invited to spend some days when I am in that quarter.

My next attempt at getting along in our wilderness was an effort to obtain our six packed-up cases in London. I laid the affair before Mr. Ysturiz, who has always shown me kindness, and I had tolerable hopes that I should succeed through him in getting these long looked for cases into this country and city. But Satan found out what we were doing, and discomfited us, through exciting a sort of coldness or jealousy between this friend and Narvaez, connected with our present political circumstances.

Turned back here, I looked out for another opening among our brakes and thickets, and thought I saw one. I applied to the Rector of the University to procure an order for the coming of the sets of versions you have voted for that establishment, with leave to bring two cases of books for myself at the same time. That order is applied for, and is daily expected. I may mention, that our friend La Serna has been prevented from applying himself for such an order through the Government, on account of his being on the wrong side in politics at the present juncture. But it was he who introduced me to the Rector.

In this manner, I trust, we shall obtain to the six cases. And as to the other four, I count upon your efforts through the new Ambassador when he comes, which I would hope will be soon.

On a former occasion I mentioned to you are Hebrew Professor here as a Bible and Biblical Priest, and stated that I had read his translation of the Psalms, and thought highly of it. He has just finished a valuable Hebrew and Spanish Grammar in two volumes, which is nearly through the press. On this work being off his hands he began in good earnest to translate Genesis, intending to go through the Pentateuch, and the whole of the Old Testament, should life, health, and other circumstances favour the same. Would it be within your line of duty to encourage him? I should think it might, and in the following way. By stating, that, should his version be approved of by you, through competent judges, you would give him so much for the right of printing the text of it to any extent you might choose. I think you would be doing right in making such an offer, and perhaps some such encouragement is necessary to make him persevere. Under such an arrangement we should have considerable influence in modulating any passages which might not be altogether as we could wish that. It seems very desirable in every way to encourage such labours in this country. Mr.Usoz and he might combine, the one to produce a new and improved version of the Old Testament, and the other of the New.

A considerable time would elapse before such a version could appear. In the meantime Mr. Usoz and myself have had much conversation about the propriety and advantages of printing the Version of  Valera, revised so far merely as the modernizing of some of his words. Mr.Usoz strongly recommends this, and makes encouraging offers to aid in the costs of the work. He will himself make the revision required, and he will bear a good portion of the expense of printing. I have therefore to question, on his part, to state to me early what would be the cost of Plates for a Spanish Bible in Minion 24mo like your English Bible of that type and size. Also, what would be the expense of Paper, and likewise of Printing, each 1000 copies of the same. When he has ascertained these items, he will state how much he will offer in aid of the undertaking. Please to state likewise the cost of plain binding lettered of this Bible, in one volume, in two, three, and five respectively.

I have given more attention to the subject of late than formerly, and I agree with Mr Usoz in his wishes for the printing of this Protestant version, with the slight verbal alteration it requires. At present no version printed by you is, generally speaking, allowed to circulate here, and Usoz says, that probably Valera's version would even now get as good a circulation as Scio's. But further: we do expect that God will bruise Satan under our feet shortly in this country in his efforts to impede the spread of the Holy Scriptures. In some way or other the country will surely open before long for God's blessed Word; and when that desired time is come, it is our duty to be all ready to profit by it. In this way also you would meet the opposition about Romanist versions. There can be no harm, at all events, in your sending us the estimates I have indicated, and on learning the extent of our friends pecuniary aid you can further judge in the matter.

I now state to you what has been passing in my thoughts for some time as to my movements. I was purposing to lay before you, which I now do, the plan of leaving the city on the first of May, and going to San Sebastian and Bayonne, to do thereabouts what could be done in getting the Scriptures brought into Spain, and circulated in it. I then projected going at once through France to England should you wish it, but preferred going through the provinces of Asturias and Galicia, and on to Vigo, where I could get the Packet for England or elsewhere. Your proposition, now fully before me by your letter of the 5th yesterday received, of my going to Lisbon will correspond well with this visit to Vigo. But I could go also direct to Lisbon from this through Badajoz. You will please to consider these two routes, and say which I should take. It is desirable, I think, that I should go to Bayonne, and see about things there. I might afterwards go through the two provinces mentioned, or not, as might be judged best. I could get by a Havre steamer from San Sebastian to Lisbon.

Have you full liberty to print the Bible in Portugal, and also to circulate it? I should like to know exactly how things are on these two points. You mentioned the sending me some sheets of errata. It would save a good deal of postage, if these were sent to Bayonne, instead of Madrid, as the lightest letter to this costs 2/2d. If therefore you to judge that I should go to that place, you could send your packet there, either to the "Poste Restante", or to the care of Mr. Pedezert.

I will now give you copies of two letters I have received from the muleteer who conducted me from Urgel to Lerida. They form good specimens of no inconsiderable portion of the peasantry of this country, and show us a sort of good ground for the sowing of our seed when we can get it amply from your barns. These letters also show some little results of my movements in the lines indicated by Mr. Hull. I would hope similar results have taken place, in other persons and places. And more and better no doubt might have been produced, by more and better workings on my part. I feel both ashamed and encouraged by these letters, and pray that God may fit me for every good word and work, with all persons, and in all places. The muleteer in question cultivates a small portion of ground of his own, and acts the muleteer at his more leisurely periods to eke out means. The good many so live in this country in all the provinces, though in some more than others. This portion may be considered as the superior stratum of the Spanish peasantry. – I might just add here, that I gave away a good many tracts on this last journey, and in all cases they were well received, and some of them were carefully read in my presence. In all these the Scriptures are taught and recommended. – Here follow the two letters referred to: –

"Agramunt 31st October 1848. – Dear Sir, I have received your esteemed letter, and have had much pleasure in learning that you are in good health. We are glad that you have us in remembrance, and my wife and I have frequently talked about you. I have got one book from Barcelona, and two from Lerida. We have spoken with some friends here about your country. They have said such things of it as I will not mention to you; but from what I learned in conversations with you, I showed them their mistakes, and overcame them. Several persons wished to obtain the books, but only one has said he would buy one, and as he is a friend of mine I gave him a book. Many have a desire to read them, and so much so, that one of mine is seldom in the house, but is lent out, and goes from one friend's house to another, and all say it is very good. It is customary here, that when anyone has a good book, it moves from house to house, so that many books are thus lost. You may rest assured that I will do all I can to serve them. If I can in any way be of use to you, you have only to write, and I shall immediately attend your requests, and if you should pass from Madrid to Barcelona, it will be a great satisfaction to me to see you. Since I got these books I read them every evening when I am at home, and never tire reading them till I get sleepy, and have to go to bed. I have not written to you sooner, as we are now working our lands, and sowing our seed, and as we have had no rain, the labour has been very hard. Please to excuse all the errors in this letter, as you well know my business is not that of a scribe. Kind remembrances from my wife and others in our house. Believe that I am your friend, and desirous of serving you. – Jayme Bonet."

"Agramunt 20th January 1849. – My dear Sir, with very great pleasure I received your kind and acceptable letter dated the 21st December. It has given me much satisfaction, as informing me of your welfare, and because of the valuable counsels you give me in it, which I doubt not are most true, and proceeding from the bottom of your heart. I feel grateful for the providential occasion of meeting with you, and of profiting by the estimable qualities you possess. In truth I cannot find words sufficient lay to express my thankfulness. – Every day I receive more pleasure in reading the books you had the goodness to favour me with, and my friends here feel the same satisfaction. We have had by them some of our ideas much cleared up which were before confused, and this is another favour I owe to your friendship.

In consequence of what you wrote me, wishing that I should purchase and sell some of your books, I sent to Barcelona, and got some of each kind at the prices you mention, and I shall see if they will find purchasers. In case they do, I shall send for more books, and of all I can sell you shall be informed. I give the books of the prices I have paid for them.

We have had rains in this quarter, but not in sufficient quantity to satisfy the fields. God will supply what is lacking.

You can come here whenever you will, and lodge with us in this house, which is open to receive you. You may be sure of being received if not with the attention which you deserve, at least with kindness and true cordiality. My wife and family are quite well, and join with me in wishing you all prosperity. Jayme Bonet."

Prosperity to you, my dear friend, to all your colleagues, and to your Society, is wished and prayed for by –

                        James Thomson.

Rev A. Brandram

16 Harpur Street, Red Lion Square

18th March 1850

My Dear Friend,

I have the pleasure of sending you a translation of a very interesting communication which I have recently received her from Granada in Spain. It is as follows: –

"Granada, 11th February 1850.

On Sunday last, twelve persons of this place, met together, in the house of -----------, of whom ten of us where Católicos netos (say, unprejudiced Catholics), and two were disbelievers. We discussed the doctrines contained in numbers two and three of Catolicismo Neto (Purified Catholicism), which had been read by all of us, and it was proposed, that, seeing these doctrines were conformable throughout with the spirit of the gospel, and most conducive to the temporal and eternal happiness of mankind, as also to the good order of society, they be adopted, and in good faith, by all the individuals of the meeting, and it was so resolved unanimously, including the two who at the commencement of the meeting were unbelievers.

Also it was resolved, that the individuals forming this meeting should use strenuous efforts to diffuse the knowledge of these doctrines among their friends and neighbours through every means consistent with prudence, and also that they should recommend the reading of the Bible to all classes of our people.

In our meeting we discussed likewise, and severely reprobated, the Jesuitical, anti- evangelical, and inquisitorial conduct of our generally demoralized and ignorant clergy; and also, the repeated prohibitions of our Bishops in regard to the circulation among us of the Holy Scriptures, and the unjust persecution of those who diffuse them, and those who read them. Likewise, the Jesuitical policy of the Pope was reprobated in regard to the same matter.

Further, it was resolved, that Don José Vasquez should be specially requested to write to his friend and correspondent in London, Dr. Thomson, begging him, in the name of all the members of this meeting, to give their best thanks to the philanthropic Bible Society of England, for their efforts and sacrifices to diffuse the word of God in all the world, and especially for their endeavours on behalf of Spain. Also, that he should request Dr. Thomson to use his good offices with the Society to procure for us a supply of New Testaments of a common edition, but with a clear type, for distribution among the poor in Granada.

At the meeting various discourses were delivered on the above-mentioned subjects, that ought to be printed had we liberty to do so."

In conformity with request here conveyed to me, I would suggest, that a grant should be made for the purpose mentioned of 60 Spanish Testaments of Scío's translation, in 12mo, and 40 of the 8vo edition. They can be sent to Gibraltar, and I shall then use the best means I can devise for getting them into Malaga and to Granada.

We have in Granada a field and friends of an ample extent, so I believe, we have all over Spain. Would to God the restrictions to the entrance of the Scriptures into the country and the printing of them were removed! Let this be our constant prayer in regard to poor Spain.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Friend,

                                    Very Truly Yours,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev George Browne

16 Harpur Street

12th April 1851

My Dear Friend,

            You have by this time nearly concluded, I should think, the writing of your Report for the Bible Society year closing at the end of March. I fear poor Spain figures poorly in it. Spain however has not been standing still all the year in the great Bible cause. There has been during the year a singular combination of circumstances in the shape of preparing the Bible for Spain. I will not further notice these at present, but intend to bring them all before you soon after the Annual Meeting, when I shall take the liberty of stating what appears to me to be the duty of the Bible Society under all these occurring circumstances.

            My object at present is to bring before you what is at this moment being done in Spain towards extending the knowledge of the word of God in Spain. I have just received from Madrid an advertisement or prospectus of a new edition of the entire Bible about to be issued, dedicated to and under the patronage of the Archbishop of Toledo, the Primate of Spain.

            You may perhaps recall that in one of my letters from Barcelona in the year 1848 I mentioned that an enterprising Publisher there was then issuing a new edition of Scio's Bible in stereotype, and at a price much under that of former editions, calculating upon an extensive sale. I trust that sale has been as extensive as he calculated on, and that he has been duly rewarded for his enterprise and his risk, and his desire to benefit the country.

            That edition was in ten duodecimo volumes, and the price was 25/- which was a great reduction compared with the cost of previous editions.

            The present edition is to be cheaper still. It will cost about 18/- and being thus patronized by the Archbishop of Toledo it is likely to have a very extensive circulation.

            This edition, as well as the Barcelona one above mentioned, contains the Latin Vulgate text along with the Spanish version of Scio, and has also an ample supply of notes. Of these notes it may be said that nine tenths of them are good and useful. The other tenth is not without errors, and such as we might expect. But the text of God's own word is all there, and distinct and legible in good sized type, whilst the notes stand below and in a smaller letter. Probably most who read the Scriptures in this form will give their chief attention to the text itself as containing God's own communication and as being easier to read. I might say also perhaps, easier to understand, for I suppose it may happen in this case as it did when Thomas Scott asked the good woman of whom he inquired how she liked his edition of Pilgrim's Progress to which he had appended notes. She replied that she thought she now tolerably understood Bunyan, and that she hoped by and bye to understand the notes also.

            In making this remark I am not writing from supposition only, for I have observed among Spaniards in reference to this very matter a decided preference given to the text, and with confidence in it as being from God; whilst I have also noticed an indifference to the notes, both from their being man's work and also from a sort of feeling that the notes might not always be in accordance with the text.

            Both these cheaper and stereotype editions are the result of our Bible Society influence in Spain. But as often happens we get no thanks for the good we have thus done. On the contrary, this as well as the former edition is brought out, and avowedly, to counteract on the one hand, the circulation of our mutilated and corrupted Bibles, as they are pleased to characterize our unapocrypha and noteless Bibles.

            All this however shows the extent and the use of our Bible operations in Spain, and it is a clear indication contained in the opposition of the fact that the Bible is wanted and wished for in Spain, and that the people will have it in one form or another.

            Further the extensive sale of these two stereotype editions will not allay but increase the desire for the Scriptures in Spain, and this desire cannot be met in any other way than by our very cheap and noteless Bibles, for which without doubt, and before long, God himself will make due openings in that dark and (to me at least) interesting country.

            In my notices to be brought under your consideration after the anniversary meeting, to which I alluded, I purpose to show how we may meet the present state of Spain in regard to the Bible, and how we may at the same time prepare the way for the unfettered circulation and use of the Scriptures there.

            I have now concluded my present communication, and I am glad that I have this little something to send you before our last year is not yet quite past & out of sight. Please to try to get some notice of this new and cheap edition of the Scriptures in Spain, and of these prospective operations into your Report in some shape or other, so that the dark spot of Spain in it may be somewhat lessened in its size or in the intensity of its darkness. Better and brighter things I shall hope to communicate to you at the close of another year, should God spare me to see it closed, in respect to that country which if not my cure is my care and the object of my daily prayers.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell