Rev A Brandram No.36

Kingston, Jamaica, 22nd September 1834.

My dear Friend,

Your letter of the 8th of August is now before me, having had a rapid conveyance from England of just one mouth. We are glad to see the kind sympathy which you good people of England feel for those of us here who once were slaves, but who are now apprentices, and hope, in a few years, to be free indeed. By the expression here, "free indeed," you will perceive that I refer to British freedom, when we shall be eman­cipated from our apprenticeship as well as our slavery. But the phrase in itself has, as you well know, another meaning, and a higher one; namely, that meaning given to it by the Son of God, whose words you have, in your Resolutions on our behalf, conveyed to us, along with your wishes, and your prayers, arid your promised magnificent gift. Your donation will, we hope, soon be here ; and will on the appointed day be put into the hands of all concerned. In the meantime, it is truly gra­tifying to learn that so many in England met together, in various places, and of all denominations, on the first of August, to give thanks to God for what he has wrought in setting the captives free, and to pray for us, that our redemption may prove a temporal and an eternal blessing. Your prayers and your alms-deeds in this matter, will surely come up for a memorial before God; and some angel will be despatched to us from on high with blessings to this island, and to our other colonies, as ample as your expectations, and beyond them.

I believe I stated to you in my last letter, that it was my intention to set out from this city on the first of this month, in order to make a tour round the island. That intention has not been verified; and the cause is the weather and the season. On the day I had intended to set out, as well as the day before, it rained all the day long. The consequence of this was the rising of the rivers I had to pass, and also the injuring of the road. It was some days before the elements settled, and my setting off was delayed for a week. During this time I was necessarily led to make particular inquiries about, the season, and the weather that might be expected after this break up. The result has been the putting off my journey altogether until the unsettled season is over. Having so arranged, my attention was forthwith given to what, could be done in this city and neighbourhood in our concerns; the great civil question among us having passed by, as to its immediate engrossment of public and private attention. We have, in consequence, had several Committee Meetings of our Bible Society. I am anxious to see something done in a system­atic way in this island, and on a large scale; I have, therefore, recom­mended the revision and reorganisation of the Jamaica Bible Society, and the connecting with it a Branch Society in each of our twenty-one parishes, if it possibly can be done: and again I recommend the filling of each parish with Bible associations. This arrangement would cover our whole island with Bible institutions; and would, I trust, soon, or at least in a few years, put a Bible into every house, and into the possession of every individual of our whole population. For this object we have bent our bow, and to this object we aim our arrow; but whether we shall soon, or at all, hit our mark, is of God, and to Him do we pray for success.

I shall inform you more particularly of our plans and operations as we go on. My present arrangements are to occupy the three or four months of the usual rainy season in this city and neighbourhood, in­cluding Spanish Town, and places adjacent to it. After that—say in December or January—I would propose making my long tour, and would make it leisurely; occupying probably about four months, or per­haps six. This, you see, is calculating upon a tolerably long stay in Jamaica; but you know this is done at your request, and in obedience to direct Resolutions of the Committee, conveyed to me in different letters since my arrival. I should not have projected such a stay, but for the instructions referred to. I think, however, the Committee have done well in making their arrangements to give a good trial to the Jamaica field, and to see what, with proper culture, it may produce in your work, and in what ought, from every consideration, to be their work also. I trust the results will be good. I have good hopes, and will not give them up until I see experiments made and their failure.

Your last letter contains nothing additional respecting your ample gift; but I suppose we should look for the books by the next Frigate that arrives. I should like to see them come so, I confess, though perhaps there is both pride and vanity in my wishing it. Nevertheless I should like to see the Bible inscribed upon the Nation more than it is.

It has occurred to me that, in addition to the Pica Testaments with Psalter, &c. for your gift, it would be desirable to have on hand a consi­derable number of the same kind of books above what the gift requires; as undoubtedly we shall find many of the free blacks, to whom the gift does not apply, anxious to possess the identical volume they see others having; and it is desirable we should be able to meet their wishes without delay, by having the same book at hand to offer them on sale. It would be well, also, to let us have a good supply of the Brevier Testament, with the Psalms bound up with it. The additional expense in putting in the Psalms is small, whilst the additional value is great.

It is very pleasing to us here, though at your cost, to see your anxiety to learn the result of your gift upon our population, so far as it can be at present seen. My letter, now in your hands, or near you, will relieve you somewhat of your anxiety on this score; your own ideas and mine have coincided exactly in the matter, as you will see; but the effects, I think, are still better than the favourable calculations of us both upon the sub­ject. What I have already written will show this; and to show it yet more, I now give you extracts from several letters received from various places and persons, and of different dates, in the interior of the island. They are as follow:

"Accept my thanks for your kindness in sending me the printed Resolution of the Parent Society. I do feel grateful for their intended magnificent Christian gift to the negro population on their liberation from earthly bondage. May the precious gift received by each individual be duly prized, and prove the inestimable blessing intended by their kind friends! It was a happy thought; and may our Covenant God pour His richest blessing on both the givers and receivers on the occasion! I gave the printed letter to Mr. S  yesterday (the 1st Aug.) and, according to your request, he communicated its pleasing contents to a most crowded congregation, which we were favoured to see assembled at N. E., to return thanks to the Lord for his wonderful dealing in bringing about so great an event as the abolition of slavery in peace; and enabling so many, of different classes and grades, through the sanctifying influences of his religion, to meet together to bless his glorious name. Christian pro­prietors, who had encouraged the instruction of the negroes when they belonged to them, could meet with them in the house of their God, to rejoice at the termination of their earthly bondage, while also they united in the prayer and entreaties of their faithful minister, to seek for deliver­ance from the bondage of sin and Satan. It was, indeed, a fine sight. The hill was crowded, and the church could not contain half the assembled multitude. Joy and peace beamed in every countenance; the quietness, considering the numbers, surprised me, and proved their joy was sancti­fied. It was pleasing to witness the happiness and gratitude of the regular congregation, in seeing many negroes there for the first time: it was a hopeful omen to them that more would now seek the Lord and his ways, which alone can give peace and happiness to a never-dying soul.

"P. S. (3rd Aug.) I cannot help taking up my pen to communicate to you what must be pleasing to every Christian to hear, that, if possible, the numbers that were at N. E. to-day, exceeded what we were privileged to witness on Friday last. Most attentive were all, and anxious to be instructed."

Another:—" I have been favoured with your letter, which informed me of the Resolution of the Bible Society. I need not say how much I was surprised and pleased with the intelligence it conveyed. What will Infidels say? Can they boast of so noble an act since the beginning of time? The idea was grand, the sentiment noble! Surely nothing but true philanthropy and real piety could have dictated such a noble, disin­terested, and Christian act. When I read the letter to our congregation, they were as much surprised as myself. I had just received nine pounds' value of books and cards from the Tract Society, for the use of our con­gregation: and those in the neighbourhood who could read. Some of the most sensible of the slaves came to me afterwards, and showed their gra­titude by tears of thankfulness. One man, an Ebooe, said, "The good people in England must have formed a better opinion of us than we deserve. They send us out missionaries to teach us to know the Lord, and send us books, and all that is for our good. People of the world may say what they choose, but the Lord's way is a good way."

Another: — "On the first of this month, when my congregation assembled to give God thanks for the abolition of slavery, I read the resolutions of the Bible Society, to present to every emancipated slave who can read a copy of the New Testament and the Book of Psalms ; which produced a very strong sensation of gratitude for the kindness, congratulations, and prayers of the Christian friends connected with the Bible Society. The catholic and truly Christian spirit which they evinced, called forth a similar feeling among my people, to a degree which surprised myself. After reading and commenting on the resolution, I asked whether I should convey to the Committee of the Bible Society their thanks for the very handsome donation this presented; to which I received a sufficiently explicit answer in the affirmative by a number in front of me standing up and making a bow."

"On my leaving the pulpit, however, my attention was arrested by one of the most intelligent of the emancipated slaves addressing me, and requesting me to express their sincere gratitude to the Committee of the Bible Society for their handsome donation, as well as for their kind feeling in behalf of the emancipated slaves ; in which sentiments a great number expressed their concurrence. May I beg you to convey the thanks of myself and congregation (nine-tenths of which are emancipated slaves), for their very suitable present. And may their prayers on our behalf, which I hope will be answered by a most copious effusion of the spirit of grace, also descend in rich blessings on their own souls! I fear, how­ever, that the Committee did not think of the large expenses which the carrying their resolutions into effect will occasion. In my congregation alone, there are 130 adults who can read, besides children, who will amount at least to the same number."

Another from the same person, at a later date:—"The following is a list of adults connected with my congregation, and of the young people attending the school, as well as of those who belong to the estate where I give lessons, who are able to read.

"I fear the number is much greater than what was expected; but I could not curtail it without doing injustice to some. A few of the children are not yet able to read the New Testament; but they are making such fair advances, as to warrant the hope that they will be able to peruse it by the time the books arrive. During the last two years, my congregation has made more rapid improvement in reading than during the previous seven years I was in the country; and the promise of the New Testaments has given a considerable impulse to their diligence, as I assure them, that if any are found unable to read them with tolerable fluency, the books will be given to others who may be more industrious."

Another: — "I understand that several of the people have sent their children a considerable distance to learn to read of a man of the name of Allen."

Another: —"Our people anticipate with great pleasure the time when the Christian donation of the British and Foreign Bible Society shall be conferred upon them. Many of the young, especially, appear anxious to improve themselves in reading."

Another: — "Our hearers, and members generally, received the wel­come news contained in your circular with joyful hearts; their gratitude was seen in their countenances, and expressed with their tongues."

Another :—"I subjoin a list of apprentices above 12 years of age, on this property, who are able to read. Were I to mention the names of those who are desirous of learning, it would be necessary to enume­rate the whole. To encourage this disposition, and in furtherance of the benevolent views of the Bible Society, I intend to open a school, next week, for the gratuitous instruction of the apprentices attached to this place, and upon such terms for others as will, I trust, induce the neigh­bours to avail themselves of the opportunity."

Another:—"At present there is certainly a great and most pleasing excitement among our people, both to hear, and to learn to read, the Word of God; and both of us are fully employed on the Sabbath days, as our chapel, which may contain 700 people, is by far too small. It is pleasing to hear that this is the case every where in this island."

Another, from the same as the first extract:—"I received your printed circular, and have endeavoured to accede to the wishes of the Bible Society therein specified, and herewith forward you as correct a statement as the limited time would permit, of the number of adults and children on this property and the two adjoining ones, who, according to the proposed munificent gift of the Parent Society, will be entitled to Testaments, &c. I can truly say I am within the number of those who are trying to learn. We have 90 names down from the adjoining property, of those who have begun, since the first of this month, to come here in the evenings, and on Sundays, to learn ; and, from the earnest­ness with which they are applying to their books, I have little doubt of the greatest proportion being entitled to a Testament at Christmas next. Still I have kept within the number, knowing that we must meet with some disappointments. At the same time t must acknowledge that we have great cause for encouragement from the diligence shown by these hitherto ignorant people to learn to read, and to attend to the concerns of their never-dying souls. May He who alone can effectually do it, lead them to the truth, as it is in Jesus!"

The extracts which I have now given you, will, I doubt not, gratify and encourage you; and will dilate your heart, too, I am sure, on behalf of this interesting people; whilst we shall receive a benefit through these your feelings, in another and another prayer for us, as you think and talk upon the subject. You will see by these extracts, that not only is there great anxiety on the part of the people to receive your boon, and gratefully to receive it; but also that you have created a mighty move­ment among them to learn to read. This is most happy, and will have most favourable results, connected as it is with the Holy Scriptures. There is with us here in Kingston, a full correspondency to our friends in the country, about learning to read; and several adult and children's schools have been opened, both on Sundays and week-days. Spelling-books, and more spelling-hooks, is now the cry. Some months ago I fortunately had ordered a case of such books to be sent here, and found it on my arrival; but it is long ago empty, and those who have received the books are just like Pharaoh's lean cattle after they had eaten up the others, that is—seem not a bit the better for all they have got; thus great is our demand. A month ago I received another case, and shall, by this opportunity, order a third, which must be nothing less than a Noah's ark, to satisfy our wants. Again, schools and more schools are desired, both by those who wish to learn, and by all others. Every body is now favourable to education, and none against it.

Will you tell all the people of England, when you see them, or at least make them all hear you, or at all events print these words for them. Tell them our need of spelling-books and of schools — our pres­sing, very urgent need. Tell them they should instantly set up a "West India School Society," for the purpose of aiding, say with a £5 donation, and annually, to set up and keep up a school in one place; £10 similarly, for the same in another place; £20 in a third; and so on, according to need. This, with proper supplies of school-books, is all we want of such a Society. The plan is simple — good people of England, set it a going if you can (and there is no doubt of the can), and let the next packet that leaves England after this letter arrives, make us leap for joy at hearing of its establishment, and its ample disposable funds. This is, I know, not Bible Society business; and I seldom or never trespass on such forbidden ground, but keep, in my correspondence with you, to our own single and glorious concern to circulate God's Word only, and know nothing else. But the present occasion is extraordinary, and I may be allowed, perhaps, or at least pardoned for this transgression ; and so may you, for winking at my error, and publishing all I have said. The time and the occasion will justify and applaud you ; and those who are least your friends, will say, that your failing here "leans to virtue's side,"— and such will be the truth.

But, returning to our business from this digression, I must tell you, that I have two more extracts to give you of letters from the interior of our island respecting your gift, and the communications sent out from this city to the country in annunciation of it. These two extracts might well be spared perhaps, and you would be spared by my not giving them. But it would not be a fair register of the weather to notice all the sunshine days and leave out all the others that may be rainy and stormy. I will treat you fairly, then, and give you both sides. The first of the two extracts now in question is dated at some rectory, in some parish, and is as follows: – "Rev. Sir, – I received your circular of the 12th instant, and would cheerfully comply with your request, but with one solitary exception, I have not had any application made to me, neither do I believe there is a single Negro who places the least value, or can in any way appreciate, the gift intended for him. There are but few, very few, who can read; and those who can are, I think, in general provided already with a copy of the New Testament. It is very far from my wish to say anything which may be in the remotest degree considered disrespectful of so pious a body as the Gentlemen composing the Standing Committee of the British and Foreign Bible society undoubtedly are; but I cannot refrain from observing, that the resolutions entered into on this occasion is only another proof of how little is really known of our peasantry by persons in England. To use a homely phrase, it is putting the cart before the horse. If the Society had granted a small sum of money to assist in the founding of schools for the infant children of our Apprentices much practical good might, by God's blessing, be effected: but until this is done (and I hope I may yet see 50 such schools in this extensive and wealthy parish) we cannot reasonably expect to see the pious wish of George III, of blessed memory, fulfilled, 'that every cottar in his kingdom might be able to read, and be in possession of the Bible.' Most ardently do I echo this wish, convinced as I am, that except a man frame his life according to its blessed precept he cannot attain that holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Wishing you every success, and God's blessing on I doubt not, your sincere and pious intentions, I remain, &c."

The next extract, if not solecism to say so, comprises the whole letter, and what it wants in length, it has got in strength. It likewise, as its foregoer, is dated at some Rectory, and begins and ends as follows: – "Sir, I cannot act under any instructions but those of my Diocesan, I beg leave to return your circular of the 12th instant. – I am Sir, Your Most Obedient Servant."

I close this part of my letter by copying for you the note I received from the Bishop, in answer to one I sent, as noticed in my last.

"The Bishop of Jamaica presents his compliments to Mr. Thomson, and begs to acknowledge the receipt of his letter of the 7th inst. and the enclosed papers, which he takes the opportunity of returning. The Bishop regrets that he was absent from home when Mr. Thomson did him the favour to call at Bishop's Pen. With respect to Mr. Thomson's proposal, the Bishop feels assured that, without any direct interference on his part, or any official instructions to the clergy in a matter of private judgment, and which had much better be left to the spontaneous suggestions of their own minds, the clergy of the Established Church will generally be found anxious to avail themselves of the opportunity now offered for distri­buting among their parishioners, duly qualified to benefit by the precious gift, copies of the Scriptures, and co-operating, at this crisis more espe­cially, in furtherance of that great cause which sincere and well-disposed Christians, of all denominations, have equally at heart.   Union Hill, August 9, 1834"

September 26.-—This letter was pretty well advanced to a close on the morning of the 23rd, the day the mail was made up for the Packet; but, whilst I was going on with it, I was seized with fever, which laid me up completely all the day, and until the Packet was gone. The truth is, I am, in regard to fever, something like our negroes here in their new condition; that is, both free and not free; for, ever since that severe attack in St. Thomas, which had so nearly cut the thread of life, I have been seized, again and again, by partial attacks of about a day's con­tinuance, but so strong as to put all business, or any thing akin to it, entirely out of the question: these returns have come nearly at periods of six weeks. I was told, on my recovery in St. Thomas, that I might expect this for six or twelve months after; otherwise, blessed be the Lord! I am as well as ever.

The "John" arrived a few days ago, and the books were landed yesterday. I opened the three English cases, and had the happiness to find four reports for 1833, together with some copies of the speeches at the annual meeting of this year. I am glad of these few reports and the other papers. Do you have the goodness to beg your clerks and warehousemen to notice always in the invoice, and in what individual case reports, papers and parcels may be placed, and that all such be put in one case only of a given shipment. There is not the slightest notice of these reports in the shipment of the John.

That is nothing else I believe that requires special notice of the moment. I might say perhaps, that I am as occasion offers preaching and making collections for the funds of the Jamaica Bible Society, and in order also to make our object more generally known. – My letters in future may be addressed to my own name only, putting on, Agent of the B & F Bible Society.

            Believe me, My dear Friend,

                        Always Yours and Truly

                                    James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram No 76

Montreal, 20 December 1838

My dear Friend,

On the evening of the same day in which the postscript to my last letter was written, I left New York, and on the 11th current I arrived safely in this city. Our lateness in the season, and the early set in of winter this year, we found to our disadvantage in traveling. The greater part of the water communications were frozen up, and the cold was severe. Our West India bodies did not much relish the frost which prevailed during our whole journey, but we stood all better than our expectation. We had the thermometer one morning as low as 5° under zero. As we entered the territories of Canada the snow came down upon us; and when it had thickened on the ground sufficiently, we dropped our wheel movement, and took to the sleigh, the peculiar winter vehicle of this country, and in which we came the last 50 miles of our journey. We thus you see at once got initiated into the winter weather and circumstances of this quarter, and we rejoice to say that though the change to us has been great and sudden, yet altogether we find things less against us than could have been well supposed. The Lord will deal graciously with us, we trust, in this polar region, as he did with us in the burning climes of the Torrid Zone, where we experienced so much of his mercy and his loving kindness in our health and in all our ways.

On the evening of the very day on which I arrived, there was held a meeting of the Committee of the Bible Society at this place. This gave me, at once, an opportunity of seeing several of our friends, and of entering on business without delay. Two days after this, a Sub-Committee was held, in order that we might have together a general discussion of all the points connected with the present state and prospects of the Society; and a general meeting of the Committee a few days subsequently, to consider these topics, and to form resolutions upon them. I was much gratified with the spirit manifested at all these meetings; and have been led thereby to anticipate very favourable things in regard to the Montreal Bible Society. Their operations, during the past year, have been extensive; and there is a prospect that they will be still further extended before long. The present poli­tical state of the country is unfavourable, and may retard our operations; but we see, though somewhat darkly, that even these civil commotions will, in effect, be attended or followed by good effects, as respects the kingdom of Christ; and also as respects the empire to which these colonies belong.

After full consultation with our brethren and fellow-labourers here, I have resolved to pay visits through the sphere of the Bible Societies in this Lower Province before moving from it; and for this I shall have the benefit of the sleigh movement, which is a great advantage in places where, during the unfrozen season, the roads are generally bad, and often nearly impassable. In the spring I purpose visiting the Upper Province; and on finishing my tour there, I would think of going to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Since I arrived in this city, and indeed for months before, I have been meditating upon plans and arrangements for forwarding our cause as effectively as possible in this quarter. What things occurred to me in these meditations I have laid before our friends at the meetings which have been held. Our views have coincided in all the subjects discussed; and I shall now mentioned to you those parts of our plans that require early consideration.

On several occasions I understand this society has suffered a lack of Bibles on the spot where they were immediately wanted this want has been in part remedied at times by applying to the American Bible Society which is near at hand. Applications have been made to that institution on another ground also. Namely, from a fear of being burdensome to you through requesting supplies which they could not well pay, and which they were loath to ask you to put down as grants. I am sure it is the wish of the whole Committee in Earl Street to do everything possible to secure an extensive and useful circulation of the Scriptures in this quarter; and that you would not wish to throw any of the burden on our American friends, however kindly they might be disposed to participate with you in supplying us, as they have actually done on several occasions, and to a considerable extent.

I would propose, therefore, in conjunction with the Committee of our Society here, that there should be a depot of Bibles in this city, sufficiently ample to prevent a lack at any time. This depot should contain supplies also for all the Upper Province, which must, of necessity, always get them through this place, which is the extremity of sea navigation in this quarter, as vessels come from England to this port, but cannot go beyond it. This depot in Montreal for the supply of both the Canadas, should be considered a sub-depot of your general depository in Earl Street; and kept in your own hands in the person of your Agent. To it the various Societies here could apply from time to time to meet their immediate demands and means. Our Committee here, as already hinted, would consider this a very suitable arrangement, and a great means of forwarding the cause throughout the country generally. I mentioned to them that it would probably be well, notwithstanding they people in this city, to have supplies sent direct from England to Quebec, in order to save the sending them thither, the distance of 180 miles from this. But this difficulty they said would be very inconsiderable, as most probably the daily steam boats would take them from this to Quebec free of expense.

Another thing we discussed also, and about which we all feel very anxious, and that is, the obtaining of a Bible at a cheaper rate than any of those you at present have. We wish to have one that we could sell here at half a dollar, invoiced by you to us, say at two shillings sterling. In addition to the natural desire of our friends here to have the Bible cheap that they might with the same means make a more extensive circulation of the Scriptures, there is the circumstance of the prevalence among them of American ideas, feelings, and practices. Now the American Bible society as a Bible which sold at forty cents, and the one next to it up words is fifty cents. Could you meet our desire here on this score, say, by printing your non-pareil on paper inferior to your second class, and binding it in sheep, but not in canvas? We wish also an inferior and cheap edition of the small pica 8vo with references, and a cheap French Bible, say the non-pareil. Do please turn your attention to this subject, and forth with, and let us have these cheap Bibles if you possibly can. Be so good and give us a cheap New Testament also in French, and in English, say in 24mo or 12mo.

I made particular inquiry in the American Bible Society house in New York, as to the plan they had of making up and fixing the prices of their Bibles. They told me, that the cost of the paper, the cost of the press work, and the cost of binding are the three and only items that enter into the account. The expense of the stereotype plates is not charged, but thrown in gratis. On this plan they have a Bible, as already noticed of forty cents. Would it at all be consistent with your plans to purchase for us these cheap Bibles in New York, having them properly prepared in the title page for us as being printed for you? This arrangement was suggested to me by Dr. Macauley one of the Secretaries of the American Bible Society, at which time he stated, that he believed the Society would be most ready to accommodate you in this matter. We must remember however that there would be duty to pay on them, bringing them here, of 30 per cent. In regard to the French Bible, as they print cheap in Paris, probably it could be got in up easily at the cost of two shillings. The French edition published by the American Bible society is not good. Whilst on the subject of getting up books, it is not irrelevant to notice, that the American Bible society letter all their Bibles, which I think is a better plan than ours. The lettering on the back costs but little, and is a great addition to the appearance of a book.

A further subject of our discussions, and of our request to you, was in regard to the distribution of the Scriptures among the French population here by means of colporteurs or hawkers. Two of these Bible vendors you authorized this society to employ up to May next. You wished that the persons for that purpose might be obtained in this place. It has been found impracticable to find suitable man for this office among the native Canadians who speak the French language, as this class is in a very low condition generally in regard to education, and more so in regard to religion. One person has been engaged for some time in thus hawking books among the French population; but he is an English Canadian and of course not so suitable as a Frenchman would be. From these circumstances therefore we all agreed to petition you, and that most earnestly, that you would let us have two of Mr. De Pressense's colporteurs, that is two of those very persons whom he has already employed in the service, and in whom he has particular confidence. Our country is new in this respect, and the thing is untried with us, so that we required to act at the beginning with all the judgment possible, in order that the results may be good. Please then in Committee to accord us to such persons, and then write Mr.De Pressensé to select for us to of his well tried and best men, and send them out to this city in the spring, say by way of Havre and New York. I do hope you will grant us this boon, and in this way; and doing so you will confirm a very great special favour on the Canadians, and on the Montreal Bible Society, whose humble and earnest petition on the subject I thus forward to you. Allow me now to put down the quantity and kinds of Bibles and New Testaments to be sent out to your depot here as a commencement. They are as follows [see below].

These supplies you will please send out to buy an early conveyance in the spring direct to this port. Probably it would be well to divide them into two nearly equal parts, dividing the kinds as well as the whole quantity, and thus divided to send one half by one ship, and the other by another. Should the whole be sent out in one vessel, and that vessel be lost, we should lose a good part of the season before we could replace them. I think you had better thus divide, and send them.

It is much wished here, after the American fashion, that you would put a few blank leaves of good writing paper between the Bible and Testament in the English 4to Bibles for "family record" with these two words printed at the top of each page. You will see how this is done in the large American Bibles in your library, for I suppose you have copies of these, as well as of all the American editions of the Scriptures. There can be no objection to the doing of this I think, and it would make the book more valued. I should like you to say something to me as a guide in making grants, either for schools, or of a general nature from our depot here to the several societies to be supplied from it.

In a few days I set out, up the course of the River Ottawa, in company with some of our Bible friends, to visit some of the Bible societies in that quarter. The wintertime is the most advantageous and the favourite season for travelling here. It is then that the frost paves the otherwise bad roads, and the snow coming afterwards smooths them into a kind of rail way. And to which the people are during these months more at leisure, as their farming operations are at a stand, whilst the Earth is enjoying its rest, to awake again in due time at the sweet call of spring, to labour for man in summer, and to pour into his lap all plenty in the months of Autumn. O Lord, how manifold are thy works: in wisdom hast thou made them all: the Earth is full of thy riches.

            I remain, My Dear Friend, Very Truly Yours,

                                                                                                James Thomson.

 P.S. Have the goodness to alter the number of my last letter from 74 to 75, which number it ought to be, as the sketch of our Bible Society operations in Jamaica comes in for number 74 being dated 25 October. I have been hindered by my movements from finishing and copying this for you; but will seize the earliest leisure for attending to it; so that you may look for it soon.

Please desire Mr. Hitchin to remit £10 to Mr. Andrew Ker,[1] 12 Greenside Place, Edinburgh, and to place the same to my Private Account. J.T.

[1] Note (BM):  Andrew Ker was appointed co-pastor along with Jas. Haldane in the Tabernacle after Thomson had gone abroad.


Rev A Brandram No 89

Montreal 21st December 1839

My Dear Friend,

The present letter will consist of miscellanea, the items of which I forbore to notice in my other letters, that my narratives might not be too much broken, intending afterwards to make a letter of them by themselves, which accordingly I now do. The first is an item that regards what I may call my great-scale movements. My commission of visitations, you know, embraces all the British North American Provinces. In a former letter I believe I intimated to you my intention of leaving the Canadas for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in the Fall of the present year. When I had that arrangement before me, and mentioned it to you, I was not aware that my visit to Upper Canada would consume so much time as it did. After I had spent about a month in my summer tour in the Upper Province, I began to fear that I should be longer detained there than I had expected or wished; and at the close of the second month I perceived that I must either visit the Province less extensively than it should be visited, or else give up my intention of going to Nova Scotia in the Fall of the year. For a month longer this matter vacillated before me still unsettled. At length I concluded that it would be better for the interest of the Society that I should make my visitations in the Canadas more complete before I should leave them, although at the expense of delaying my visit to Nova Scotia from the Fall of 1839 till the spring of 1840. This therefore I arranged in my mind, and then pursued my visitations through, and to the full close of the summer, and until the frost and snow had made an appearance. Notwithstanding this lengthened to her that is still sufficient work before me in these two provinces for the winter season. With the winter however will conclude my Canada work, and when the ensuing season fairly opens, I shall proceed, if the Lord will, to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In October I wrote to each of the auxiliaries in these eastern provinces with whom I had previously been in correspondence, and who expected me in the Fall mentioning to them my change of purpose, and the causes of it, saying the same time that in consequence of this delay I should be enabled to spend more time with them than I could have done had I gone in the Fall as I had previously proposed. At the time I arranged in my mind to go to Nova Scotia as above noticed, it was my intention to return from that quarter to the Canadas in order to complete my visitation of them. By the present arrangement, as I have said, I will finish my business entirely here before I go so as not to have occasion to return; and further, I think I shall be able to visit the Eastern societies more suitably than would have been the case had I followed my first plan. To do the best for all the Provinces, and to promote your interest the most, is been my intention in thus planning and acting; and I shall be glad if my arrangements meet with your approbation.

The next item I take up is upon the subject of the Bible depot in Montreal, about which I wrote you, in the first instance in my letter of  the 20th December1838. My purpose in laying before you this plan, was, in a chief degree, to prevent a lack of Books which had been often felt, and the consequent injury to the general circulation of the Scriptures in this quarter. There were difficulties connected with this arrangement, I foresaw, from the beginning, but the desirableness of completely preventing a deficiency of Bibles here at any time outweighed these difficulties, and they were left to be remedied as circumstances might direct when they should arise. One of the difficulties was, the non-continuance of your Agent here in whose hands the depot was to be, and likewise his frequent and length and absences from Montreal where the Books were deposited. Thus far all has gone well, for Mr. Milne the Agent engaged by the Montreal Bible Society has attended to the depot and in every way well, during my absences, and he continues to attend to it on my part, as having his residence in this city and being seldom long absent from it. – We have now made a year's experiment in this matter, and during this time I have learned, through an extensive visitation, the nature of this country, and the state and feelings of our various societies in regard to the matter. With the knowledge of thus acquired on the one hand, and in the view of leaving the Canadas as bearing on the point in another way, it becomes necessary to take up the consideration of the subject afresh, and to arrange for the future. In regard to the views of the Auxiliaries all over the country, I think I may say, they are decidedly favourable to this plan thinking it would be greatly conducive to convenience on the one hand, and on the other, to the keeping up a constant supply of the Scriptures, so that Bible operations, might not be hindered by a deficiency of Books, as has been often the case hitherto.

The general plan I would propose for a kind of permanency is this: – That the two great societies here, namely, that in Toronto and in Montreal should order from you direct all such supplies as they judge they may need from season to season, for themselves, and for the various branch societies connected with them. So also the Society at Quebec, and some others which may prefer direct connection with you, instead of being branches of the two central and extended societies mentioned. But nevertheless, and in addition to this, I think you should keep constantly on hand in this city of Montreal, an ample stock of Bibles and Testaments fully able to meet all runnings out, and extra demands that may at any time occur; and this supply or depot should be in your own hands, or managed say, directly in your name. Arrangements that have lately been entered upon in the Montreal Bible Society will make this plan easy for you, and I hope satisfactory. The Committee here has accorded to have a house for their stores and sales distinct altogether from the separate and private business of their Depositary. Hitherto these two have been combined, but circumstances have occurred to render an alteration proper.

The present Agent of the Society will act as Depositary, with the help of his family in his absence on visitations in the country. From confidence in the person to be in charge of this establishment, and from combined circumstances, the Committee anticipate pleasing and extended results from their new arrangement. Now the depot in your hands above referred to, could be kept in the house, and the management of it could be entrusted to the Depositary and Agent noticed, who would send out Books according to orders he might receive. His Books and Accounts would be kept separate from those of the Montreal Bible Society, and statements would be made out and sent you annually. The Depositary would act thus, not on his own responsibility, that under the superintendence of the Montreal Society. It is proposed that you should pay £10 to this house or establishment for storage on your Books, and another sum of the same amount for what we may call Factorage. The whole expense to you therefore by this arrangement, would be £20 annually. This plan taken in its several parts, would as it appears to me be a very suitable arrangement. It would be well I think that you should make an experiment of it for one year, and thereafter you might act as circumstances should direct. Probably the Tract Society, and the Sunday School concerns may be transacted in the same house; but should they, they will be altogether distinct. I mention this that you may fully understand all the circumstances of the case in the proposed arrangement.

My third item is about Cheap Bibles, of which I wrote at length, and with particulars, in my letters No 76, and 80. Since these letters were written you have lowered the price of all your Bibles, by taking out the stereotype plates. This is I think a wise arrangement. But nevertheless it does not meet the particular case I endeavoured to bring before you. What is wanted is a Nonpareil Bible say on 3rd or 4th class paper, or 5th or 6th is there are such numbers of tolerable paper, so that its original price may be a great deal lower still than your lowest. There might also be a Bible of another size or two on paper of the same sort. I humbly think you should reconsider this subject, and hope you will do so, and come down at once as low as you possibly, with any propriety, can, in the price of at least one of your Bibles, and one of your Testaments. Should you take up the subject anew, please look back at what is said on it in the two letters referred to in this paragraph. I would urge the subject, and I know you will forgive me for doing so, though you should not consider it proper to accede to my petitions, which yet I hope you will.

Analogous to the item just finished is the one about different or new editions of the Bible. Your notice as to a Paragraph Bible in your letter of May 21st well suits the case considering all the circumstances of the Society, namely, that you will wait at present and look on to see how the Tract Society's one makes its way. I trust it will make its way well, and that you will by and by follow in the track they are marking out. Your Pearl Bible with marginal references will meet I trust the wishes expressed by friends as noticed in my letter No 80. An impression on similar paper would perhaps be desirable, and it would be a little cheaper.

In the postscript to my last letter I said, "What has become of the large order in my letter from Toronto of the 23rd May? For this supply we have been looking our eyes out these last two months: but we have seen or heard nothing of it, and the season is now far advanced, we fear closed." And closed now it is with a witness, and boarded over with ice, with horses and carriages passing over, yet the Books are not come. – Sometime after writing this postscript, and whilst re-thinking on the subject, I took up your letter of the 3rd July, in which you mentioned the receipt of my Toronto letter which contained the order here referred to, and I perceived I thought by the phraseology of your letter, that you had not observed that there was an order for books in the letter at all. You say, "Your letter did not lead to the adoption of any resolution, for we trust the supplies you ordered for the people are now all safely with you." On viewing this to be your meaning I turned to my letter from Toronto to see what I had there said, and find my wording to be, "Repeat the invoice of the 20th December." The saying "Repeat" supposes the former one come or counted upon, and indicates clear enough a wish that the same quantities and kinds should be sent again. Some of the expressions in the same paragraph plainly imply this view of the order noticed, for it is called "a fresh supply," and to come out "in the Fall of the year," whereas the 20th December one was to be sent and to come here in the Spring: and further, it is called "a new order." Thus I think I make out a case for myself, and against you. But supposing this oversight made at the reading of my letter, how could you read my letter from Sandwich, and print it too without seeing the overlook, and inquiring into the matter, and finding it, and saying you had perceived it, and that you were sorry, and all that? Now, have you not printed in your newspaper No 6, these following words, "In my last letter I begged you would have the goodness to send out to the Montreal depot, the same quantities and kinds as requested in my letter of  the 20th December last; and to send them out in good time, that they might arrive before the St. Lawrence navigation closes for the season. I now mention this that the notice may serve as a kind of duplicate to that letter."

Well the matter is now past, and the St. Lawrence shut up; nor will it break up its ice for any of us, not even for the Bible. You will naturally fear that we have been much put out for want of the books. We have been put out, and will be more so before a new supply can come. Nevertheless we suffer, and will suffer less than what you may fear. Fortunately we had a pretty good supply laid in through your different shipments during the summer. Our greatest loss consists in the want of certain kinds rather than the want of  Bibles. By the lack of these kinds we are unable to make up orders, and unable also to meet the needs of our daily purchasers in this city. Nevertheless, as I said, we are better off than could have been expected under the disappointment.

The order in my letter from Toronto of the 23rd May, and also that in my letter from Sandwich of  the 18th July, I now cancel, and you will have another in their stead by the same conveyance which will carry this letter. To this therefore I refer you, and so close this item.

[I come now to say a few words respecting Invoices. You say September 10th, "On another head too I really believe we are not blameable, excepting it to be for a misdirection. On inquiry I find that all the Invoices are prepared just as you desire them to be with a full statement of the contents of each case (!). To yourself duplicates of these Invoices are sent. On these certainly has not been seemed necessary to send a copy of the contents." This say is so unlike Mr. Brandram's  that I must needs suppose him to be merely an oracle in this instance, through whom somebody is thus speaking. I do not know of whom you inquired, but if you had inquired of me, I would have given you a different statement of the matter from the one here emitted. My statement is this: – First, of the Invoices per the Douglas and the Houghton containing the large supply of Books ordered on the 20th December there were no duplicates at all. Nor can I suppose these sent and lost: for if they had been sent they would have come along with the others in the same ship, and been both delivered safely, or both lost. Secondly, the Invoices that came with these books had no enumeration of the contents of each case; and hence it happened as I stated in my letter No 85, that three days were taken up, and in hard working, to make up a supply for the country, which order could have been made up in three hours with a proper Invoice. This is not my personal complaint, occasioned by the personal labourer here referred to, but it is that of the agent of the Montreal Bible Society at a time when I was more than 1000 miles distant from this place and him. Now be so good as communicate to your informant these things, for they are truths and facts. – The Invoices by the Resolution and the Prince George came in original and duplicate, and both of them had the enumeration of the contents of the several cases. You will perceive from the above that there is no outlet from the blame in question by the door of  "misdirection", for there were no misdirections, as far as I can see in the case. But a word more about this escape by the door "misdirection." When in Quebec Mr. Atkinson read me a letter from Earl Street to him in answer to one he had written in which were complaints it seems identical with mine as to the want of notification of the contents of each case in the invoice, the excuse offered was, that as a duplicate of each Invoice was sent to me, the error had arisen from sending me through misdirection, the Invoice intended for Quebec, which Invoice, it was insinuated, had as a matter of course the contents of each case marked on it. Now, that it is not a matter of course to mark the cases as is here signified I know too well; and in respect to this same identical Quebec invoice, I beg leave to notify the duplicate which duly reached me, had no enumeration of the contents of each case on it. Please to hear a little more about the subject of Invoices, for it is the last time but one I shall ever touch upon it, if it can well be avoided. I would say, your Invoices, that is those which have come to me, have very seldom had the enumeration in question and that notwithstanding the notices and petitions that have been conveyed to Earl Street on the subject. I infer that others have fared as bad, and probably worse in the matter. But whether you hear of it or not, you may be sure inconvenience is felt everywhere. You see it was so that Mr. Milne here and Mr. Atkinson in Quebec, and both independent of each other, and of me. – Your first remission of books to me in Mexico consisted of 48 cases and there was not a line of directions on the Invoice as to what each case contained. I had therefore to open, empty, and refill with proper Invoices each case. This took me many days: and from standing in a dampish place where the books were stored, an illness followed lasting for some weeks with much danger. – From all the circumstances taken together respecting this matter of Invoices, I would again, and earnestly press upon your attention the propriety of having, as I said in a former letter, a standing order to have all our invoices done in the manner here indicated. Should this not seem good to you, then in that case, I would recommend an improvement on the other side, namely, to make your invoices to consist of, and be comprised in, one line, which line would just say, for example, "2000 Books, value £400:" and this plan will have one merit and the advantage of saving your clerks, whose dolorous complaint about making up my duplicates you have sent me once and again. How I pity them: but I pity still more, as you see, as in justice I ought, the poor wights on whom you lay the burden of emptying and filling again one by one all your cases, spending a day instead of an hour, just to make up the deficiency of your deficient Invoices. – Finally, for the present on the subject, I observe, I do not want this enumeration on my duplicates. Put it on the originals, and all originals, and I am satisfied, and others also will. Forgive my rallying, but do not forget what I have said.]

[Your Bible Society Reports number 3, 5, 6, and 7 have come to hand, and from 8 to 10 copies of each.  1, 2, and 4 have not appeared. They have all come by way of New York, and have cost exactly the same postage as if they had been unstamped. Had they come per British Mails through Halifax they would have come free. I took special care to notice in my letter No 82 the difference between sending via New York and via Halifax. After retaining for my own use one copy of each of the numbers come to hand, I have sent the rest to different parts of the country. With every copy I thus send I have to pay one penny according to the post office regulations in this country, and it is the same unstamped and unstamped papers. Mr. Wilkes has, I believe received the same numbers and copies as I have, and he has generally distributed his in this city. To whom else in this country you have sent your Reporter, I know not, but should be glad to learn, to prevent me from sending also to the same persons, as not improbably I may have done in the dark. The best plan to act upon in this matter, as it appears to me, will be, in the first place to send them all through the post office, and by the British Mail Packets, for only in this way will they come free. In the second place, every copy should be addressed to the very individual to whom ultimately it is to come, and for whose benefit it is intended, because every second sending incurs postage. What I have said applies to the post office rules of all British America as to this second sending. But I may add, that the same is or was the case in Jamaica, with the only difference of greater disadvantage. If for instance, you sent 20 or 50 copies to Mr. Tinson in Kingston. They will all come free into his hands, if they have come by the British Mails. But then Mr. Tinson cannot send them free through the post office into the country. Nor has he the advantage we have here of sending any printed sheet through the post office, all over the country for one penny paid in advance. There is no such regulation in Jamaica, and therefore for the transmission of such papers a special contract must be made with the postmaster. But if you should address your Reporter to any individual over all the Island it would come to him free. Your plan then should be, to have a list of all the persons to whom you may choose to send your Reporter, and by this list to address each copy to everyone in particular. Your list I think should contain the names of the President, Treasurer, and Secretaries of each of your societies as they stand in your Annual Reports. Some additional names might be added, of persons taking a lively interest in the Society's work, although they may not hold any of the above named offices.]

I have seen Mr. Willoughby, (now the Reverend) and more than once, since my return from Upper Canada. I mentioned to him what you said to me in your letter of the 5th March in answer to his application in reference to the employment of an Indian he noticed, in the distribution of the Scriptures. He informed me that the Indian was dead of whom he had written to you.

You were kind enough to notice in your Monthly Extracts, as I had begged you would, the formation of the first Bible Society among Red Men of North America, as it took place at the Chippeway Indian village on the River Credit U.C. on the 9th May of this year 1839. I sent two copies of your Extracts No 4, containing this notice to the Indian village, one to Mr. Slight and one to Mr. Jones. – In your letter of the 10th September, when noticing mine of the 18th July in which is an account of the formation of the second Red Man's Bible Society, at Moravian Town, you say, "We shall not print your account of the visit to the Indians. It is so much like the former one, and matters are on so small-scale that it might where the appearance of magnifying small matters." This is true, and yet I would plead for your doing honour to the Squaws of Moravian Town, and you may perhaps do it in your forthcoming Report, if not in your Extracts or Reporter. The liberal manner in which the Indians subscribed is also worthy of being noticed to their praise and encouragement. See letter No 85, from, "I had suggested to them" – onto – "by some of the other Indians." I now transmit to you the letter I received from the Rev. A. Luckenbach containing list of subscribers to this Indian Bible Society. You will see that there are 16 women's names and 19 children's on it. The document perhaps is worth placing in your archives, or at least of showing to your friends. – I send you also a longer list of Indian Bible Society names, and a document perhaps of greater curiosity, namely, the letter from the St. Clair herewith enclosed. You will there see a long list, and I may well say an honourable one, of Indians with their Chippeway names, and their Bible subscriptions, amounting to £14:13:9. And that you may properly estimate the merits of the case, read the letter of the Rev. Mr. Douse which is appended to the list, and which I here copy, (though you have it,) and verify. "I am happy," he says, "in being able to forward to you a list so large and respectable from my charge. They have done nobly. Of them it may justly be said, that 'in the abundance of their joy, and their deep poverty, they have abounded unto the riches of their liberality; for to their power, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves.' Five years ago they were drunken, dirty, and ragged Indians: but now they are sober, clean, and well provided, and can find a little to spare. What hath God wrought! To him be all the praise: Amen." The Saviour has given a place in his Record to the widow and her two mites, and you may well be justified in giving a place in your Records to our Indians. Thus I plead for them, but leave all to your superior wisdom and judgment.

[My begging attention to the Indians in your periodicals, leads me naturally to my next item of miscellanea. You say, in your letter of the 10th September in reference to inserting portions of my letter No 85 in the Monthly Extracts, "In quoting from your letter we may perhaps leave out a sentence or two," and then you mention an expression in regard to Admiral Vansittart, and another regarding his son John. I agree most fully with your leaving out the sentences, and thank you for the improvement of my letters for the public eye by the same. I give you a carte blanche for all such improvements, and leave all these matters in your hands. I am aware of a kind of habit of writing rather to yourself as an individual and an intimate and dear friend, instead of writing what the public may see, or even what is suitable for the ear of the Committee. Forgive me, and improve me. – Notwithstanding however the general liberty I wish you always to take and frankly with my letters, I would at the same time petition, as I once did before, in favour of the large points, as I may call them, namely, the semicolon, colon, and the full stop. These, I beg your transcribers and printers, may put always just as I put them, without any alteration whatever. There are some other things also that I could wish to be adhered to as I put them, and which is not always done. You have printed in your Reporter No 7 Muncy instead of Munsey as I wrote. Now I cannot tell why my letter here should be set aside, and another substituted in its place. Again, in my letter No 77, which is in part printed in your last Annual Report, you have printed in page LXXXVII, line 9, warlike and peaceful, instead of war-like and peace-full as I wrote. As to names, (which if new I always give you with printers' clearness,) I should like to see them carefully attended to in the printing. Some years ago I wrote, and more than once on errors on this head; though I have observed similar oversights since that, I have been un willing to trouble you about them. In your 33rd Report, page CV,  3rd line from the bottom, you have printed Robertson for Paterson, and Coro for Coco, through which changes you have rendered it next to impossible to identify either the place the person.]

Your observations on my observations about mirth at public meetings are kind and corrective. perhaps I wrote too sweepingly. We need animated spirits as well as heavenly spirits. But yet I have seen, or rather heard, such mirth-making at religious meetings as left evil effects on the godly, and even offended the taste and feeling of the careless. Against such, I will, as I have done before, both speak and write: whilst at the same time I will gladly smile with you, and yours, and make you smile in turn, when words and things concur suitable for the same.

Sir George Arthur's donation was paid in to the Parent Institution, and not to the Honduras Bible Society. I asked him specially upon this point, and he specially told me as I have here stated. His name and donation ought therefore to have been in your general subscribers' list according to custom; and I doubt not but you will there insert it in your next Report.

Some months ago I communicated by letter, and lately in person with the Quebec Bible Society in reference to Mr. Atkinson's letter, and application for help which you referred to me. On examination into the state of things within their sphere, they found them better than they had thought. They will not therefore at present need help in the way of a grant of Bibles; and as to Bible readers you cannot help them.

I lately received a letter from Mr. Norman in the Havanna. He says he had received five dollars for Testaments sold at Matanzas, where, you will recollect, I could sell none, when I was there. He saw the rest of the books on the Bookseller's shelves, offered for sale without any impediment from authorities civil or ecclesiastical. Some, though but a few copies of the Scriptures are being sold in the Havanna, and no opposition to their sale is mentioned. We must, in regard to that Island, have long patience, both as to sowing and reaping.

I have also not long ago a letter from Mr. Watts of Carthagena. He says, "Spite of the priesthood a moral revolution is spreading slowly throughout the country. They have just received a deep blow in their iniquitous designs." This deep blow consisted in the public mind having been greatly turned against the friars in consequence of their opposition to government in the suppression of monasteries, and their exciting to an actual rebellion in Pasto on account of this measure. All these things, no doubt, and indeed everything, will prepare the way for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and the advancement of the kingdom of God. Since I received Mr. Watt's letter it has often been on my mind to say to you, and I now do it, that probably it would be well for you to authorize him to find out and employ a colporteur in that country. Not unlikely something could be done there in that way.

In my letter from Toronto I mentioned in Mr. Mayerhoffer as offering himself as an agent for you to distribute the Scriptures in Hungary, Austria, etc., and from whom you had some communication direct, or through Dr. Steinkopff. I said I would inquire all I could about him. I have done so. I do not know that he is exactly the person who would suit you, and yet he might be useful. With this ambiguity I would leave the matter till you yourself say something about him, in the view of his own communications, and your wishes and designs respecting the countries mentioned, and the employment of the means here offered to you. Mr. Meyerhoffer thinks he would be able to circulate the Scriptures in those countries extensively. He is a native of Hungary, and speaks the Hungarian, Croatian and Slavonic languages, all of which are there used. He also speaks and writes in German and Latin, and can converse in French. He was formerly a Catholic priest, was changed by the reading of the Scriptures, and is now a minister of the Church of England: he has a living the Toronto, and has been about 10 years in Canada. A considerable difficulty in the case perhaps would be the employment of him as a permanent agent, and he might not look for less. He has rather a large family. I think he spoke of £200 per annum as what he would engage for: I have been thinking that if he could get along this leave of absence, you might visit his home, and make a trial of what could be done in your work. He could I believe obtain leave for 18 months.

[I give you now a little item intermediate to a larger one. If there is anybody in Earl Street who would take the trouble of numbering your letters, I would gladly pay him a penny for each, at even twopence rather than not have it done. If they were numbered I should always know at once when anyone is missing. Let him begin at or with 1840.]

In your letter of the 21st me you say, "The Conclusion of our Report has been sent to you. Your opinion of that Conclusion I shall be happy to learn." In acknowledging your letter in which this is contained, I said this conclusion had not come to hand. I learned afterwards however that it had then come to Montreal, but had not been sent to me. Afterwards I got it, and read it with interest. Since of course I have seen it in the Report itself, and have read it again. The two letters by J. H. I have also received and read. I much like your conclusion. It is true, cogent, apposite, and firm. The use of the Septuagint by our Lord and his Apostles is, I have often thought, a remarkable fact, and surely it is well calculated to stagger the sticklers. You have done well to bring this forward. It was delicate ground, popularly, to hint at a defect in our Authorized Version. You felt it, and your remarks, as you observe, were wrung from you. It was right however and necessary for you to do what you have done. Perhaps you have prepared the way a little towards the obtaining an Improved Public Version, which I think in the present day, and under the Bible Society, through persons of different denominations combined, could be easily effected. I daresay you will get well pulled and bedaubed for what you have said about our perfect version, more perfect of course than the originals, as the Catholics say of the Vulgate, and the Lutherans almost of Luther's translation. I like your prayer at the close very much. May God hear it, and speedily, and largely may he answer it. – In regard to the versions from the Vulgate, I fear our good Protestants, at least many of them, have not candour enough for forming a true judgment of them. They are certainly better than they generally suppose. Our English Version, would not, I believe, appear so perfect as many think it, nor these versions from the Vulgate so defective, were a fair comparison made. I have lately read the Four Gospels of the De Sacy's Version, and in the Rhemes Testament. They are both wonderfully correct, and beyond all doubt these translations may justly be styled the word of God. When I have finished the Rhemes Irish version, as I may call it, I may perhaps say a few words more regarding it. – Your Mr. J.H. has, I think, managed Mr. Theld pretty well. He might have done more justice however to the truth, and to our cause, in regard to the use of the word Penance, the rendering of which I may say is the most objected to. The only impression on the mind of a Protestant as to the meaning of this word is that it expresses external religious performances or austerities, and no more. Now this is not the only nor the chief view which the Catholics think of it. In a note of the Rhemes version on Matthew 3.2, it is stated that the expression do penance "does not only signify repentance, and amendment of life, but also punishing past sins by fasting, and suchlike penitential exercises." This sentence in which the Catholics understand the words that have been so much blamed ought to be better known. Nor do the Catholic scruples to interchange, as I may say, the expression do penance with our word repent, as you may see by comparing, in the Rhemes Testament, Matthew 4.17 in Mark 1.15. These passages of parallel, and in this Catholic version the former is rendered do penance and the other repent. Further, the Catholics have not scrupled to throw away the word penance altogether, and to take the words repent and repentance in its stead all through the New Testament, as may be seen in the first number of the Irish National School Lessons from the New Testament on page 14. Let's have, by all means, truth, justice, fairness, and honesty, come what will. Pray who is your J.H.? If what I have said about penance is worth anything, you might show it to him.

In the matter of the above paragraph, you see how fully I side with you. When occasion offers I stand up in your defence all through regarding this thing, and endeavoured to justify your ways. There are some other points to, of days of yore, that come now and then before me, in which I am called to plead on your side, and I try to do the best I can to destroy the misconceptions and prejudices that exist in the minds of some against your Grand Institution. But, will you bear with me, if I tell you, by I am not able to defend you on all the scores brought against you. On one point I join and most readily, with your enemies and slanderers. Not to keep you in suspense: it is on the absence of prayer at your Public and Committee meetings. When speaking about you in this case when you are blamed in it, as you are by some of your best friends, I offer in your defense the various circumstances that conduced to your general understanding and practice on the point at the commencement of the Society. Still however I add against you, that it was wrong to enter into this understanding, and that it is doubly wrong to continue in it. Now however at all events I think the time is fully come when you may and should change your practice. I believe that Dissenters generally would concord with Churchmen in the matter, and Churchmen with Dissenters. The fact of public prayer being practiced in so many of your Auxiliaries at once opens the way, and removes the difficulty. The fact also of the Tract Society is constantly practising what is here indicated, is a strong argument, as that Society is founded on, and is conducted on, principal similar to your own, and this Society has never experienced any difficulty or inconvenience in this holy practice, so commendable in the sight of God and of man. It is certainly a great blot on the face of the Bible Society this want of public prayer at their meetings, or rather, the blot lies alone were chiefly on the Parent Institution, for many, I believe most, of the children do better than the parent in this case. – This subject being on my mind when writing to Mr. Hyde some months ago, I inquired of him what was the practice of the American Bible Society in this matter of public prayer at the general and committee meetings. His answer you shall have verbatim, and I beg you will way it well as it ought to be. He says: – "You are aware that the British and Foreign Bible Society is our great exemplar. Because they thought it inexpedient to commence their meetings with prayer, our board thought so too. In this respect your noble Society perhaps has much to answer for. In my opinion it is all wrong; and the sooner the Society in England reforms in this respect, the sooner shall we here. Our Auxiliaries generally open their meetings with prayer." – I would not weaken these well expressed sentiments by lengthening my observations on the subject. Nor will I put this paragraph in brackets. I wish, and my petition to yourself, and to each one, and all of the Committee, is that this subject should be taken into immediate and full consideration; and if this is the case, I have no doubt of the result you will come to. I conclude then by humbly and earnestly supplicating you forth with to appoint a sub-committee to consider this matter most seriously as its importance demands. There are, I know, some in New York and elsewhere also, who are weekly praying against you in this matter, and for you. May the Lord direct you to the proper acknowledgment of his name in your great and blessed work.

                        Believe me, Ever Truly Yours,

                                                James Thomson.

Rev A Brandram - No 96

Halifax, Nova Scotia, 12th August 1840.

My Dear Friend,

On the eve of setting out on another tour, I write you a few lines, and leave my letter to go with the first steamer on the 3rd September.

You know that the period of two years assigned for the completion of these British American Provinces is now near an end. The burthen of this letter therefore is, – What am I to do? Am I to continue in them for another season? Or am I to return to England towards the close of this year? Or, what ought I to do?

Having made these inquiries, allow me humbly to state what has been passing through my own mind up on the matter. I have thought that if the Society would allow me to lie by in the ensuing winter for four months to attend to some little business of my own, and then in the months succeeding to commence my visitations, I should be able to get pretty well through the whole by the fall season of the year. This plan I submit to you with all respect and deference, and beg you to give me your verdict and decision upon it. The four months leave will be at my own cost, by a deduction of salary of the time. – Probably this letter will reach you about the middle of September; and if it were not to hurry you too much, I should feel glad you would write me as to what I should do by the mail of the 3rd October.

I lately received a letter from Mr. Poinsett, Secretary of War, Washington, stating that my petition for leave to pass Bibles and Testaments through the States duty-free to Canada might likely not be attended to during the present session of Congress. At the same time I had communications from Montreal to say that the Governor General had refused to remit duties on Bibles as former Governors had done. These circumstances combined have induced me to write to Messrs. Goodline & Co. to ship for London the French Testaments in their hands. They will write Mr. Jackson when they send them.

At our meeting of the Bible Society and Liverpool on ... ultimo the sum of £28:10:0 was put into my hands to remit to you, being the windings .... in Auxiliary on their commencing as a Branch of the Nova Scotia Bible Society. It is somewhat difficult to send a bill for this sum, and the easiest way therefore will be to charge it to my Private Account. Please to communicate this to Mr. Hitchin. At 13½ premium on our par (it is 109 for 100,) which is the market rate, this sum will be £22:11:11 sterling. I should like, for particular reasons, that this amount with inserted in your books into two items, thus: –

-- the Liverpool Bible Society, Nova Scotia,              £12:13:9

--                ditto                     by Mr. Barry                    9:18:2.

Our friends in Liverpool were ashamed of having done less for you, and the more so because you have liberally supplied them usually with reports etc. As a sort of acknowledgement for the Reports Mr. Barry collected this sum of £9:18:2 from those who received them.

            I remain, Truly Yours,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell

Mr John Jackson

Montreal 19th February 1841

My Dear Sir,

Your lot of Invoices reached me here on the 20th December, accompanied by your own note, short and kind as usual. In looking over the Invoices I observe that that of the Books for the Abbé Sigogne says 20 Bibles and two French and English Testaments, whilst the main thing is wanting, namely, 100 De Sacy's Testaments. I am inclined to think that this is an oversight merely in writing out the Invoice and not in making up the case and sending it. I should be very sorry if the main part, the 100 New Testaments, have been forgotten. Write me about this.

I have another request to make. In August last when in the district of Pictou, I met with the Scotch Minister of the name of Stewart who had formerly been master of the school attached to Dr. Andrew Thomson's church. He has a story about a case of French Bibles, with the Apocrypha in them, being found among the cargo of a vessel which was wrecked, I think in 1832 or 4, and which Bibles, it was alleged, had been sent out of your depot about that time, and of course after the anti-Apocrypha resolution of 1826,7, and hence you here in broke your rules openly. This W.S. had from hearing Dr. Thomson state it publicly in Edinburgh. Be so good as inform me particularly what this matter was, for I do not recollect hearing anything of it before. I had a summary answer to it, but I want a more specific one, especially in view of returning to that place in April ensuing.

There is another matter also I wish to inquire about, and as bearing on a person in place adjacent to the one above named. In St. Ann's Cape Breton there is a Mr. McLeod, the Minister of the Scotch Church, who also has some old scores against the Earl Street body. One of these is their having "imposed on the public by false Reports under the mask of judicious faithful services." Some years ago I read Mr. Wilkes's statements, but forget whether he meets this case, or not, or how. If he does not, please to let me have the cream of this matter, as I intend to see Mr. McLeod early in the ensuing summer.

On arriving here in the end of November last, I found a parcel containing Annual Reports of our and some of your London Societies, and with them some Bible Society Pamphlets. The latter I have read over carefully, and find them of considerable consequence. The two on the Baptist case are much required in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and may be of much use to me in moving through these parts next summer. Please then to send me if you have them 100 copies of "The Bible Translation Society of the Baptists shown to be uncalled for and injurious, by a Baptist." Also 100 of Dr. Henderson's letter to Mr. Brandram.[1] I should like also to have say 10 or 20 copies of "Statements presented to Judge Erskine," and as many of Mr. Wilkes's "Letters to Bishop Burgess" published, I think, in 1832. 10 or 20 of "Remarks on a Pamphlet, by T.H." will likewise be acceptable. Pray who is T.H.?

Another request. Would you have the goodness to lay by for me one copy of every Bible Society Pamphlet already published, so far as you can obtain them, and keep one for me of each that may be published? These I do not wish you to send, but to keep for me till some convenient time when I made bind them together in volumes.

These Pamphlets, with a few copies of your last year's Annual Report, say 20, with any parcels that may be lying in Earl Street for me, and one that Mr. Nisbet, Berner's Street, will send you, have the goodness to put into a case together, and send them by the first vessel for Pictou, addressed to the care of our friend Mr. Dawson there. Should Mr. Nisbet not send the parcel, please inquire after it. – Put in also a few copies of the last years Abstract, the Brief View, and the Anniversary Speeches.

Excuse another request, and the last, at least in this letter. I saw an advertisement some time ago of "Palmer & Co. of Sutton Street, Clerkenwell," mentioning a "Patent Candle Lamp, with 2, 3, or 4 burners, at10½ d. or 11d. the lb." Be so good as purchase for me, of these candles, 4lb with two burners, 3lb with 3, and 2lb with 4 burners. These you will be so good as put into the same case, and very carefully packed up so as not to receive any injury by the way, Mr. Hitchin will give you for me the sum required.

Your kind attention to the various items of this note, will, My Dear Sir, very much oblige.

            Yours Very Truly,

                        James Thomson.

P.S. Address to me by mail to Halifax, and so till further notice.

[1] Note (BM)--the letter dealt with the meaning of the Greek word for baptism.


Rev A Brandram - No 99

Montreal 20th February 1841

My Dear Friend,

I begin this letter mournfully. We have recently heard from Jamaica, and have learned that our fellow labourer Mr. Wheeler is no more, that he died at Buff Bay on the North side of the island on the 30th November. This notice came upon me like a shock, and I have grieved much on his account. Alas! for my brother! taken away in the midst of his services, and towards the approval of  which he look forward to with hope and anxiety! He told me, in reference to his family that he left behind, but after he had laboured, say seven years, in the West Indies, you would allow him to go home perhaps employ him in England, where he would be with or near his family. But, at the close of Five years he is taken away, and his earthly hope is perished. He has however, I believe, realized a better hope, even the blessed hope of the Gospel of Christ, and he has now, I trust, entered into the heavenly rest where there is no travelling, no anxiety, no care, no trouble; but joy only, the joy of the Lord. – He was a diligent and faithful servant of the Bible Society.

The death of our Brother Wheeler has forcibly turned my thoughts back to the West Indies, in which the Lord mercifully preserved me, and my dear wife, for a period of seven years. We feel a fresh sense of gratitude for our gracious protection in these climes of more than common danger, and desire to be awakened to a new and more powerful sense of our duties, that God our heavenly father may be glorified in us. Again the same subject draws me still farther, and to more distant countries, where I spent ten years, and wherein pursuing the same tract, our Brother Matthews fell, and not by the climate, but by the hand of the assassin, as we have too much reason to fear. – My Dear Brother, and all my dear Brethren, give thanks to God with me, and pray yet more earnestly for me, that I may serve the Lord humbly and faithfully, and wherever he may be pleased to send me.

Agreeably to the intimation in my last letter to you of the 3rd November I came on to this city through the United States, and arrived at the close of the month just named. I found on arriving that the quarter where I intended to visit had been gone over officially by one of the officers of the Montreal Society. My Bible business has in consequence been confined to miscellaneous matters as they have arisen from time to time instead of formal journey through a part of the country as I originally intended.

On the 27th ultimo the Montreal Bible society held its Anniversary Meeting. It was well attended, the speeches were all of the superior kind (my own excepted), and a very general gratification was experienced by all present: and interesting and gratifying as were former anniversaries, yet this the latest, not the last, was classed by all as superior to its predecessors. And this, I may say, is as it ought to be, for every additional year should witness in our Bible movements something new and in advance. So I trust it will in general be, and future years will unquestionably witness the greater things than any of us can now anticipate, however sanguine may be our hopes.

The meeting was held in one of the Scotch Church, and all the three Scotch ministers were present, and all officiated. One of them commenced the meeting by reading a portion of Scripture and prayer, and the other two delivered truly Biblical addresses which gave general satisfaction. This was a step in advance, for we never had had the three with us on any former occasion. Another visible step in advance at this Anniversary was the presence on our platform of two ministers of the Church of England. Other denominations among us were also represented, and the Catholicity of the Bible society was fully held forth. For further notices I send you a newspaper in which you will find an account of the meeting. The Annual Report will be soon ready, and will be duly forwarded to you. – Since the public meeting we have had a meeting of the Ladies' Committee, and I am happy to say, that there were more ladies present than on any former occasion; and arrangements were made to fill up all the districts with collectors, which had not been done before, from lack of a sufficient number of willing and able agents. All these things are encouraging, and blessed be God for the same; for of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things, to Whom be glory for ever, Amen.

Your letter of the 11th December was received on the 2nd instant. I observe what you say about the present difficulty, for it should seem that there must needs always be some difficulty present. Such things however, like all other afflictions, though not for the time joyous but grievous, will produce the fruits of righteousness in more ways than one, though of course we cannot well see the clearness beyond through the cloud that is present. Perhaps I may by next packet give you my own little views upon the Printing question now before you. In the meantime I pray, and more earnestly than common, that the Lord may direct you to what may be most agreeable to his will, and most for his glory.

I am glad to see by your letter how much cause you have to rejoice in many things in your great work. To God be the praise. May God prosper you a thousand fold, and that early. Oh the greatness of this work! Oh how slowly we move!

The particular reasons for my preferring Montreal to Halifax during the winter I did not mention to you in my last, neither did I then mention, or previously, the special object for which I had begged a furlough from you. When I wrote out my petition for the furlough I coupled it with the reasons that induced me to seek it. But on second thoughts I suppressed these, thinking it better not to involve the case, but simply to beg a few months leave from you for something of my own. I now state these reasons, and add something to them by way of bringing all connected with this before you at once.

During my wanderings, particularly in foreign countries, I have often seen cause for regretting that I had not a full knowledge of the subject of medicine, and I have therefore often had a desire, if ever an opportunity should offer, to make efforts to gain this object. In this city there is a good Medical College, and it is the only one in these Provinces. After much meditation and prayer, it appeared to me the opportunity I had often looked for was present. I therefore resolved to petition you for a furlough, which you kindly granted, and as a consequence I am now in this city, and my occupation is in medical studies.

In your letter of the 11th December now before me, you intimate your wish that I should prosecute my Bible tours in Nova Scotia and places adjacent until the whole has been visited. I shall therefore return to these parts as soon as the navigation opens, and shall arrange to finish the whole during the ensuing summer. – Summer being ended, and the Lord preserving me still in life and health, I could wish to return once more to this city, and to pass a succeeding winter also in medical studies. This would finish all I had to do in this way, for I formerly started some branches of this science many years ago, and have long kept in my library a few of the best medical works.

You say further in your letter above noticed, "And when that [the North American business] is done, the inquiry will arise, is the South open, and is our agent willing to turn his steps thitherward." You also add "We shall be glad of your own views upon the point." Whether the South will be open at the time referred to, or say at the close of the succeeding winter, will of course be a proper object for you to consider as the Bible Almoners of that and every portion of the world. As to the next question, Is your agent willing to go further, I would answer, and readily, in the affirmative.

Naturally enough, I should like to see you all in Earl Street for a short time before I should set out for Spanish America. But I make no conditions on this score, nor shall I consider it wrong in you to deny me. My request indicated above for leave to spend next winter here to complete my medical studies you will please to consider. And should I yet wander for you through Foreign lands the knowledge I should thus possess would probably be in your favour, and to the full amount of any previous disadvantage. But this I leave also in your hands unconditionally. May the Lord direct you to what is best in this case, and may he afford me direction through you. I would not hurry you for a reply bearing on these points, but the sooner I learn your views the better shall I be able to make my general and prospective arrangements.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Truly and Affectionately Yours,

                                                James Thomson.


P.S. Address to me at Halifax.

Rev A Brandram - No 104

St. John, New Brunswick, 12th June 1841

My Dear Friend,

By last packet your letter of the 18th came into my hands, and a few days earlier I received yours of the 19th April, returned from Montreal. The one dated the 15th of March was received in Montreal on the 24th April.

I find by your two last letters that you are waiting my answer to yours of the 15th March concerning the West Indies: whilst I on the other hand was waiting your notice of my items as contained in my letter of the 24th February.

The case stands thus. In your letter of the 20th December you inquired whether I was willing to go to Spanish America. I said, yes. Before my letter with this reached you, you mentioned propositions about the West Indies, without referring to the previous proposition you had made, the answer to which was on the way. The letter that contained my answer, contained also some hints of some wishes I had of a private nature, and I thought I would wait till I should see what you would say to the whole of my letter of the 20th February, as respected South America and my private wishes. Now however that I see we are waiting for each other, I proceed immediately to treat on all that is pending between us.

Before however I commence, I would notice that the Resolution of the Committee respecting Mr. Howe and Mr. Lessel. The letter which contained Resolution was forwarded to the Parties by last mail the other day, and there is not yet time for a reply. For myself I thank you much, and all the Committee, for the kind manner in which you have attended to my suggestion. Something was due in the case, and you have done it, and gracefully.

In your letter of the 19th April you say, in reference to mine of the 20th February, "From that letter I learn that your thoughts are turned more decidedly to the South." I do not see how you gathered anything of a decision in preference from that letter, for there was only one object before me, and the whole of what I said on it was as follows: – "As to the question, Is your agent willing to go to South America, I would answer readily in the affirmative".

Now however there are two objects before me, and I think the Committee wishes me to express a decision in favour one of them. Since I wrote what I have quoted above in reply to your letter of the 11th of December 1840, I have often turned the subject of a visit to those distant countries in my mind, considering that the finger of God was directing me again to those quarters. In these late contemplations, as well as in some former ones, I have tried to see a field of Bible labours which might perhaps prove right and extensive. The field I referred to is as regards the native tongues. In Mexico there are almost half a dozen languages which are very extensively spoken, say by Three Millions of people; besides which there are from ten to fifteen other languages and dialects spoken perhaps by other Two Millions, making in all Five Millions. This alone is no mean object of attention, and would justify considerable effort on your part, if the door open, and whether it is fairly open or not can only be ascertained on the spot. I am inclined to think something could now be done to give the Scriptures to these Five Millions in their own tongue, if things were well managed. In Guatemala also the native languages are extensively spoken. The two great languages which chiefly prevail over the Western parts of the Southern Continent are the Peruvian and Araucanian.

In directing your efforts to these countries, it appears to me, you must chiefly look to work in the native languages; for probably the circulation of the Scriptures in Spanish would not be very extensive; although as respects the New Testament perhaps a good deal might be done, say in schools. And further, the system of colportage should be fully tried, and it may do much. In my letter No.70, of  the 24th of May 1838, you will see that I have treated on the subjects particularly, and I beg you would look over what I have their said.

Very recently and unexpectedly this object of the native tongues has come before me anew, and I may say, with fresh encouragement. On my late, and I may say in truth, unwilling visit to New York, in going down to that city from Albany in the steam boat I met with a gentleman a native of Yucatán, and just come from that place. He informed me that Yucatán had broken off from Mexico, and was independent. With the political merits and demerits of this act and change I have nothing to do, but its bearing on our concerns may perhaps be very favourable. The new Constitution they have just promulgated grants religious liberty to all foreigners, which hitherto has nowhere else been done in Spanish America except in Buenos Ayres: and my informant intimated to me that this step was a forerunner to general religious liberty in the country. Now no part of the Mexican territory is more interesting than Yucatán as respects what I have here considered as the main object of your present agency in those countries, I mean in regard to the native tongues. The whole of that Peninsula speaks one, called Maya. I had always considered its population to be about half a million, but this gentleman says there are 700,000 inhabitants in it. Here then is an important field to try in the work in question, and probably under the new state of things I have mentioned there would be considerable facility for obtaining not only a translation of a portion of the Scriptures, but for getting it into use also, and perhaps under the sanction and encouragement of the new government, for they will be anxious that their people should become intelligent and great, and I will tell them should I go there, and with all my conscience that the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures will raise these people, and higher than any other means could. – I may here add also, that the other subdivisions that seemed to be going on in Mexico will most likely be in our favour in like manner, and that both as respects the languages, and the general circulation of the Scriptures, for there will be a rivalry among the several little nations in the way of liberality, etc.

As to whether I should go to Spanish America or West Indies, I am inclined to think the indications of duty are in favour of the former, under all the circumstances of the two cases at the present period. I shall therefore consider that I am to be led back again to those countries by the hand of Providence in due time. These countries are already associated in my mind with many strong impressions; and why should I hesitate to return to them after all the mercies I experienced there during ten years, and in the midst of many difficulties and dangers.

Having made this statement of my views I would beg leave to the refer you to my letter of the 20th February, and particularly to my special request for leave to spend the ensuing winter season in Montreal, in order to pursue the objects of study there mentioned. Please therefore to read those parts of that letter I here referred to when this is read.

This finishes all I have to say in regard to myself, and I shall now proceed, agreeably to your request, to say something about the West India Agency generally. You will probably recollect my having written you pretty fully upon the subject, I think towards the end of 1834, or beginning of 1835. Be so good as look up that letter, as it contains, I believe, the same views I now hold in regard to this matter. I then recommended two Agencies for the West Indies, and the reasons for this arrangement are not lessened by occurring and intervening circumstances, civil or biblical, but increased. One at all events certainly you ought to have, and the West Indies ought to be the post of a continued agency, not a casual one. Do you ask me whom, of those I know, should you send? I would reply, Is Mr. Bourne willing to go? He is a better West Indian than I.

I have thus treated on all the subjects in suspense, and I now look out with interest for your notices of the whole in reply, praying earnestly that God may guide you to what is right, and to the best in all that is before us.

You noticed in your No.10, that you might have to open a subscription for Mrs. Wheeler, but in No.11 and 12 you say nothing further of it. If you should make a subscription for her, as I suppose is most likely, put me down for Ten Pounds.

May the Lord prosper you, My Dear Friend, in all your affairs public and private: and please ever to believe me,

                        Affectionately Yours,

                                                James Thomson.
