Rev A Brandram - No 116

Montreal, 23rd March 1842

My Dear Friend,

I send you a little note, by way of keeping up at least remembrances, until we shall come again  into closer contact in more active operations.

At the last meeting of the Committee of the Bible Society here, the subject of an agent to travel over the sphere of the society a good part of the year was brought forward, and arrangements were made to carry it into effect. The plan adopted is to afford some assistance to Mr Milne who conducts the depositary to enable him to give a good proportion of his time to visitations in the country. As this will enlarge the outlays of the society, they  were anxious to obtain some help from you in the case, and begged me to petition you accordingly. The present arrangement is by way of a trial for one year, so that you would not be compromised beyond this period in the first instance, and if you would grant our friends here Fifty Pounds for this trial year, you would in my opinion be merely contributing in the most effective manner you could to favour the Bible cause in this place. The success attending the employment of a travelling agent in Upper Canada, has, as you are aware, been exceedingly encouraging. The like good effects will, I doubt not, flow from a similar measure in Lower Canada. You must not be too rigid in keeping accounts with the Bible Societies in British America, but treat them, for some time longer with your hitherto generous and parental encouragement. When these your children grow up, they will help their Parent. Thus I write to you; but at the same time I urge and strongly on all the societies in this quarter, the duty of aiding you, and liberally, in your holy work; and in due time they will attend to this duty, but their home charity is as yet largely required, and not least on account of the great annual influxes of emigrants.

Your Extracts for January reached me on the 17th instant, being longer in coming than usual, owing to the mishap that occurred to the Colombia. I am delighted to see the working of Mr Phillip's mind regarding the general oversight and neglect of the Bible Society cause among churches, and ministers and people, and to see similar workings on the mind of a "Subscriber." You have done well to publish these, and I trust there will soon be a general awaking out of sleep upon this subject. The Welsh, I see, as is meet, go ahead, and show others the way. May God Almighty greatly bless that country, and he will bless it, and through his word.

            I remain,

                        Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Mr Hitchin

Stirling, 11th June 1845

My dear Sir,

            I transmit to you documents for money to the amount of £10:14:6. This is made up of four collections made from as many distinct churches, as well as in two distinct towns. I wish them inserted and acknowledged in your June 30th Monthly Extracts. Please insert them in the manner following:

First United Secession Church, Falkirk                    4:11:8

Parish Church Falkirk                                                 2:7:5½

Relief Church Falkirk                                                 2:5:4½

First United Secession Church, Alloa                       1:10:0

                   I duly received the Bible Society Reporter for April I think, containing Mr. Batly's letter, etc. Be so good as send me the May number, to the care of Ed. Baxter Esq. Dundee. The June one will, I suppose, be ready in a few days: please send it me to the same care. I shd. be glad could you send them me monthly as soon as they come out, and to the places where you may learn I am from time to time.

            I remain,

Yours Truly,

Jas. Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev A Brandram

            Inverness, 15th Aug. 1845

My Dear Friend,

            Your communications on the 31st July, and of the 4th and 6th inst. have come into my hands since I last wrote you on the 1st of this month. The two latter of these came to me duly, the first unduly, as I got it in Forres on the 12th instant on my arriving there, and it had come from Aberdeen on the preceding day, according to the post mark. The London and Edinburgh marks were not visible.

            In regard to any portions of my letters appearing in the Monthly Extracts, I should think it better not, and for two reasons, first because my letters are not exactly in the shape it would be proper to publish, and secondly, I think it would be better not to say anything at all at present. If you wish it, I can draw up something when my tour is finished that may be general, and embracing the whole visitation.

            I stated that two thirds of Scotland are for us. I exclude Edinburgh from the calculation, though I do not know that I should. From all I have seen out of Edinburgh I am sure two thirds are for us, and further, that the other third, bating a few, are not against us. You fear I shall be followed by violent disclaimers and writers. It may possibly be so, but I hope and think not. I mentioned that I had been shot at, and that a shot had been fired before me, but both seem to have been innoxious. All the newspapers in our way have spoken favourably, with the exception of one titbit from a Journal of minor name. The passage enforced there, and I think the only one quoted from the Warning, was the heading of Luke xxii, and it stumbled a little a warm friend of our Society. I do think, even notwithstanding all you have well observed on this wording, that it would be well to amend it in the manner I before hinted. The objection is not at all to the word consecrates. – The Banner of Aberdeen said not a word about us after our meeting, which was saying something for us.

            Vindex's second letter I have not yet seen. I hope no fuel will be given him for a third. I agree with you fully, "Answer him not."

            You have not done Dr. Wilson justice. He has no idea at all, that I know of, of writing remonstrances to you or against you. He is very friendly, and his allusion was, to blame the Edinburgh people for unfriendly remonstrances seeing they had them to make, and he says they should have been kindly. I expect to see him here in a few days.

            Have you seen the Rev. Christopher Anderson's two thick volumes, entitled The History of the English Bible, or a name akin to this? He told me in May that they would appear in London in the end of that month.

            I arrived here yesterday, and am working my way. The General Assembly of the Free Church meets here, by adjournment from Edinburgh in a few days. I intend to work as I can among its members. In a subsequent letter I shall take up my narrative from Aberdeen.

            I remain,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.