Rev A Brandram No 76

Montreal, 20 December 1838

My dear Friend,

On the evening of the same day in which the postscript to my last letter was written, I left New York, and on the 11th current I arrived safely in this city. Our lateness in the season, and the early set in of winter this year, we found to our disadvantage in traveling. The greater part of the water communications were frozen up, and the cold was severe. Our West India bodies did not much relish the frost which prevailed during our whole journey, but we stood all better than our expectation. We had the thermometer one morning as low as 5° under zero. As we entered the territories of Canada the snow came down upon us; and when it had thickened on the ground sufficiently, we dropped our wheel movement, and took to the sleigh, the peculiar winter vehicle of this country, and in which we came the last 50 miles of our journey. We thus you see at once got initiated into the winter weather and circumstances of this quarter, and we rejoice to say that though the change to us has been great and sudden, yet altogether we find things less against us than could have been well supposed. The Lord will deal graciously with us, we trust, in this polar region, as he did with us in the burning climes of the Torrid Zone, where we experienced so much of his mercy and his loving kindness in our health and in all our ways.

On the evening of the very day on which I arrived, there was held a meeting of the Committee of the Bible Society at this place. This gave me, at once, an opportunity of seeing several of our friends, and of entering on business without delay. Two days after this, a Sub-Committee was held, in order that we might have together a general discussion of all the points connected with the present state and prospects of the Society; and a general meeting of the Committee a few days subsequently, to consider these topics, and to form resolutions upon them. I was much gratified with the spirit manifested at all these meetings; and have been led thereby to anticipate very favourable things in regard to the Montreal Bible Society. Their operations, during the past year, have been extensive; and there is a prospect that they will be still further extended before long. The present poli­tical state of the country is unfavourable, and may retard our operations; but we see, though somewhat darkly, that even these civil commotions will, in effect, be attended or followed by good effects, as respects the kingdom of Christ; and also as respects the empire to which these colonies belong.

After full consultation with our brethren and fellow-labourers here, I have resolved to pay visits through the sphere of the Bible Societies in this Lower Province before moving from it; and for this I shall have the benefit of the sleigh movement, which is a great advantage in places where, during the unfrozen season, the roads are generally bad, and often nearly impassable. In the spring I purpose visiting the Upper Province; and on finishing my tour there, I would think of going to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Since I arrived in this city, and indeed for months before, I have been meditating upon plans and arrangements for forwarding our cause as effectively as possible in this quarter. What things occurred to me in these meditations I have laid before our friends at the meetings which have been held. Our views have coincided in all the subjects discussed; and I shall now mentioned to you those parts of our plans that require early consideration.

On several occasions I understand this society has suffered a lack of Bibles on the spot where they were immediately wanted this want has been in part remedied at times by applying to the American Bible Society which is near at hand. Applications have been made to that institution on another ground also. Namely, from a fear of being burdensome to you through requesting supplies which they could not well pay, and which they were loath to ask you to put down as grants. I am sure it is the wish of the whole Committee in Earl Street to do everything possible to secure an extensive and useful circulation of the Scriptures in this quarter; and that you would not wish to throw any of the burden on our American friends, however kindly they might be disposed to participate with you in supplying us, as they have actually done on several occasions, and to a considerable extent.

I would propose, therefore, in conjunction with the Committee of our Society here, that there should be a depot of Bibles in this city, sufficiently ample to prevent a lack at any time. This depot should contain supplies also for all the Upper Province, which must, of necessity, always get them through this place, which is the extremity of sea navigation in this quarter, as vessels come from England to this port, but cannot go beyond it. This depot in Montreal for the supply of both the Canadas, should be considered a sub-depot of your general depository in Earl Street; and kept in your own hands in the person of your Agent. To it the various Societies here could apply from time to time to meet their immediate demands and means. Our Committee here, as already hinted, would consider this a very suitable arrangement, and a great means of forwarding the cause throughout the country generally. I mentioned to them that it would probably be well, notwithstanding they people in this city, to have supplies sent direct from England to Quebec, in order to save the sending them thither, the distance of 180 miles from this. But this difficulty they said would be very inconsiderable, as most probably the daily steam boats would take them from this to Quebec free of expense.

Another thing we discussed also, and about which we all feel very anxious, and that is, the obtaining of a Bible at a cheaper rate than any of those you at present have. We wish to have one that we could sell here at half a dollar, invoiced by you to us, say at two shillings sterling. In addition to the natural desire of our friends here to have the Bible cheap that they might with the same means make a more extensive circulation of the Scriptures, there is the circumstance of the prevalence among them of American ideas, feelings, and practices. Now the American Bible society as a Bible which sold at forty cents, and the one next to it up words is fifty cents. Could you meet our desire here on this score, say, by printing your non-pareil on paper inferior to your second class, and binding it in sheep, but not in canvas? We wish also an inferior and cheap edition of the small pica 8vo with references, and a cheap French Bible, say the non-pareil. Do please turn your attention to this subject, and forth with, and let us have these cheap Bibles if you possibly can. Be so good and give us a cheap New Testament also in French, and in English, say in 24mo or 12mo.

I made particular inquiry in the American Bible Society house in New York, as to the plan they had of making up and fixing the prices of their Bibles. They told me, that the cost of the paper, the cost of the press work, and the cost of binding are the three and only items that enter into the account. The expense of the stereotype plates is not charged, but thrown in gratis. On this plan they have a Bible, as already noticed of forty cents. Would it at all be consistent with your plans to purchase for us these cheap Bibles in New York, having them properly prepared in the title page for us as being printed for you? This arrangement was suggested to me by Dr. Macauley one of the Secretaries of the American Bible Society, at which time he stated, that he believed the Society would be most ready to accommodate you in this matter. We must remember however that there would be duty to pay on them, bringing them here, of 30 per cent. In regard to the French Bible, as they print cheap in Paris, probably it could be got in up easily at the cost of two shillings. The French edition published by the American Bible society is not good. Whilst on the subject of getting up books, it is not irrelevant to notice, that the American Bible society letter all their Bibles, which I think is a better plan than ours. The lettering on the back costs but little, and is a great addition to the appearance of a book.

A further subject of our discussions, and of our request to you, was in regard to the distribution of the Scriptures among the French population here by means of colporteurs or hawkers. Two of these Bible vendors you authorized this society to employ up to May next. You wished that the persons for that purpose might be obtained in this place. It has been found impracticable to find suitable man for this office among the native Canadians who speak the French language, as this class is in a very low condition generally in regard to education, and more so in regard to religion. One person has been engaged for some time in thus hawking books among the French population; but he is an English Canadian and of course not so suitable as a Frenchman would be. From these circumstances therefore we all agreed to petition you, and that most earnestly, that you would let us have two of Mr. De Pressense's colporteurs, that is two of those very persons whom he has already employed in the service, and in whom he has particular confidence. Our country is new in this respect, and the thing is untried with us, so that we required to act at the beginning with all the judgment possible, in order that the results may be good. Please then in Committee to accord us to such persons, and then write Mr.De Pressensé to select for us to of his well tried and best men, and send them out to this city in the spring, say by way of Havre and New York. I do hope you will grant us this boon, and in this way; and doing so you will confirm a very great special favour on the Canadians, and on the Montreal Bible Society, whose humble and earnest petition on the subject I thus forward to you. Allow me now to put down the quantity and kinds of Bibles and New Testaments to be sent out to your depot here as a commencement. They are as follows [see below].

These supplies you will please send out to buy an early conveyance in the spring direct to this port. Probably it would be well to divide them into two nearly equal parts, dividing the kinds as well as the whole quantity, and thus divided to send one half by one ship, and the other by another. Should the whole be sent out in one vessel, and that vessel be lost, we should lose a good part of the season before we could replace them. I think you had better thus divide, and send them.

It is much wished here, after the American fashion, that you would put a few blank leaves of good writing paper between the Bible and Testament in the English 4to Bibles for "family record" with these two words printed at the top of each page. You will see how this is done in the large American Bibles in your library, for I suppose you have copies of these, as well as of all the American editions of the Scriptures. There can be no objection to the doing of this I think, and it would make the book more valued. I should like you to say something to me as a guide in making grants, either for schools, or of a general nature from our depot here to the several societies to be supplied from it.

In a few days I set out, up the course of the River Ottawa, in company with some of our Bible friends, to visit some of the Bible societies in that quarter. The wintertime is the most advantageous and the favourite season for travelling here. It is then that the frost paves the otherwise bad roads, and the snow coming afterwards smooths them into a kind of rail way. And to which the people are during these months more at leisure, as their farming operations are at a stand, whilst the Earth is enjoying its rest, to awake again in due time at the sweet call of spring, to labour for man in summer, and to pour into his lap all plenty in the months of Autumn. O Lord, how manifold are thy works: in wisdom hast thou made them all: the Earth is full of thy riches.

            I remain, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                                                                James Thomson.

 P.S. Have the goodness to alter the number of my last letter from 74 to 75, which number it ought to be, as the sketch of our Bible Society operations in Jamaica comes in for number 74 being dated 25 October. I have been hindered by my movements from finishing and copying this for you; but will seize the earliest leisure for attending to it; so that you may look for it soon.

Please desire Mr. Hitchin to remit £10 to Mr. Andrew Ker,[1] 12 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, and to place the same to my Private Account. J.T.

[1] Note (BM):  Andrew Ker was appointed co-pastor along with Jas. Haldane in the Tabernacle after Thomson had gone abroad.


Rev A Brandram No 79

Montreal, 16th February 1839

My Dear Friend,

In commencing this letter, I beg leave to notify to you the holding of the Annual Meeting of the Montreal Bible Society. Monday, the 4th Feb instant, was the day appointed for the meeting, the hour was seven in tin evening, and the place one of the largest churches in this city. I am happy to inform you, that that large place was filled and crowded on this occasion, and I may add, with interested spectators and hearers; that is to say, with persons to all appearance feeling an interest in the great Bible object which brought them together. But I speak correctly too, when I say this was an interested assembly; for who is not an interested person in the effects of a Bible meeting?

The platform was well supplied with ministers representing the different churches in this place. There were only two representatives wanting. One of these from the body that honours the Scriptures the least, or rather tramples upon them, and the other from that which honours them the most. This riddle you can explain at your leisure; and I would only here add, that there was little wonder that the absence of the former of these bodies, but it is most wonderful, and I may say most inconsistent, that a Bible Meeting should not have a ministerial representative from a church in which the Scriptures are more read in public than in any other in all Christendom. I hope both these churches noticed will be converted to the right way in due time; and they will to a certainty be both converted in this that a particular, and the Bible and Bible meetings will convert them.

The crowded audience referred to, listened with the closest attention to the several speakers till a late hour, and testified their approbation in a collection of thirty pounds, or 120 dollars. I may here put in also, that the immediate and closest friends of the Bible Society were much gratified for some days after the meeting, by hearing from various individuals o the audience, their expressions of satisfaction with the meeting, and cordiality in its great object. I notice these several circumstances, as descrip­tive of the state of your Bible Society here; and I may well say, you have obtained a broad and firm standing in this community, which will never be altered, I trust, except by increase.

Our report is just leaving the press, and I shall avail myself of a certain liberty I have of transmitting you a few copies by post. You will find much in this report to interested, and will be glad to see that in the midst of war, we have made such progress in the way of peace. Our motto is, "Peace, peace, to them that are far off, and to them that are near." I send you a newspaper in which you will see a short account of our public meeting, drawn up by are worthy friend the Rev. Mr. Curry, whom I mentioned to you as the companion of my form our Bible tour in this mission.

You will see that we had with us the Rev. Peter Jones, an individual of course well known to you in several respects. We were all much interested in his accounts of what God had done for his poor countrymen, the Indians of this territory; and by means, as he well pointed out, of the Bible.

Before I leave off speaking of the Montreal Bible Society, it is but right I should specially notice the manner in which the Committee meet­ings are attended. There is always a good, and I may say a large assem­blage, and every body present seems to feel much interest in the concerns that are treated of. I may add also, that the meetings have been frequent and have therefore claimed a considerable share of the time of those who attend them. Altogether the standing and the prospects of the Montreal Bible Society are very encouraging. Blessed be God for the same, and may He who has brought us to this state, increase us from year to year and honour us greatly in the advancement of his kingdom.

In my letter to Mr. Hitchin No. 28 I enclosed a Bill for sixty pounds sent me from Perth, Bathurst District, upper Canada. That sum was for books, and I now give you the invoice I got along with the bill. They wish for [see below].

They say, "we should like these books sent out as early as possible, directed to Ward J. Bell, Perth, Upper Canada, care of Messrs B. Hart & Co., Montreal. We should prefer their being shipped direct to Montreal, as if unloaded at Quebec we should be put to some extra expense." They will of course cause them to be insured. If any money remains after accounting the order, you may mentioned that they can put in a few copies more of the English 4to Bibles, say not however to exceed in all 18 or 20 copies of that description.

This invoice will you please fulfill notwithstanding what I have said about what I may call perhaps my depot here, as mentioned in my letter No 76. Of that letter, I may here mention that I sent a copy of it, with some additions consisting of extracts from the minutes of the committee meeting held here relating to some of the statements made in the letter.

I have heard it regretted here by different persons, that so few copies of your last report were sent to this society. And now, though the Bible year is far advanced, they still beg me to write you for 30 or 40 copies of the same last year's report of 1838.

The noticing of this brings to my mind, that I had regrets expressed in the American Bible Society House in New York on this same subject, that you had sent there but few reports, Brief Views &c., and they indicated clearly, that they would be glad to receive more, and could use them to advantage.

I know not whether I should venture to ask you for a set of your reports, and of your extracts, and of your Bible pamphlets, for our Bible library here. But certain I am, that if you would send us than we should feel greatly obliged by your kindness.

By the way the mention of these pamphlets reminds me, that I have heard our Mr. Jamaica Tinson say, that he had begged these pamphlets bound up, and that Mr. Jackson said and wrote in answer to the petition – Yea, but that the fulfillment was – Nay. Be kind enough to notice this to our good friend beside you, why am sure will be glad to oblige Mr. Tinson on the matter referred to, as in all others within his reach.

The Jamaica letter, containing a view of Bible Society operations there, was sent off to you from hence some time since, and will very soon I trust be in your hands. In referring to an order for Bibles, in that document, from one single parish in Jamaica, then (October) in your hands, I believe I have said 4500 instead of 2400. The order I referred to is from Mr. McMurray of the Manchester Bible Society. Please look at that order and correct my letter by it.

All your letters for me in future (until further advice) please address direct to Montreal, instead of sending them to the American Bible Society House, New York as before desired. The Post Office arrangements I find admit of this. I formerly desired that letters should be sent to me only by the New York Packet ships. But, they may be sent by them, or by the steamer, as may be most convenient. I may here mention that there is a regular post between this and Halifax, so that you could also send in this way, should you at any particular time think it desirable, say in forwarding a duplicate. But New York affords the quickest and best transit for letters from England to Canada, both lower and upper.

Mr. Jackson's letter to Mr. Wilkes, dated I think of September, concerning the employment of Mr. Dupuis, was somehow overlooked, by its coming here when Mr. Wilkes was absent. Mr. Dupuis has been spoken to, and is to begin his operations as a Bible vender in a few days.

Soon after I came here, I wrote letters to all the 16 auxiliaries, to which I wrote from Jamaica under date 12 September. From some of those I have received answers, and of a very satisfactory nature. One I received lately was from Frederickton, New Brunswick. It is from the secretary of the Bible Society there "Henry Fisher", and he tells me, that the Rev. W Temple, whose name stands as secretary in your last Report, has not resided in that quarter these 17 years. Please to interchange these names in your next Report.

In a few days I intend to set out on a long tour over the Upper Province, going to Toronto, and to places west of it, as far as societies exist at present, or maybe formed, should materials and circumstances be favourable.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Very Truly Yours,

                                     James Thomson.

Order 1.png

Montreal 7th May 1840

My Dear Sir,

I transmit to you the following sums [below], which I beg you to enter in the names of the respective parties.

This money is in the hands of the Treasurer of the Montreal Bible Society, who will transmit you a Bill for the entire amount. He confidently expects that the exchange will turn out considerably in our favour in a very short time. I therefore put this letter for you into his hands, as I leave Montreal this day. He will extend each item above in sterling, and send the Bill as the amount may be. Be so good however to enter and notice the items severally, stating the sources of the same.

You will please to observe, that of the first item, £13:18: 1 is paid for Books from the General Depot, and the rest is for Books received from Mr Smart. Of the third item £11:19:5 is to account with General Depot, and the rest to account with Mr Smart. The fifth item is entered in Mr Milne's account of the General Depot £13:13:0, he having deducted the exchange between Upper & Lower Canada, and postage.

            I remain,

                        My Dear Sir,

                                    Very Sincerely Yours,

                                                            James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell