16 Harpur Street

3rd Nov. 1851

Dear Sir,

            The Books in question are the same I noticed to you the other day, but as I did not know how many and of each sort exactly would make up a little parcel, I desired Mr. Franklin to make it out and to tell you the result that you would be kind enough to get them and make them up as a grant.

            The Books are for Capt. Knocker a good Christian man residing at Callao near Lima, and as manager there for the steam vessels that ply between Panamá and Chile. They can be sent out to him free of charge, and he can from his position and employ easily get them landed without risk. This is to be the beginning of I hope a considerable distribution in that part. He will sell the books in all cases where he can.

            I hope these explanations will be satisfactory. I had no intention of taking the books direct from the Depository, but the case is as I mentioned. Nevertheless I like your great and full formality, and shall remember the same more closely in future and be myself always in order if possible like yourself.

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

P.S. I suppose I shall have some little notification officially as to Madoz's dictionary, that I may transmit to him the same.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev. George Browne

6 Red Lion Square

8th August 1853

My Dear Friend,

            On full reflection I think it will be better to defer the further consideration of my proposed tour to the North of Spain.

            I enclose you a letter lately received from my esteemed friend Captain Knocker of Callao in Peru. You will see he speaks particularly of having a Bible Depot on Panamá where there is now an excellent Missionary from the United States who would gladly and carefully take charge of it, and would use his exertions to circulate the Books, not only in that place but also all down the West Coast of South America.

            I would recommend your sending him at present

50 Spanish Bibles 8vo

50 Spanish Bibles 12mo

100 Spanish New Testaments 8vo

100                    "                     12mo

100                    "                     32mo

100  Spanish Luke & Acts

100        "       Psalms &c.

            I shall endeavour to obtain a free passage for these by one of the coal vessels. The sooner the Books can be ready the better.

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

P.S. Please to return to me Capt. Knocker's letter.

AuthorBill Mitchell