Rev A Brandram

London, 11th May 1846

My Dear Friend,

            Since my return from my late tour in Buckinghamshire, I have been given to understand, that it is customary to write out some notices as to the state of things observed during Bible Society visitations. I proceed therefore to give some account of the visit I have lately made to the county above mentioned.

            This course of visitations occupied a fortnight, and the places visited were as follows:‒ Aylesbury, Stone, Haddenham, Brill, Marsh Gibbon, Wendover, Whitchurch, Waddesdon, and Chesham.

            In Aylesbury on Sunday evening the 19th ultimo, a sermon was preached in the Independent Chapel, but no collection was made, as it was not found convenient to do so. On the evening of Monday the Aylesbury Bible Society Anniversary was held, in the County Hall, when there were present about 300 persons, which, I was told, was double the number that assembled at the anniversary a year ago. There were five clergyman present, and two Dissenting Ministers, of the Independent and Wesleyan denominations. We had likewise with us of Mr. François, a Frenchman, as his name indicates more ways than one. He was not long ago a Roman Catholic Priest, and is now about to take orders in the Church of England. One of the clergyman noticed is Rev. Mr. Campbell incumbent of Aylesbury, with whom I became acquainted in New Brunswick, and where we travelled and spoke together in Bible Society visitations. Mr. Campbell is a warm friend of the Bible Society, and since his settlement in Aylesbury has taken a lively interest in the Society there, and I would look to him as likely to be the means in the hand of God of reviving the cause of our Society in Aylesbury, where it is at present low. This lowness is the more to be regretted, as great fervour was felt there, and in the neighbourhood and great sums were raised for the circulation of the Scriptures many years ago when the Auxiliary was first formed. Mr. Campbell read some extracts from an early Aylesbury BS report, together with a private letter describing a public meeting at the time referred to. These showed a noble state of things, and led us to see the very sad falling off that had taken place. I trust that the regret produced will have reanimation as a consequent. Resolutions were formed at this meeting for renewed examinations in the town of Aylesbury, and for forming Associations in several villages in the neighbourhood. The Free Contributions have increased in the year.

Our second meeting was in Stone, and was held in the National School Room, which was well filled, and might contain 150 persons. The Rev. Mr. Reade the Vicar was present, and also the Rev. Mr. Gates and the Rev. Mr. Bestall, the Independent and Wesleyan ministers from Aylesbury, and Mr. François before mentioned. This Association is in a good condition, and the collection made was about double that of the preceding year. The Vicar and Mrs. Reade are the main supporters of this Association. The Free Contributions are increasing.

The meeting at Haddenham, a large village containing about 1600 inhabitants followed next in order. Here we met in the Baptist Chapel, and have an assemblage of about 400. Mr. Tyler the Minister of the Chapel was in the chair, who is a warm friend of the Society. The circulation of the Scriptures is increasing considerably in this place, it having nearly doubled during last year. It would have increased still more, but for the difficulty felt in obtaining Books from Thame with which this Association is connected. Direct supplies from Earl Street, or some better arrangement than Thame, would advance this Association.

Meeting at Brill was held in the National School Room, where there were about 150 present the Rev. Mr. Baron the Rector was in the chair, who warmly favours the Society. We had also with us the Rev. Mr. Owen, Wesleyan Minister from Thame, and the Rev. Mr. Doxey, Independent Minister from the same place. Also the Rev. Mr. Young, Independent from Marsh Gibbon, and the Rev. Mr. Howell, Independent of Brill. This last mentioned gentleman was a missionary in Jamaica, whom I met with and had his help in our Bible cause. He takes a most active part in the Brill Association, of which he is Secretary.  The Free subscriptions here are rather on the increase. The circulation of the Scriptures last year was 452 volumes, and from the commencement 1694. The annual meeting this year was more numerously attended than last year. The Rev. Mr. Tyndall, incumbent of the neighbouring parish of  Holton, would have been with us, but for the state of his health and of the weather. He is warmly attached to our Society, and a letter was received from him to that effect by the Rev. Mr. Baron. We regretted Mr. Tyndall's absence, and not least from the consideration that he is a lineal descendent of the honoured translator of the same name.

Marsh Gibbon is a sub-association of Brill, which is connected with the Aylesbury Auxiliary. Our meeting here was good. We had with us the Rev. Messrs. Howell, Doxey and Young before mentioned, and the Rev. Mr. Ferguson Independent Minister from Thame.

In Wendover two sermons were preached on Sunday the 26th one in the Independent Chapel, and the other in the National School Room, where the Rector usually officiates on the Sunday evenings. No collection was made at either of these meetings, the parties considering that what might be collected there would most probably go into the plates and the Bible Meeting the following day.

On the Monday evening the Anniversary was held in the National School Room above named. The place was well filled, and there might be full 250 present. The Rector, the Rev. Mr. Thornton, a warm friend of the Society, was in the chair, and his Curate also was with us. We had likewise the Rev. Mr. Holmes the Independent Minister, and the Rev. Mr. Horsefield, the Minister of the Baptist Chapel of the place. At this meeting, and also others previously held, a desire was manifested to have a Colporteur employed for the County generally, and probably some measure of this kind may before long be adopted, and it is believed by all concerned that great benefit would follow.

The Free Contributions from Wendover base here are £11:15:6½, including 2/7 from a sub-association at Ellesboro'. This is an increase on last year of £3:1:4. The Purchase Account this year is £27:12:1½, including £6:11:6 from Ellesboro'. The increase of this account over last year is £2:3:11.

The books sold during the year amount to 334 volumes, which is nearly double the number disposed of in the preceding year. The number issued from the commencement of the Association in 1837 is 1135.

The Whitchurch meeting was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, and was attended by about 130 persons. The Rev. Mr. Whittington and the Rev. Mr. Bestall, Wesleyan ministers from Aylesbury, and the Rev. Mr. Gates from the same place were present. Mr. Durley, the most active person connected with this Association, was absent, which hindered the collection of the due information concerning its operations.

Waddesdon Meeting followed, and was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, the assemblage being about 150. The Rev. Mr. Bestall from Aylesbury attended. About 1000 copies of the Scriptures house in all been circulated by this Association.

A meeting was projected for Great Missenden on the following day, but obstacles were in the way which hindered its verification. The Depot there is found very serviceable.

Our last meeting was held at Chesham where we had in the chair the Honourable and Rev. Lord Wriothesley Russell, he takes a lively interest in our cause, and is anxious to have an Association formed in Chenies, and neighbouring parish, of which he is Rector. The meeting was in the National School Room, which was well filled, and probably contained 250. The Rev. Mr. Blackman, Incumbent in Chesham was with us, and the Rev. Mr. Stallibrass, Independent Minister, who was born in Siberia, and is one of the sons of the Missionary of that name was whom you are acquainted. We had also present three Baptist ministers, the Rev. Messrs. Tomline, Payne, and Ayrton.

The Free Contributions here are on the increase, the sum this year is £27:0:11½. The issues also are increasing, and considerably.

From a review of the Meetings and Societies in question, forming the Central District of Bucks., it is pleasing to observe that there is in most places, and increase this year over last in the Free Contributions to our Parent Society for the benefit of the world at large. Also it is gratifying to observe, that generally the issues of the Scriptures are on the increase; and where this is otherwise, the reason assigned is, that the quarters have been well supplied by previous issues. The meetings have been better attended this year than last, and the difference has been considerable, as I have been informed by those who witnessed meetings of both years. – All the meetings were commenced with prayer, the parties seeming specially to desire that it should be so.

The last observation to be made respecting this tour is, that the Visitor has been very kindly entertained by our Bible friends and has been conveyed from place to place, in most cases, free of expense.

                        I remain, My Dear Friend,

                                    Yours Very Truly,

                                                James Thomson.


Rev A Brandram

London 6th July 1846

My Dear Friend,

            Just returned, say from a Five Weeks Tour in Lincolnshire, I sit down to give you a slight sketch of our affairs in that quarter as far as came under my notice during this visitation.

The places visited embrace, I may say, the whole extent of the county, though not all of our societies there were included, as several of them hold their meetings at a different time of year, and have a deputation from Earl Street accordingly so as to meet their arrangements. It did occurred to me whether it would not be better to have all our meetings in a given county at the same. This would afford several advantages, but there may be counterbalancing circumstances to hinder this plan from being acted upon, which I, being so much of a foreigner, am not able to judge of. Here also I might mention, that in some places it was hinted to me, that the busy long day summer time was not the best for their public meetings, and that another season would suit them better. This suggestion is worthy of being considered. But I would further observe, that in all cases where there are meetings during the long days, I think they should never be fixed for commencement at an earlier evening hour than Seven. The word precisely should also be printed in the advertisements, and should be carefully remembered by the parties conducting the meetings, so that the commencement should actually take place as advertised, for it is a breach of morals to say one thing and do another. I am aware that people are slow in coming in at the hour mentioned. But why are they so? Because they know that the hour does not mean the hour, but half an hour, more or less, later, and so they accommodate themselves rather to the sense and the practice than to the sound. The error here is not in the people, but in the leaders of the people.

Our meetings in regard to the numbers assembled at them, were, I should say, good, that is fair according to what we expect at such meetings. But good admits of comparisons, and I should much like to see all our Bible meetings better attended than they are. The thought has struck me more than once at these meetings, and I have ventured to embody it at some of them, that the words of our Lord might be instructively applied which we find in Luke xvii.17, "Were there not Ten cleansed? But where are the Nine?" Largely, in this country, we have all partaken directly and indirectly, of the blessings arising from the Bible among us. Yet not a tenth, nay not even a  hundredth part, come to present themselves before the Lord at the Bible meeting, to testify by their presence, as to the Priest of old, how much they have been healed by the blessed word of God. O! I do hope to see this state of things changed among us! I hope to see at these Bible meetings a "congregation, both of men and women, and all children that can hear with understanding", come out, as in the days of Nehemiah, when the word of God is in question. The stating of these things reminds me of a noble speech made by one of the Wesleyan missionaries in Jamaica, at the meeting of a Parish Bible Society there. Observing certain classes deficient in attendance, he said, Why were not all the clergy there, and all the other Ministers of the Parish? Why were not all the Magistrates there? Why not others, and others there? And finally, why was not the whole Parish there? Now this last was a beautiful hyperbole, because, observe, there were of inhabitants in the Parish not less than 30,000. Had the Parish thus, in a body, or as many of them as could move from home, our hall of course would not have held them. But if our hall would not have held them all, the Hall in which Nehemiah's multitude met would have held them with a certainty, for "all the people gathered themselves together as one man into The Street that was before the Water Gate." And there too they remained "from morning until midday." Nor was this all, for there thus came en masse for seven days in succession. Neither was this all, for we find standing by Ezra, one his Right hand and on his Left, on the Platform made for him and them, all the great men among the people, to testify by their presence and their influence, how much concern they felt about the word of God. I do then long to see a great multitude of our middle and lower classes come out to our Bible meetings, for greatly have both these classes benefited by the Bible; and I long to see also, and standing on an elevated place, those whom God has most elevated among us, and who have not least benefited by the Bible, though they may not know it. I long to see all classes among us, and in ample numbers come out and present themselves in public, when the occasion is that of Giving the Scriptures to all Mankind. God has blessed us in this nation with the Bible, and not for our own good only, but also, that we might be his instruments and putting the same Blessed Writings into the hands of all nations, and he has enabled us to do so by the extensive communications we have with all the world. The Mites of the Many, and the Talents of the Few, as well as the personal presence of the parties, ought to be forthcoming among us for this holy end. You may think this a rhapsody. If such, forgive it. But who would not be rhapsodical on the subject of the march of the Bible over the world? This is better yet than "the March of the intellect," and it is too in full accordance with it.

The number of meetings held was 22, and the aggregate whole of the attendance, as near as I could judge by a sort of attempt to count heads at each meeting, with 2,480. This gives an average of 112th for each meeting! How are our numbers to be increased at these meetings, and thus the interest in our great cause exhibited visibly? There are various ways of contributing to this desirable object, but one I would suggest, and it would, I am sure, go a great way. Let all Ministers of the Gospel friendly to us, clergyman and dissenters, not merely announce our meetings pro forma, but also I urge upon their people the duty of attending there, and let them be careful also of being always present at the meetings themselves, for failing this, the people will follow their practice rather than their precept.

The collections made at all these meetings amounted to £110:15:3¼, which divided by 22 gives £5:0:8¼ for each, and this again divided by 112, the average attendance at each, gives 10¾ pence for every individual present. You are better acquainted with England than I am, and I leave you to judge how far this is fair, short, or an increase, as to England's average. It would be worthwhile, I think, to have such statements made out in all our counties, that we might compare them together, and stimulate perhaps the slow by the quick. – Our largest collection was in Louth, and it was more than double the amount obtained in any other case, though the attendance was as good at six other places.

In regard to the issues of the Scriptures in these 22 places, I find that it is stationary at Four, increasing in Twelve, and decreasing in Six. We thus see that that is an increase in more than the half of the places, a strong indication this, that our home wants are not yet supplied. As to the parts marked stationary and decreasing, it is, I think questionable as to most of them how far this is owing to a full supply having already taken place. It is always desirable to make a new canvass, that we may be well assured, that the Bible is not wanting in any place where it ought to be. In two of the places mentioned as being on the increase in that issues, they deserve to be marked as having greatly increased last year. These are Lincoln and Brigg, and more particularly the former. This considerable increase in Lincoln has been owing to the very recent opening of a shop for sales in a convenient part of the city, always open and easily accessible to all. It is owing also to their sending a man to keep a stand in a public place and to sell books every market day. This plan has proved very encouraging. The following of this example is worthy the attention of all other societies. In Lincoln they could have sold 1,000 copies at least more than they have done. But from the well-known pressure of our Bible manufactories the books could not be obtained, though repeatedly solicited.

The Issues regard our Home operations, our Free contributions bear upon our foreign distributions, and wholly supply the means for them, baiting a portion of our legacies and donations. Of the 22 societies visited, Ten (nearly the half) are on the increase in their Free remittances, Seven are stationary, and Five decreasing.

The number of Ministers of the Bible present at all our meetings taken together, was 73. Of this number there were 40 clergyman of the Church of England, 18 Wesleyans, 10 Independents, and 5 Baptists. You will perceive that the number of clergymen exceeds all the other denominations put together. This is befitting for more reasons than one. I have often thought, and have said so both publicly and privately, that no denomination of Christians should more favour the Bible Society than the Church of England: and first, because of the manner in which the standards of the church set forth the all sufficiency of Scripture, and secondly, because the Church of England, more than any other church whatever, honours God by the public reading of the holy Scriptures without note or comment.

The number of Ministers present at all these meetings was considerably short of the whole number resident in those quarters. As to those Ministers, (if that is their proper designation,) who do not believe in the all-perfection of the Scriptures, and think it unsafe to send the Sacred Book forth, unless Man forsooth accompany, to eke out God, these may well be excused for not attending our Bible meetings, though not excused certainly for believing as they do. But those Ministers who might designate Bible Ministers ought all to be present at the Bible meetings in their respective places, and no engagement of any sort, in the way of ordinary duty, should be allowed to interfere with this attendance for one evening in a whole year.

There is a Religious Body in that quarter, I do not name it, and whose churches and Ministers are not a few: but not one of these Ministers had we at any of our meetings, though we had of their people a good many. I believe all this body is favourable to us. Their Ministers are much engaged in preaching from place to place: but why should they not see, that it is of more consequence, both to their own people and to the world, to give up a single preaching night, for a Bible Society meeting, once a year? I trust they will soon so see it.

In one place, a small village called Welby, our Bible meeting was preceded by a Tea Party. This turned out very favourably, both as to the bringing out a congregation, and as to the funds. The Ladies of the place made a donation of the tea, the sugar, the cream, and the bread, the butter, and the buns, so that all that came in for tickets sold, came in and also direct and undiminished into our Bible fund. Thus we obtained the sum of £5:0:0, which but for the Tea Party we should have been without. The adoption of this plan elsewhere is at least worthy of consideration.

I would here also observe, that in a certain place of full medium-size, one of our Bible Ladies have signified her intention and full purpose, along with others, to get up a Bazaar for our Bible cause for next year. I will not now say what town this is, or who the Lady is, lest peradventure some mishap or forget should interpose to prevent the realization of this silver, if not golden dream before us, and so the town, and the Lady, and the writer should all be made to look blank, from a blank coming out instead of a prize.

I could wish to do all honour to all our Bible ministers who came out to our meetings, by giving you all their names, and recording their worthy sayings and deeds. This would take too much space, and cannot therefore be done. Nevertheless that is one name I must give you, and no one will envy his being signalized. It is that of the Rector of Wainfleet, the Rev. R Cholmley. This worthy Bible man met us first at Boston, where he presided at our meeting. He was present also and presided, that Spilsby, Burgh, Wainfleet, and Alford, a whole week's meetings in succession. Now this is what I call showing an interest in the Bible cause. In Mr. Cholmley's own parish, Wainfleet, we met in the Parish Church, and were aided by the curate as well as the Rector, and by a Baptist minister, and we had a cheering meeting. Oh! When shall we have such a sight in all parishes? We should have it: when shall we?

I now remark, that most of our meetings were begun by Prayer, which seemed fully to be entered into by all our several bodies.

Your Deputation met with much hospitality in his course, and many helps in his movements.

            I remain, My Dear Friend,

                        Yours Very Truly,

                                    James Thomson.

P.S. This letter should have been earlier put into your hands, but my time was very much pressed upon, and I could not bring it so early as I wished to a close.