Rev A Brandram  No.133

Mexico 23rd June 1843

My Dear Friend,

Our last packet brought your letter of the 29th April, and a duplicate of the one sent by the preceding packet. What a dismal accident is that of the Solway, with the loss of so many lives! This event makes me afresh give thanks to God for the gracious preservations he has vouchsafed to me in many voyages: and Oh may his gracious hand be upon me until I see your face again and my native land in peace, a blessing I may say, I hope for more than expect, when I cast my eyes on the long course that lies before me: but I will also cast them upwards and hope for the best as it is my duty to do so.

Your last letter mentions Home for me, perhaps before long. This is rather a temptation, and a pretty strong one too, for one who left home, or somewhat equivalent to it, on the present occasion, lowing as he went, like the kine that conveyed the ark, and because his half was left behind.[1] But Home is not so near for me; and though I cannot much rejoice in this personally perhaps, yet as your servant, and the messenger of the churches, to circulate the word of God, in this country and over the vast field lying in the vista, I will rejoice. This present period is probably our darkest day in regard to this mission, for clouds have gathered and thickened upon us hitherto. But the sky is opening, and brighter spots may now be seen in it, and more brightness, I trust, will follow, and we shall yet have great reason, I humbly hope, to rejoice and thank God concerning this mission.

Our main difficulty has been the shutting of the Custom House in this city against us, but the Custom House in Veracruz is still open, and such also is the case, I believe, in all the ports of this country. The stoppage in the Custom House here is owing to the Edict that was issued against our Books in this diocese in 1828. But I consider it an illegal act on the part of the Collector of the Customs to detain our Books, and when there is a more liberal system in action here, things will be otherwise, and the law will then be seen and acted upon, I doubt not, as I view it. But marked intolerance is the rule at present. Our new constitution which was finished and sworn to a few days ago is more illiberal in the article on religion than any of its predecessors. But this constitution is only preparatory to another which we are promised before long. This next may be better than this present. Let us hope for the best, and ever pray for the same.

In the meantime, and as I mentioned to you in my last letter, the word of God is esteemed here and sought after. This circumstance which was mentioned to me by our Bookseller who has good reason to know it, has been confirmed to me in subsequent conversations, and in a most decided manner. An occurrence also which has taken place since I conveyed to you that notice has strengthened this opinion. In the bankrupt stock of Mr Galvan there were some 2000 copies of the Four Books. These have been selling though slowly for some time. At length, and from a desire to get the stock sold off early, the price was lowered, and they were hawked about the streets. I observed frequently persons going about with them, and I observed others who had bought copies and were reading them. I made inquiry as to the extent of the sales, and was most agreeably surprised to learn that more than a thousand copies had been sold in a month. You will see by this circumstance a confirmation of our Bookseller's view in regard to the word of God being in esteem and sought after; and you will see it same time how openly and how freely the word of God sold in the public streets of this large city in spite of Custom House stoppages and diocesan edicts. Another statement of our Bookseller I must mention, and that is, that the cheaper we can sell our books the more extensive will be our sale. This looks like a mere truism, but it has a particular application to us here at the present time, for in consequence of our troubles and revolutions means and money are scanty with us compared to former times in Mexico.

Viewing all these things as bearing on our case, and anxious to know what should be done for the furtherance of our cause, I had especially inquired of the Bookseller what kinds of our books, and how many copies he might be able to sell for us, say in twelve months. He gave his view clearly as follows. Of the 8vo Testament he could sell, he says, 2000 copies, say at five rials each, but if at four they would sell with a certainty. Of the 12mo Testament also 2000 copies, say at three rials, but sure if at two and a half. As to the 32mo edition, he says the type is much too small for acceptance here, and it is not saleable. – What, I inquired, do you say about our Bible? He replied I could sell 2000 copies of but also in a year, if it were complete, that is, having the Apocrypha. Does not the want of notes also prevent the sale, I said, and would do so even where the Bible is complete. He said, No, for there are a great many who wish to have a small book with all the Scriptures in it, for the convenience of ready reference and reading instead of going to their 20 volume editions in their libraries, besides many others who cannot afford to buy these voluminous editions. Our Bibles are in considerable disrepute, he says, from their incompleteness. In a subsequent conversation, I said could we not force, as it were, our Bibles into sale by selling them at a very low price, say the large Bibles at a dollar each? Perhaps, he said, and probably something could be done in that way. How many copies should I order them for a twelve month's sale at this price? Let us say 500 he said, at first, and then perhaps we may require more before that time is elapsed. This is the large Bible, and not the small one, for of it too the type is much under the proper size. And in regard to the small Testament, I said (the 32mo), could you not sell it at a rial? He said, perhaps it would sell at that price, and we agreed to try 500.

In view of these statements and prospects I would request you to send us the kinds and quantities above named, and Invoices in Spanish money at the prices stated, putting the four and two and a half for the Testaments and not the five and three. I have made arrangements with a gentleman here who takes much interest in our cause, to see the Books safely conveyed from Veracruz into the hands of our Bookseller. The cases to be consigned to Messrs. Manning Mackintosh & Co. Veracruz, to be at the disposal of this gentleman, and enclosing to them a letter for him containing invoice etc. His address is  "Al Licenciado D. Domingo Saviñon, Mexico." Please to see number proper document is obtained from the Mexican consul in the place where they are shipped, and enclosed to Manning Mackintosh Co. Who require it for obtaining the books, nor can they obtain them without it.

You see in what I have said above, that there is a reasonable prospect of circulating 5000 copies of the Scriptures here in the course of 12 months. This is the opening and brighter spot in the heavens to which I referred. Further, we may say, that there will be an annual sale in this country of 5000 copies, and most probably more. This brightens our heavens again, you will perceive. Therefore notwithstanding all the clouds that thus far have enveloped us in this present mission let us thank God for the prospects now referred to, and take courage. Be so good thing as to send out these 5000 with the least delay possible. From Guatemala, I may say, I can superintend the distribution, as we have a regular post weekly between the two places. I mention this because of an observation in your last letter indicating your discouragements from past experience as to sending out books to any place where you have not individuals personally known to you to see after their distribution. Do not let this impression, or any other circumstance, hinder you from sending out these preliminary 5000. I will do my best to get them into circulation by sale as above stated, my friend Mr. Saviñon will do the same, and so will the Bookseller. This last noticed individual is a liberal and enlightened man, and as such feels an interest in the diffusion of the Scriptures among his countrymen. He has also another motive to induce him to give us his full cooperation, and that is self interest. I have arranged with him to sell our books at 12½% commission. This rate, though in one sense high, I consider fair, and also wise in us to give as under all the circumstances of this country, a country where money lent on the best commercial security yields 9%, and goes on increasing according to circumstances up to three or months, or 36% per annum.

I would now before I go farther, make an observation about the sale of our books generally in the further prosecution of this mission through those countries where more or less of the same condition of things will come before us from at the similarity of the countries to each other. I refer to the selling of our books cheap. Let us well keep in mind our Bookseller's truism, that the cheaper the more and the surer sale, and down to a certainty of sales and extensively. I know you give me full discretion, but I would like you to say whether you fully allow me to force our books into sale and use by disposing of them at any price, or even no price as circumstances may direct.

When in this country in 1827-30 I sold the Scriptures at the full cost value of the books, and several thousands were thus put into circulation. The full cost I conceive to be a rule when we can attain unto it, but another rule is also before us, and that is, that sales must be effected if at all possible. Again our third and last rule, I may say, is, that if we cannot force sales at even the lowest prices, we are to force circulation at the gospel price – nothing – wherever we can do it with the prospect of the books being read. These I understand to be your golden rules.

Permit me to say a word about the binding of the books for this market. Forced as we now are from a change of circumstances here to sell very cheap, I think the books should all be in the cheapest leather binding, that is, I believe, sheep. Yet neatness should be consulted along with cheapness. The backs of your Bibles are very dark and plain. The Americans in their cheapest sheep bindings always letter the back, and put a few transverse gold strokes on it. This is, I think, a good plan, and perhaps you might imitate it without disadvantage, to please us Americans.

It may be worthwhile to state here perhaps, that in your future prints of the Scriptures in Spanish, it would be well, as I should think, not to print on a type smaller than the Bourgeois, which I believe is the letter with which your 8vo Spanish Bible is printed, or say the Brevier for the New Testament. The same remark will apply probably to all countries, not reading countries. Please give me a note of all the Spanish Scriptures you have on hand, with their sizes and costs. Pray how is it that you can afford an English Testament, say your Brevier, at eight pence, and charge one shilling and sixpence for Spanish one of about the same size? I know that there is a duty on the paper in the one case and not in the other, and some difference too in the cost of printing, but not after the plates are made. Still the difference seems much.

I come now to speak of my movements. I am still, as you see, in this city. In my last I said I was in some perplexity as to what was best for me to do. Yucatán since then is somewhat cleared up as to its warfare state, and hopes are entertained that peace may be some established there. About one half of our Mexican force was obliged to surrender at discretion, or nearly so, and capitulated to leave the country, which was done. And the other day I perceived by the newspapers the other half has entered into an agreement to embark and return home also, making a virtue of necessity, as I suppose. Yucatán will thus be left free of all hostile forces, and be at liberty to enter into friendly relations or union with Mexico according to the terms they can both agree on. Yucatán of course has thus triumphed, agreeable to the prediction of your humble prophet. This to us, I may well say, is a great point gained, as Yucatán has established Religious Liberty by its constitution, from which here at present we are so very far. That just right however established there will no doubt have great influence in our obtaining it here and perhaps before long.

But Yucatán during the wet or summer season is very unhealthy, being greatly subject to the devouring disease of Veracruz called the Black Vomit; and this season I understand it is particularly bad, probably increased by encamped armies but it is also worse than usual this year in Veracruz. My Mexican friends here who have been in that Peninsula all advise me and strongly not to think of going there until the unhealthy season is over. The country is not yet fully open as to its war or rather peace state, I will therefore wait another month at all events to see whether hostilities will then be fully over, and to consider further what is my duty in regard to the climate.

My letters, as noticed in my last, you will please continue to send to our consul at the Havannah, Mr. Crawford. I had a very friendly note from this gentleman by the last packet enclosing your letters to him for me. I shall communicate with him from time to time as to the places to which my letters are to be forwarded, whether to this city, to Yucatán, or Guatemala. On the other hand I will arrange with Mr. Hitchin for repaying to Mr. Crawford the postage is he is obliged to prepay for me from the Havannah.

In your letter of the 29th April you say in reference to my movements and difficulties, "Every obstacle you have met with in Mexico you will meet with in the whole line of country through which you have purpose to pass." In reply to this, I would say, that I do not by any means expect that this will be the case. The shutting of the Custom House in this city, and other hinderances here also are owing mainly to the edict issued in this city and diocese in 1828, as already stated. And edict of the same kind also was issued, I understand, in Oaxaca and Guadalaxara. There are ten dioceses in this country, and only in these three have edicts been issued, so that the other seven, for ought I know, are open, and of a certainty I know that Puebla is, at least for Veracruz which is in the diocese, and which is ruled by the most illiberal, according to common report, of all our Bishops . Neither in Guatemala, nor in any part of the continent of South America has there been any edict published against our books, as far as I am aware. So far therefore from meeting with the same difficulties in every place in the line of my intended route, I do not again even once expect to meet with the same. I would fear such obstacles in Oaxaca, which is a principal objection to my going by land to Guatemala. Our way therefore you see, and our prospects are much better than you have been led to suppose. In Guatemala I expect to circulate a considerable number of copies of the Scriptures. ...

(Final section of letter missing from archives.)


[1] Note (BM): 1 Samuel 6.10-12.

Rev A Brandram  No.141

Peto, Yucatan, 1st May 1844

My Dear Friend,

This is your anniversary day, and I have had you in view from early in the morning. I trust God was sensibly among you, that he was in all things honoured, and that he will yet honour you more and more in your heavenly work.

When I wrote you last, on the 19th February, I was preparing to leave Merida, and to pursue my way to Bacalar and Belize. Close by the line of my route lie most of the interesting Ruins of ancient buildings that have lately been brought to light, and chiefly by Mr. Stephens. I thought it my duty as a Traveller to visit these Ruins; and was sure, that if you had been within reach, and I had asked you for the time necessary, you would have readily granted the same. A month I conceived necessary for this visitation and examination. I set down therefore the month of March for this end, and you can deduct from my accounts what corresponds to this time.

I left Merida on the 26th of  February, and pursued my way to Bacalar, zigzagging, till I came to the famous Ruins of Uxmal. I examined these Ruins, and those in the neighbourhood to some distance. I then crossed the country to see the Ruins of Chichen which lie in another directions. I arrived there on the 22nd and had plenty of time to make my examinations, and to be in this town of  Peto (which is on the direct line to Bacalar) within the prescribed time. But on the day of my arrival at Chichen I was seized with fever which extended into a severe illness. As there was no medical help, nor other resources on the farm of Chichen I had myself conveyed in a litter to Valladolid, a distance of 33 miles. Here I arrived very ill. I had a letter of introduction to one of the chief men of the place, who kindly found me a room. And sent me bed and other necessary things from his own house. I found there was no medical man in this city of 10,000 inhabitants. But my friend, whose name is Don Pedro de Baranda, had a medicine chest, and knew a little of practice. He did all he could for me, and so did a Priest held in reputation for his medical skills. To which I added my own medical knowledge which my illness would permit. For three weeks I was confined to my bed and room, and at the end of the time tottered out on a staff to visit and thank my friends. I have been convalescing ever since though slowly, and with some returns of fever. I returned to Chichen, finished my examinations there, and arrived in this town of Peto this morning. I am still weak, but I expect the sea air of Bacalar and Belize will fully restore me.

On Chichen farm I found one of your Bibles of the first edition of 1821, and another in the hands of Don Pedro de Baranda; and I took the occasion of strongly urging on both parties the duty of reading this sacred book which God had put into their hands. These had come from Belize.

I have had no letters from you, nor from England since I arrived in Yucatán six months ago. I hope to find all in Belize.

I found here waiting me a letter from Mexico, from our friend Don Domingo Saviñon. Our scheme there has failed through a prudent precaution perhaps of our Consul in Veracruz. This failure justifies your superior wisdom over mine in sending out only two-fifths of the desired number. These however will be required for To.....  and parts adjacent which are still open to us.

The last instructions from you that have come into  my hands, authorize me in my movements as far as Yucatán. If I find no instructions in Belize in regard to moving further, or direct orders to return home, of course I will return, and may arrive in England soon .....

(final part of letter missing)


AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev A Brandram

16 Harpur Street

17th June 1850

My Dear Friend,

You may perhaps recollect that on my leaving Mexico in 1843 I entrusted our books and their circulation to Don Domingo Saviñon, and you may also recollect some communications from that gentleman respecting various difficulties he had met with in attending to our concerns.

By the last packet that gentleman arrived in this country, and he purposes to be present in your Committee to day.

In reference to his operations I have received the following letter from him.

"To the Committee of the Bible Society of London.


The Undersigned begs leave to state to the distinguished individuals who form this Society, that having been entrusted by Dr. Thomson with the management and circulation of various cases of Bibles sent to Veracruz at the end of 1843, he is sorry to inform the Society that their objects could not be carried out so fully as he had wished.

As soon as these cases arrived at Veracruz they were confiscated. Through much labour however, and the interposition of his friends they were liberated from the Custom House, and placed in the hands of those to whom they had been consigned. There they lay till 1847, when after surmounting various difficulties, and which were related to Dr. Thomson at the time, the books were sent on to the city of Mexico, where they again met with the same fate as in Veracruz in being detained in the Custom House. They lay there during all that in the following year, without its being possible to get them liberated. It was only last year that we succeeded in obtaining the possession of these books, and owing to occurring circumstances of a favourable kind.

After overcoming all these difficulties another was met with, as the Bookseller who formerly sold the Bibles for Dr. Thomson refused to receive the books on sale. Months of delay took place on this account, during which the cases were warehoused on the premises of the Undersigned.

At length through repeated applications the Bookseller consented to receive the Bibles on sale, and there was accordingly delivered to him the quantities and kinds mentioned in the accompanying note.

The various difficulties thus detailed being overcome, the Undersigned thinks he may venture to encourage the Society with the hope that the day is not far off when the reading and the instructions of the Sacred Volume will make that progress which is the object of your benevolent intentions. That this may be so is the sincere desire of

                                       Your obedient Servant

                                       (signed) Domingo Saviñon.

                                                London 15th June 1850."

The communication of this our Bible friend and coadjutor will show some of the difficulties and labours he has had. He has, I know, laboured much and cheerfully to serve our holy cause, and is deserving of the kind regards of the Society. I am glad to be able to say of him, that he makes the Bible his own study, and I humbly trust he knows the great content of the Bible in the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He is much attached to this country, its people, and our religion, and he is now come to spend a couple of years among us to learn all that is good in this country that he himself, and afterwards his country may profit by the same.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Friend,

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                                James Thomson.

P.S. Mr. Saviñon has £17 to deliver for sales of Bibles effected

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev G. Browne

16 Harpur Street

            18th Nov.1850

My Dear Friend,

            I beg leave to petition for 1,000 octavo Spanish New Testaments, to be placed at the disposal of my esteemed friend Mr. Saviñon, who wishes for them, and who will use, I doubt not, all due means for their useful circulation in his native country.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Friend,

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Mr Hitchin

16 Harpur Street

            Wednesday Morning

Dec 4/50

My dear Sir,

            Please to send the parcel here by the Van.

            Thank you for the 500 Test. to Mr. Saviñon. Let them be addressed to him, and consigned to Manning & Co.

            I am sorry you have less favourable accounts respecting Mr. Brandram. May God graciously hear our prayers for him, and raise him up, and speedily. Please to keep me apprised of any important changes in his state for worse or better. I shall hope for the best.

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                                James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev. G. Browne

2nd January 1854

My Dear Friend,

            Mr. Saviñon is returning to Mexico, and I could wish to send with him 50 Spanish New Testaments 8vo, as these are wished for there.

            I could wish also to send 50 English Bibles and Testaments for sale amongst English Miners in the neighbourhood of Mr. Saviñon's properties.

                        Yours Very Faithfully,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell