6 Red Lion Square

Monday morning, 18th July 1853

My Dear Friend,

            As we may have a little conversation today in Committee about Spain when Mr. Brunet's letter is read, I wish to make the following communication, if you should wish to bring it forward at some time, but leave it with you to decline it if you feel so disposed.

            It was my intention on returning from Spain to come by way of the North, and to stay a short time that place where Spain borders on France. The River Bodasóa divides the two countries and on each side of the River there is a town. Now it appeared to me very desirable to have some arrangement on the French side for the sale of Scriptures in Spanish, as they might in this manner find their way extensively into Spain. Upon the subject I wrote to the Society at length some time before I left Spain.

            My return by way of the South instead of the North, hindered the carrying the above purpose into effect.

            I would now propose therefore, and in connection with our Jubilee operations, that the plan above noticed should be carried into effect. For this purpose I am willing, if you are so inclined, to visit the quarter mentioned and to arrange the plan indicated.

            I am induced the more to make this proposition now on account of having had a letter last week from the Spanish gentleman who favoured me with 29 letters of introduction for my journeyings in Spain. He is now in that quarter, and has given me a very cordial invitation to spend a few weeks with him.

            Mr. Greene, one of our warm English coadjutors is also in that quarter. Him also I should like to see, and also Mr. Brunet.

            The quarter in question is where the Basque language is spoken, and I could wish much to get into circulation there the two portions of the Scriptures we have in their tongue.

            I should like to start in the beginning of August, and the visit might occupy three months.

                        Yours  Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

Rev. George Browne

AuthorBill Mitchell

Rev. George Browne

6 Red Lion Square

9th August 1853

My Dear Friend,

            Since writing you yesterday I have received the enclosed letter. I suppose you had better insert the sum received as "For sale of the Scriptures in the North of Spain", without putting Mr. Brunet's name.

            Mr Brunet is an excellent Christian man, but being connected with a large establishment he is fearful of compromising the same in any way on the subject of religion. Another person there, not so connected, and not so timid, could do much more there than he has done for the circulation of the Scriptures, and to see about some arrangement for this end was one of my reasons for visiting that quarter as proposed, but which is now left till some future opportunity to consider the plan.

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

AuthorBill Mitchell